
SouthSide Serpent


Here to read Imagines and FanFics. And the odd posting on TWD, Impractical Jokers and Riverdale

#jughead #riverdale #southside #serpent #rivervixen #colesprouse


Home ( A Riverdale Imagine Series) Part 2


Y/N was on her way back home, to Riverdale, the dark small town where she was born. To say she was nervous would not be enough. She was scared. Terrified even. She knew luckily that it was a 10-hour drive there. To help with the nerves she decides to pop in a mix tape her old friend had made for her years back of their favorite songs. As the first song starts she sighs and leans her back against the seat as she finger drums the steering wheel.

Six hours into the drive and Y/N was jamming along to the music. “So I wanna say thank you cause. It makes me that much stronger, makes me a work a little bit harder, it makes me that much wiser. So thanks for making me a fighter!” Y/N screams along as the song plays. She knew once the truck drove into the town everything would change so she decided to enjoy the few hours left until then.


Y/N was six years old running around with Jughead Jones outside while their dads worked on their bikes. “They’re so cute together, I hope they stay this close as they grow up.” FP said as he watched Jughead chase you with a worm. Tall Boy looked up and laughed as Jug threw the worm on you. “Not if Jug continues to throw worms at her, She hates that.” Tall Boy said as you threw a fit, screaming, and thrashing around trying to get the worm off of you.

“Juggy! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!” You screamed as you jumped around trying to find the worm on you. Jughead was bent over laughing so hard that he was turning red. “I - I - I can’t.” Jughead said out of breath. “Ugh you’re so mean!” You said stomping off towards your dad and Uncle FP.

You had a devious thought come into your mind as you pinch your arm very hard, hard enough to instantly bruise as you walk over to Uncle FP. You turn on the fake tears and start crying. “Uncle FP, Jughead hu-hu-hurt me.” You say in between fake sobs holding out your now self bruised arm. FP looks at your arm and then over at Tall Boy before snapping his head towards his son, Jughead. “ FORSYTHE PENDLETON JONES THE THIRD!!”  FP yells. Jughead jumps and instantly comes running to his dad. “Yes, dad?” Jughead says not yet aware that he was in trouble. “How dare you hurt Y/N!! Much less lay a hand to physically hurt any woman who hasn’t done so to you first!” FP softly yells before taking a sip of his beer. “I-I-I didn’t hurt her dad, I would never hurt her!” Jughead says getting defensive scared of what his father may do. Meanwhile you smile softly to yourself looking down at the ground. Little did you know your dad knew exactly then as he saw you smile what truly happened. “ FP, don’t be to hard on him. I’m sure it was an accident.” Tall Boy said as FP was about to yell at Jughead for lying. “Very well. Jughead for the rest of today you are to do whatever Y/N wants to do. And no throwing worms on her while doing it. Understand?” FP said to Jug calmly. “Yes, Sir.” Jughead responds with a grown knowing Y/N is going to make today a living hell.

End Of Flashback


Y/N smiled to herself as she remembers what that day ended with, him wearing a pretty pink princess dress up dress while kissing a frog. She remembered what followed that night when she got home with her dad. She remembers the yelling, their argument, all over getting Jughead in trouble. She laughs to herself, “Funny how someone could get mad over something so stupid.” she mumbles to herself.

Welcome To Riverdale! Read the sign as she passed it. “Well, there’s no turning back now.” She took a deep breath. “But there’s always time to turn into Pops Chocklit Shoppe for some fries and a shake” Y/N says as she turns into the somewhat busy parking lot of Pops.


I am in love with Forsythe Pendleton the Second.

And I’m not even ashamed.

I mean LOOK


At his FACE


And his stupid smile


How can you not love him?!

Don’t even get me started on his love for his son!

So yeah, I’m in love with FP Jones and I’m not ashamed.


I'm Back on Tumblr. Been so mega busy with Christmas and New year

PLEASE PLEASE keep me tagged in your stories. I am catching up. I still love them. ❤❤


Scott Wilson you GEM 💎💎💎 #UK #Wrexham #comic #con #thewalkingdead #twd


Look for the helpers.


Share the shit out of this. Share the ever-loving shit out of this.  The UK is facing a vote with a party that has been very vocal about fucking over the homeless.  Remind them why this policy is trash.    Raise a huge swell of sympathy.  Make it political suicide to go ahead with their plans.  

This guy was offered a house and a job. But went back to the streets through his own choice. X

Source: bit.ly

JDM is legend

Watched P.S. I love you for the very first time last night. And i love seeing the softer side of JDM! Then seeing him play Negan. What an incredible actor! He deserves an award!!!

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