Germans getting drunk in public and wreaking havoc on islands abroad: cringe.
Germans doing the same thing but on the richest german island because of a national 9 euro train ticket: the funniest fucking thing imaginable.
@ all the punks who are annoying rich people on sylt, I am kissing you on the mouth once I have stopped laughing


I also saw another video where they explained that they just went there because the cdu voters were pre-emptively whining about it


Nicht zu vergessen:

  • Doktortitel
  • Hat schon vor der vierten Welle gewarnt, als sie noch gar nicht da war

Und der Lindner sieht aus wie Harold Saxon. Volle Doctor-Who-Dröhnung in dieser Regierung.

Ich nominiere Christian Drosten als Sherlock. Wenn wir dann noch Sam & Dean identifizieren, dann ist das Superwholock-Revival komplett.





Wen carsten wir als John und Cas

Alexander Kekulé würde neben Drosten einen wunderbaren John Watson abgeben.

Ich sehe keinen Unterschied.

Das Team ist komplett.


Does anyone have a link to a back-to-basics article about good fanfic practices, like standards of content and chapter length and such (speaking as an old fart who only wrote a couple of shitty one-shots back when lemons were a thing)

Omg thank you so much!


Austrian announcer just popping open a cold one and drinking straight outta the bottle on international television as he announced 12 points to uk

Now if this aint the mood


@ eurovision contestants aren’t you ashamed of being outperformed by the host?


There are three thing certain in life. Death, taxes, and Peter Urban trying to convince everyone (including himself) that we should be happy with our entry.

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