


fandom fun, sexy stories, and whatever tickles my fancy

God I miss the days when you could show up to a stranger’s farm and he’d say “What’s your name, boy?” and you’d take off your hat and hold it to your chest to better let him see your face and reply “Why I ain’t got none, sir, on account of my mammy passed on before she could give me one” and he’d tell you he’s real damn sorry to hear that and ask what he can do you for and you’d tell him that you can’t read nor even write neither but you’re mighty good with horses and can mend them fallen fence posts what you saw on your way in and won’t ask for nothing much more than a hot meal and a warm barn to sleep in and he’d keep his wife and daughters inside but send his boy who ain’t got married yet even though his mama tells him he needs a woman out with a lantern and some stew at night and the two of you’d get to talkin and he’d throw you his flask to take a swig from and watch you drinkin from it while he leant against the door frame and when he finally got called back on up to the house again he’d take a sip from it too real slow-like like it weren’t the whiskey what he were tryna savour


Spellcasters hate this fact but if you just stick your fingers in their mouth while they're casting a spell with a verbal component it's literally more effective than a counter spell.

This also works with pinning their hands against the wall when they're trying to use somnatic components.

Basically if you make out sloppy style while pressed against a wall the spellcasters can't do anything


What bard wrote this?




Maybe it’s not Daddy issues, but you got some issues if you’ve willing put the mark of Cain on yourself!

What other people put on their body is generally no one else’s business, and they do not have “issues” for doing something that has meaning to them. Don’t reblig shit to sound condescending about people you don’t know, regardless of what personal meaning that symbol has to you. Let people be people jesus christ


What @redwing said

who cares about supernatural can we talk about the way his tits bounce


Date of origin: Apr 4, 2021


Hey tumblr???? Hey fucking tumblr?????




i am posting once again to remind you that ads with this icon in the top left are from Google Adsense and they use your google history/cookies to customize ads based on what you consume online

next time you go to post some weird fucked up ad on tumblr and you see this icon in it, you may be sharing something you don't others to know about your browsing history


tumblr when ur at home: heres some nature pics. heres this cat.

tumblr when you open it in public: H3RES MY LONG AWAITED CLIT REVEAL!! . HERES THIS GUYS ASS.

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