
@birdfriender / birdfriender.tumblr.com

Violet, late twenties, she/her, phd in hci and health apparently

the way people are taught programming today continues to drive me insane insane insane

unlimited abstraction. the ultimate sandbox. the lever with which the heavens were moved. the lifeblood of the gods who control us today. yet you're chained in plato's cave - no space to grow your own crops. no structure to build. no love. Solve My For Loop Puzzle Boy. Solve My Inheritance Puzzle Girl. you get to play with none of the divine spark. you don't get to play at all. there's no composition. there's no composition. you build fragments. you don't get to connect them. don't worry about how they link up into structures. don't look up into the churning monolith too long. just keep swinging that hammer.

if you're reading this: please. write programs that spark joy. build things that interest you - sloppy, first. you can always learn to scaffold later. step off the damned beaten path. build things. read manuals. frolic. find out about fucked-up ways to abuse the language you use. create something you love. there's whimsy to be found yet. take my hand - one day we'll be free to forge our own paths.


"I can't condone rap music because it has a problematic culture", says the heavy metal fan.


Recently, while staring far too long at a potato chip, it occurred to me that the ridges could possibly be used to create a lenticular effect. So I got out some chip dip (and the smallest paint brush I have) to test it out. I started with a simple 2-frame illustration of a football and a basketball, then I painted a little sour cream and onion dip bird. 🥔🕊️ - via my new @brockdavisart instagram


wait holy shit dude you think being horny is a biological thing? oh my god that’s been disproven for years [pulls out my phone to read wikipedia to you] “sexual arousal (also known as sexual excitement) describes the psychokinetic response to leylines intersecting over areas of the brain dedicated to conceptualizing fear

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