
my knees are sweaty??


sabrina || not a witch || problematic at best || wannabe writer send prompts//asks to ya boi

i casually mentioned to my boyfriend of over a year that i have an IT stan account on tumblr last night after we saw the second one and he just asked me for the link today

I TOLD HIM IMMA THINK ABOUT IT, y’all i need help 😭

this was his response, i truly love this man, and he will truly stay intrigued bc a bish ain’t showing you nothing 💀


tell why i went to go see it chapter 2 last night, spent the majority of the movie laughing, crying, living my best reddie life, not at all scared bc i genuinely think that movie was created out of pure chaotic energy

and STILL woke up at 4am bc i had a nightmare about that headass fuckin clown


So I went to watch It chapter 2 with my super republican and religious friend who would judge me for shipping two guys back when we were 15. She never watched the first It and I told her nothing about the characters. When Eddie saved Richie, and ran to him, she literally shouted “kiss him! Kiss him!!” And I think that accurately depicts the true loving nature of Reddie Idek

Anonymous asked:

"I would date an actor just so I can tell people that my boyfriend’s an actor and then they’d be like “oh? What’s he been in?” And I’d say “me” " Eddie would make this joke about famous comedian boyfriend Richie.

ahdjfkfnsmd he 100% would and richie would roll his eyes and secretly be pleased


thinking about how the first thing richie sees when he wakes up from the deadlights is eddie leaning over him and he's so taken aback by the closeness he doesn't have time to put his facade on so he just gazes up at eddie with a gentle expression on his face... he also wanted to kiss him but i'm focusing on the Tenderness


it baffles me how OBVIOUS eddie’s crush on richie in the flashback was. like literally this bitch who’s disgusted by even the thought of holding a subway pole that during the flashback when they’re all wearing their shower caps, the moment richie takes his off and says he’s too cool, eddie does so as well. this bitch that doesn’t even want to stick his hand in that wooden grate for that ball is going to risk spiders in his hair bc he wants to look cool in front of his crush i’m 


Wow, I saw IT Chapter 2 yesterday and that ending was wild! I mean Stan officiating Richie and Eddie wedding?! Who would have thought that was coming.


Got so caught up in Reddie I forgot the movie is gonna start with a violent homophobic attack on a gay man (Adrian)


dead, rotting, nasty ass patrick hockstetter going to pick up henry bowers from juniper hill:

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