
Avatar: The Last Airbender 1.05 | The King of Omashu


Wow those moves look like someone who’s childhood best friend was an airbender

…Shit, you’re right. 

That spin he does. That is an airbendery move. 

Literally the exact same move Aang pulls when he gets off his glider (cant find a gif but like… I promise)

This shows attention to detail was unreal.

Even the fall backwards! That looks like the exact kind of thing a fun loving Airbender kid would do while showing off gliders and airbending proficiency.

the best benders in this show tend to be the ones who adapt elements of other bending techniques. Bumi has some airbender-y movements, Zuko and Iroh use some Air and Water movements, even Katara tends to use some earthbender looking moves when bending ice

Meanwhile Toph just took earthbending and cranked it all the way up to 11.

Everyone else: The spice of variety! The four elements make mine stronger! Ballerina time!

Toph:….meTal….bendy bendy

take into account that Toph might not be able to take other bending styles into her own. Because those styles (especially fire and air) require you to lift your feet off the ground and for Toph she would lose her way of connecting to the world like he’s used too.

Toph took earthbending, made it her bitch, and made it adapt to her needs as a disabled person.

oh shit you right.


Omg this is like 800 metaphors rolled into one megaphor

I would like everyone to know that vulture vomit is very stinky. It smells of rotting flesh and they use it to drive away predators

Direct action


hey, at least have a picture of the American vultures doing this, not eurasian/african vultures, they are very different creatures!


Apparently vultures are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, so there is nothing ICE can do about this except politely try to shoo the birds away.


So gods finally stopped fucking around and started with the Omens huh


Tragically, Carlisle’s conversation with Bella as he patches her up in New Moon shows more chemistry between them than anything between these two characters and their respective canonical spouses. It’s two adults talking to each other like they’re adults who respect one another and it’s oddly refreshing, its tone makes it feel almost out of place? I just really love this scene, in the book as well as in the film. Perhaps my favorite scene, as far as genuinely good stuff goes.


Rosalie: *tells Bella she wants to raise children and run a household and how she thinks Bella is wrong being okay with giving up those things*

Bella, who's been in charge of all the household responsibilities, has been raising herself and taking care of her mom since she was six:


what makes me actually boil with rage is the way it’s framed as though jacob & the cullens have an even rivalry and like, he hates them just as much as they hate him, but like… jacob is a lower class kid who lives on the rez, the cullens live in a plantation home on private property. jacob calling alice a leech is an insult, but alice calling him a mongrel calls into power and privilege, ya know. like am i supposed to honestly think jake making blonde jokes to rosalie (which is certainly sexist and uncalled for) is on the same level as her serving him food in a dog dish? him seeing the cullens as bloodsuckers and murderers is just like, incorrect and unfair, but them seeing him as uncivilized and over-aggressive has implications deeply rooted in the oppression of his people


Different things from Avatar that could be changed

Disclaimer: Still haven't watched the Netflix adaption, and I don't want to get mistaken for being a Netflix critic when that's not what I'm doing. I'm just sharing changes that could work

  • More time in the Northern Water Tribe. The Water Tribe only has two major settlements, so it wouldn't hurt to explore it a bit more. We don't go back after Book 1
  • Mai and Ty Lee focus. They did get attention, but a character episode without Azula would help their arc
  • Suki character focus. She joined Team Avatar, but not long enough to get her own episode. We do need to establish her dynamics with Aang and Katara, and Toph and Zuko later
  • Team Avatar learning Toph actually ran away. Just to talk it through
  • More Avatar Kuruk and Yang-Chen attention. In hindsight, having Aang reconnect with the four most recent avatars consistently would've been better for worldbuilding. One past life for each nation
  • Zuko and Lu Ten brotherly flashback? Zuko did mention him fondly in a flashback, but I wonder how close they actually were
  • Find Ursa. The comic explanation was not very good..... At least, I didn't like it. Maybe you guys did
  • Meet other people who deserted the Fire Nation army. We met two of them early on, but we can fit a few more in other episodes
  • Zuko and Mai. We know Mai liked Zuko, but we didn't know if Zuko really liked Mai until they suddenly kissed
  • Fire Nation colonies. Yeah, I kept forgetting those were a thing. Omashu was sorta one for a while, but the one from the comics would be better

These are just my thoughts. There are probably some other things


Sozin is the worst, i hate him with a burning passion

The fact that the Fire Nation used Sacred Air Nomad sites and temples as lures and traps to kill any surviving Air Nomads makes this whole topic even darker.

This is horrifying. All because they wanted to kill a kid.

And the ending?


Aang whole story is so tragic. A lot of people constantly shit on him for no reason but this kid carried this loneliness through into his adult years and bottled so much up.

Aang never really accepted the end of his culture.

This comic broke me.


Poor Zuko

He just wanted to join the Gaang but now the blind girl is moving metal, the sweet watergirl is bending blood and the kid is talking to spirits

At least he can count on Sokka to be normal. Oh, where did you say that sword was from?

Yeah, that’s right, fucking outer space


man supernatural might be bad but also ill be damned if thats not the most american show ever. like theres movies and tv that've tried to be this american but 99% have failed. you watch a particularly good episode of supernatural and suddenly you feel the hours of highway winds against your skin and theres more asphalt road than livable terrain for miles and you eat the best meal of your life at a pit stop and you havent gone to church since you were a kid but you still think about praying sometimes and you split a 6 pack with someone you love and a few too many people around you have guns and the land around you is so big when youre right in the center of it you feel like it could swallow you up and you know for a fact theres an unimaginable amount of mythology just beneath the surface. and then you watch the next episode where sam kills paris hilton or something


You ever remember how twice Martha got trapped in time periods when overt racism, sexism, and misogynoir were even more present than today, and how she had to work jobs that completely ignored her skills so that she could take care of the Doctor both times? Blink wasn't the Doctor's fault because he didn't choose the setting that time, but it still happened to her, and he did choose it for Human Nature/Family of Blood without a second's thought of how it would affect her. You ever remember how the Doctor told her it was silly to worry about prejudices in the past and she should just act like she owns the place, that's what works for him, a white man? You ever get filled with rage against the Tenth Doctor?


I still love him but I noticed Yesterday that the more I rewatch it, the more he annoys the fvck out of me

I think this is why I only like ten when he’s with Donna and he gets properly humbled every episode, i love him but he ain’t shit

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