

@larabristudies / larabristudies.tumblr.com

lara • entj • I track #larabristudies • BS Physical Therapy graduate • PTRP

general chemistry and strawberry smoothies //

I haven't studied general chemistry since high school, and since I'm living at home, if feels like I am in high school all over again

// listening to: "Your Eyes Tell" by BTS



ahh so exhausted and its only the third week of uni

(ó﹏ò。) this was from last year when everything was obviously much brighter


i love these colors it’s unreallll


submitted my chapters 1 through 4 today! i’m hoping to take the next few days off of thesis work and just enjoy the week while my boyfriend is on vacation.



Got hit with some weird illness for a few days so I basically did nothing this week! Gonna start reviewing some A level content in preparation for starting uni this month because I straight up don’t remember how to do basic maths (so I might have some non-Korean content soon too!). Also yes this is a cry for help. 


how i use google drive for university - pt 3. gmail & google calendar by kkaitstudies

please note: my university is partnered with google, so all of my digital correspondents operate like a personal gmail/gcal. this may not be the case for you or your university. this is how i kept my university inbox and calendar clean.

create email labels/sublabels 

creating labels to move these emails into is a LIFE SAVER. consider labels for the following categories: 
- general university emails - faculty and program-specific emails - student groups you’re a part of - internship correspondence  - general correspondence/conversations - each individual course you’re taking that semester

how to create labels, sublabels

1.   in the dropdown menu to the left, click “Create new label” 2.   name your label accordingly 3.   hover over the new label and click the 3 dots > select a new label colour 4.   move all emails pertaining to this category into the folder
tip: google automatically sorts labels alphabetically. if you want certain labels to stay at the top, insert a special character before writing such as an asterisk or period. when i wanted a label to show up at the bottom, i started the label with a “z” before typing the actual name. 

at the end of the semester

1.   in the dropdown menu to the left, click “Create new label” 2.   name your label according to the year or semester - ex. 1st Year Fall 3.   hover over the new label and click the 3 dots > select “Edit” 4.   check off “Nest label under” and choose the label from step 2. all email correspondents will still be in organized folders, but tucked away. 5.   select the label from step 2. hover over the new label and click the 3 dots > select “Hide” 

inputting classes into google calendar

1.   in google calendar, click “Create” to make a new event 2.   input the course code, location, and colour if you’d like 3.   change the date and time to the date of your first class. 4.   click “Does not repeat” and in the dropdown menu, select “Custom” 5.   select “Ends: On” and select the last date of that class. save all of your changes. this class will now show up in your calendar every week automatically until the end of your semester.

doing more with google calendar

there’s plenty that you can also add to your calendar! consider using the following:
- study room bookings - club/sports events - meetings with group members/profs - designated study time - meals/hangouts with friends

and that’s how i used google calendar and gmail! i hope y’all enjoyed this series and found it useful. let me know if there’s anything you’d like to know more about, and i will definitely try to make a post about it. good luck!

april 8, 2020 - this too shall pass

hello friends! long time no post. here are two spreads that i recently made, in which i wrote about my thoughts and experiences during this difficult time. we can still be productive, find little pockets of happiness, support each other, and spread positivity. be kind. be rational. help others. we can get through this together! 💕✨

studygram: gloomium

seems like just yesterday when i said goodbye to may, and yet here i am again, welcoming in july. very grateful for the time/capability to properly reflect & remember the months that pass 🌼

06.08.20 / i’ve been so busy lately with errands it feels so good to finally return to the usual today. russian notes ft. the plant corner in my study. hope your week has been fruitful so far. hang in there ♡


July 30, 2020: Beach or Swimming pool?

beach! 1000% beach! i got to go to the beach with my friends earlier this summer, and it was so much fun. i love the salty air and the warm sand and the sound of the waves. one of the best places to read.

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