
Over at @the-goose-ferret

@midnight-weblum-hunting / midnight-weblum-hunting.tumblr.com

I have no memory of this place | first main blog but moved to @the-goose-ferret | this blog is a sleep deprived disaster | my mobile blog? | fandoms: voltron, dragon prince, harry potter, percy jackson and avatar: the last airbender

The most iconic version of Cinderella (starring Brandy and Whitney Houston) premiered 20 years ago



I’ve never seen this film but now I must watch!

If you follow me and you haven’t watched it you need to. Like right now. Get whatever substances/ libations you need and settle in for a Cinderella

Happy Black History Month! This movie was everything to me during childhood. Why is this on Youtube but not on Disney+? (I like that you can watch it for free right now but I’m sayin tho…..) 

The visuals in this movie are astounding and still influence my style to this day. 


how toph picks clothes


i have a fun headcanon that the gaang describes colours of clothes to toph (not that she cares much to begin with lol, only if she asks) as expiriences!


letting a traumatized character have their happy ending where they can recover from their trauma will always be a thousand times more powerful than killing them off for shock value


i find the avatar episode “the chase” to be absolutely hilarious.

because you have team avatar, going all night without sleep for the first time in their lives apparently.

Then there’s azula’s team. they are chasing all night and yet ready to throw down with flawless hair every time Appa lands. I can only assume that they were taking naps on the tank thing or the twin granny ladies let three 15 year olds do cocaine for this.

Then there’s Zuko who’s been following team azula on a bird horsey for god knows how long but when he gets to the final showdown he’s rearing to go.

Oh he definitely still looks like hell but it’s a level of hell we are used to. Aang looks like a melted pudding cup, but Zuko is the same bastard to ready to fistfight god that we have known since episode one.

And of course iroh. He’s been following his nephew on foot (as far as we know) and still shows up only like 10 minutes after everybody else.

He also has enough time to make tea and have a deep discussion about vulnerability with the 12 year old feral hellspawn who dropkicked his 60-something year old ass with a boulder.


in which Sokka never changes.


[id: a digital greyscale drawing of Katara, Sokka and baby Kya. Katara and Sokka are both adults, wearing variations on their outfits from the show. Sokka is leaning in to look at baby Kya in Katara’s arms. His brows are furrowed and his lips are pursed in a put. A speech bubble above his head shows that he is saying, “She’s so…squishy looking…” Katara frowns at him. A speech bubble above her head shows that she is saying, “…Can’t you just say she’s beautiful like EVERY NORMAL PERSON DOES…?” Kya is swaddled and has her eyes closed, completely oblivious to the shenanigans. Below Sokka’s hips, where the drawing cuts off, is the artist’s tumblr url: viriia.tumblr.com. End id.]


can u believe Hakoda kept Bato by his side the entire end of the war because he couldn’t bear to have Bato away from him. Can u believe we almost never see them more than a couple feet away from each other, like they keep drifting back into each other’s orbit, because Hakoda came so close to never seeing Bato again before and he didn’t want to miss any of the time he had left

Keith: You and I have known each other for quite some time, right?
Lance: Yeah, we’ve been classmates for years. What is it?
Keith: Promise me you won’t get mad though.
Lance: I’m not the type who gets angry easily, go ahead.
Keith: …What’s your name again?
Lance: I’m mad.

Me and my sister were re-watching Avatar, and she was like “You know, S1 Zuko seems like those kids who say ‘I’m not small, I’m 7 and a half’ to sound more mature”

And she is so right omg, my sister is big brain.

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