
@natamoko / natamoko.tumblr.com

bad luck to talk

my favorite nct moment of all time 


If you consider that story to be rushed, I’m scared to see what you could really do☺️ it was so good, I think you might have forced my third eye open😌


thank u !!!! 😭 😭 that honestly means so much to me


UNEARTHED by @nakamoto

for @11thsense (3.7K)

(There is a reason why Aidonsvalley stands alone, makes its own decisions, attracts and denies, takes and leaves. There is a reason why it has a heart of its own.)

MIA AND MAYA by Yah Yah Scholfield // 7.8k words // a horror story with twins / mirror image from the twilight zone / us dir. jordan peele // 

Ugh! Finally a version of this story that I’m entirely satisfied with! I pinky-promise not to take it down again so don’t worry! My inspirations for this story came from the Mirror Image episode of The Twilight Zone, from ‘The Double’ directed by Richard Ayoade and, more recently, by Us directed by Jordan Peele. I think you’ve all noticed that most of my stories have a lot to do with balance—this one is no different. 
Mia and Maya is about twin sisters, about fairness and about making things right. It’s about feelings of inadequacy, of feeling purposeless and the fear of being replaced. As Jordan Peele said about ‘Us’, it’s about wondering what you’d do when faced with the version of yourself prepared for that moment when the two of you meet. Enjoy!
As always, likes are appreciated but reblogs and comments are appreciated even more. If you like my work reblog it! Spread it around! And if you really like you can support me by donating to my Ko-Fi or to my paypal (paypal.me/marsinaries)! Thanks in advance! 

To be clear, there was nothing in particular that pushed Mia into killing her sister that warm Tuesday night. There were no fights, no screaming matches, no petty arguments bottled up in Mia’s chest, festering, aging, waiting to be decanted upon Maya when the mood (or memory) struck. She’d been kind to her sister all day in fact, cordial if not entirely friendly. When asked, she paired up with her in science class, sat with Maya during lunch to compare wet sandwiches and, once at home, made a point of helping Maya with some difficult math homework. Even before bed, when they were washed and cleaned, mouths tasting of mint toothpaste, she told Maya, whisperingly, that she loved her and meant it.

The girls turned over in their beds, Mia to the left and Maya to the right. They pulled the blankets over their shoulders, thinking of their nice day and how nice it was to kind to one another, and that maybe, just maybe, they’d been childish to play all those mean tricks on each other. They could be friends, thought the girls individually. There was enough time for reconciliation, if they tried at it.

What a surprise it must’ve been then, when Mia silently rose from her bed, armed herself with a pillow, crossed over to Maya’s side of their bedroom and proceeded to smother her. Her face was obscured, smushed down by fabric, but Mia could imagine it, her eyes all wide and watery with panic, the jerky movements of her head.


PICTURED: MARY MAGDALENE AT THE TOMB by Yah Yah Scholfield // 3.9k words // commission piece for @tallwife // sympathy for lady vengeance dir. park chan-wook + ‘arsonist’s lullaby’ by hozier + hereditary dir. ari aster 

WHEW! This took me a minute to figure out but I’m glad I stuff with the religious horror idea! I feel like all of my horror always leans on the side of sentimental, where there is more emotion involved and subtle terrors, such as in this one! Mx. TallWife sort of gave me free reign and a fun spooky playlist (LISTEN HERE), and I ran with it! I’m glad that it came out to this; I’ve spent the last three hours writing madly, trying to get these feelings out of me! 
Pictured: Mary Magdalene at the Tomb is about a mother, Janine, and her daughter Atalanta, a traumatizing death and the mysterious ways of religion. I thought a lot about my own experience with religion—how I relate to God as a Black lesbian and how that may differ from other people’s ideas of God. And then I thought about mourning, misery, fate—and angels! I love to think about angels, and I love to think about angels returning to us. 
WARNING! There are mentions of suicide and self-harm but nothing graphic or gory—the main death is caused by self-immolation (burning oneself) but again, not graphic. Tread carefully!
So, without further of do, I present to you, this story! Likes are appreciated but reblogs and comments are appreciated even more. This hasn’t been edited (I’m running on fumes rn honestly) so there are probably tons of minor lil’ grammar mistakes. Trust me. I know and I’m sorry but I’m also so tired. But if you like a slightly under-edited short story and want to give me flowers for my work, you can commission me or put some money in my Ko-Fi account! Enjoy the story!

Afterwards, once the crowd of gawking neighbors had disappeared, and once the police were through with their questions, and once the coroners had carefully, gingerly lifted the charred body from the burnt grass and onto the stretcher, there was only Janine standing on the lawn. She stood there for a while, still and silent, arms wrapped around her body, dry-eyed, blinking dazedly, drunkenly, confusedly, at the blackened smudge of turf. A breeze came through and sent whirls of ash flying through the air. A burnt scrap of fabric fluttered by. Janine watched it soar up into the sky, high, higher, until it caught itself on a branch.

It took the lady from next door, Barbara or Kelly or something like that, coming over and physically guiding her inside the house to be released from the spell. The woman made tea and unearthed a tin of cookies for them to nibble on. She ate an entire row of the cookies, crumbs spilling everywhere, and Janine had nothing at all. Barbara-or-Kelly-or-Something kept tipping the tin to Janine, offering her her own snacks, trying to pry the tears out of her with tea, but Janine turned it all down. She couldn’t stand to eat, couldn’t stand to see the woman’s fingers rifling through her drawers, running over her boxes of teas, the sugar and the dainty silver spoons. Each gesture brought to mind visions of her—pouring hot water over loose leaves, fasting for days on end and, once she felt as if she did her duty well, diving into the pantry, scarfing down the Oreos, the Chips Ahoy, the sweet Danish butter cookies she adored.


STRANGE FRUIT by Yah Yah Scholfield / 1.6k words /

Trigger warning for allusions to anti-Black violence. There’s a lot I can say about this piece of writing. It really took me suddenly, and I couldn’t focus on anything else until I wrote it. Be patient with me with this long introduction; I don’t feel coherent.
I am Black. I always knew I was Black, from the moment I was conscious. I knew I was Black when my white elementary school teachers accused me of having an attitude problem, when white people on the internet called me slurs during my rp days. I knew I was black with Tamir Rice was killed, and Sandra Bland, and Trayvon Martin, and all the other Black people’s whose death I’ve been made to witness since I was very young. In the 5th grade, my elementary school teacher had pictures of slaves with their backs ripped open. I was around the same age when I saw the body of Emmit Till, waterlogged and beaten. When I was fourteen, I saw Mike Brown’s dead body. And in between then and now, pictures of lychings, by it with rope or guns, literally every day, not a single break to catch my breath or heal.
Many Black people can tell you the same story. Day after day of anti-Black trauma, microaggresions, acts of racism big and small. I have never been able to write a story about it because it’s too close. I couldn’t do it. Literally thinking about all the death, the fact that I could just as easily be one of the dead Black people. My brother? My cousins? My parents? It’s a fear special to Black folks, knowing that you could lose your life and nobody but your own would care. I feel heavy. I’m just fucking heavy.
There’s no extreme descriptions of violence in this story, only emotion. If you can stomach it, stomach it, then do me a massive favor, and give to Admaud Arbery’s family. Fuck the police, fuck white supremacy, and motherfuck anti-Blackness.

           Summer’s the best time for picking fruit. Though it buds and ripens all year round, there’s no better time than the height of summer, all the heat radiating off the sidewalk and the car windows, people’s radiators blowing cool-hot air, the whirring sound of the A/C mingling with the sound of music, talking, cussing, summer bugs. Feels like one big hum, the skin and scalp prickling with sweat, like you could wring yourself out and dry on your porch.

           Mama’s too sick to go with us this time, so me, Rochelle, Tito and Kiki go by ourselves. Takes a while to get there if you don’t have a car or a bike. Kiki and Tito­— they’re siblings, half—used to have bikes but their Daddy put them away after what happened with Ricky. Too close to home, he said, so now all of us, all four of us, were walking down the street, some of us holding machetes, some of us holding garbage bags, heading out to the field where all the fruits were. As we go, more people join us. It’s some kids, some adults, but all of us look the same, brown and black carrying our things, lugging wagons and strollers, holding knives and garden shears to make the cutting easier, going in the same direction.

200508 loonatheworld: 💕 The results of Three Jin’s Rowdy Art Class! How is the flower we made for Parents’ Day, Orbits? Wrap up a day with families and promise us to sleep well! 🤙
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