
you already know that your girl is a pro

@blhates / blhates.tumblr.com

she's a 23, streesed and too invested in drag queens
I think that people are people and we do the best we can. And if you’re attacking someone online, who you think is a monster then maybe you’re a monster inside. Be nice. Fucks sake. It’s just drag.
Anonymous asked:

Have you seen the video of Vanjie and Silky at the event and Silky reading her? They Vanjie takes a wig then reads Brooke? BUT THEN tells everyone to tune in to s2 of Canada’s Drag Race. They honestly give me whiplash

Of course she had to mention B's dick. Also not B liking it 🤡
They’re so messy, I wish this had happened the night Brooke was there to see her reaction 😂
Anonymous asked:

You're back!!!!! You were missed and you missed a lot! It's pretty been full on 🤡 mode for a while now lol hope you've been well ☺️

You're sweet!! I missed yall too🥰🥰 I'm dipping my toes in to the circus at the moment! Let's say this is a soft comeback 😇

Thank you, past two months have been pretty well, can't complain 😌 thankfully


I'm literally SOOO out of loop because my real life is so hectic and Im unactive here and I miss the circus so much trust me so I had to immortalise the message like this from my tumblr wifey who keeps me updated on the regular on *high level* stuff🤣

How are yall if anyone is still here and/or cares?


so yesterday was my wife's birthday. she's literally my best friend, the person that has to deal with my breakdowns, me doubting myself and the ups and downs of me being a useless lesbian. this is just and open letter to let yall know how amazing she is, how she has the biggest heart and that she cares so much about other. I admire you so much @blhates. You're smart, funny, loyal, more in love with Vanessa than I am, your brain just amazes me and I cant even begin to describe how much your brain amazes me. it's an honor to be your friend, to know that you trust me as much as trust you, and how grateful I am that you wake up every single day a still choose me, our friendship and the ugly pictures I send you. it's your birthday but I'm totally convinced that I'm the one that got the present. thank you for being part of my life and por allowing me to see you shine and fill the lives of everyone you know with light. I love you, happy birthday ❤💘💍💌💖💓



You know I'm barely here, why didn't you tell me you were being sweet on the main!!!😍😍😍😍😍

You truly just keep making me cry, but from happiness! thank you! Love you too❤❤❤❤💖💖❤💛🧡❤🧡💛💚🧡


I can hear the bells, part 1

“There’s no reason to be so nervous Brockie.” Angela looked at him, a kind expression in her eyes. “It’s just a proposal.”

“I know,” Brooke sighed, “but it’s not just- It’s not just a proposal.“

Hearing or saying the word still made his stomach turn, a part of him still ready to run for the hill whenever he thought about the fact that he was actually going to propose to his boyfriend.

“He’s ready for you Brock.”

Brooke knew that Vanjie had been ready to marry for years, knew that Vanjie had dreamed about getting a ring ever since they had first laid eyes on each other.

“I promise you that.”

Brooke is finally ready to propose to Vanjie after more than 6 years together, but how will it go, and does the perfect proposal even exist?

The Brightest fic that no one ever expected is finally here, and I hope that you guys are ready to come along for the ride!

Anonymous asked:

The aggressive behavior is mostly on twitter in reaction to the video of her and silky. Honestly like I said I get being frustrated (same) and I understand that seeing so many just not caring probably made people fed up BUT there’s a way to go about expressing those frustrations without getting out of line. Saying she shouldn’t be out because she’s putting other peoples lives at risk and then in the same breath mentioning that you wouldn’t feel sympathy for her if she or someone else in her family died from the virus just feels so incredibly gross and hypocritical. Also before anyone says anything I’d feel this same way if people were coming at Brooke like this, I’m not here to choose sides or compare.

That kind of thing is too agressive and unnecessary but imma stop on this because I seriously don't know what was happening and I only come to tumblr now bcs I have anxiety there are messages I'm leaving unread.

But I agree with your statement if all of that is happening

Anonymous asked:

My only issue with all of this is not the criticism V is receiving but the way people are baring down on her so hardcore. It’s one thing to hold someone accountable and to be frustrated, but it’s another thing for you to go on Twitter and say you wouldn’t feel bad if she or anyone in her family died from covid (yes a couple people did say that). Idk that just feels very extreme to me. Also calling her disgusting and a disgrace and completely questioning her ENTIRE character as if people don’t do dumb shit and realize it was stupid of them after the fact. Knowing her I’m sure she sees this criticism and realizes she shouldn’t have went out but imo people are taking things way too far in response to that video of her and Silky and I just hope for her sake she can learn from this and go back to making the good decisions she was making beforehand. She’s been smart up until this point and unlike others I also gave Brooke grace in hoping that she would change her behavior so that’s exactly what I’ll do here.

I will not comment on that since I'm not truly informed but my offside observation was everyone mostly focused on dragging V more than anything else. But again I'm not informed enough.

They should be called out but there are boundaries to each behaviour if this is true. This seems too aggressive

Anonymous asked:

I think ppl always want to point to it the double standard because every time brooke messes up someone always comes in with the ‘V would never do this’ comparison. And it’s usually not true as we can now see oop. It’s mad dumb and obnoxious. If you really cared about Brooke’s fuck ups, why are you using them to brag about how great V is. (Not saying you personally, just some anons).

In their case, what I think happened, is like children of divorce in this fandom, everyone kinda chose sides, and despite being in some cases fans of both they still prefer one and will defend her more than the other or even draw comparisons. So once one does something the other is dragged in to it somehow.

The old age question of "who won the break up?" translated into everything

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