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to  be  soft  and  gentle  when  the  world  wants  you  to  break   :    that  is  bravery.  

TEDDY  LUPIN  -  loved  by  ari.


heaven  is  found  in  every  kiss  given ,    short  and  shallow  breaths  taken  as  he  traps  any  further  sounds  behind  his  lips .    no  direction  needs  to  be  given ,    no  pleas  drawn  out  by  lack  of  satisfaction .    teddy  knows  the  map  of  his  body  as  well  as  an  astronomer  knows  the  map  of  the  stars .    it  feels  strange    —    being  the  center  of  this  universe .    he’s  so  used  to  merely  playing  a  small  role  in  someone  else’s ,    own  desires  ignored  and  others  hailed .    but  teddy  and  him  are  equals .         sat–satisfied .    ’     breathless  voice  reveals  too  much ,    body  already  melting  for  the  other’s  touch .    his  hands  move  to  rest  on  teddy’s  hips .    a  soft  hum ,        — maybe .         silence  is  allowed  to  tease  for  just  another  moment  before  he  speaks  again .         i  like  it  when    …    you  tell  me  what  to  do—what  you  want .   

beautifully  undressed  of  timidity  and  surrendering  to  the  warmth  of  desire :  xeno  is   a  wonder   to  watch  when  he  puts  away  the  defensiveness  that  he  carries  on  daily.  blue  eyes  linger  over  the  newly - formed  love  bruise  on  his  boyfriend’s  neck  before  they  move  back  to  the  boy’s  face.  satisfaction  fills  him  and  he  leans  in  once  again  ,  lips  hovering  over  xeno’s  upon  hearing  the  confession  and  rewarding  it  with  one  more  kiss  ,  this  time  longer  and  slower.  his  hand  finds  comfort  in  the  other’s  curly  hair  and  begins  to  play  with  a  few  strands  ,  his  voice  disturbing  the  fervor  filled  silence.     ‘  take  off  your  shirt  ,  then.  ’    he  shifts  slowly  ,  sitting  up  straight  and  letting  his  weight  into  xeno’s  lap  while  his  hand  travels  down  from  his  hair  to  his  mouth  and  fingers  begin  to  trace  the  outline  of  his  lips.   ‘  and  don’t  quiet  yourself  down.     hips  give  one  small  roll  before  he  shifts  again  ,  giving  room  to  his  free  hand  to  slide  underneath  the  material  of  xeno’s  sweatpants  ,  resting  on  top  of  the  forming  bulge.   ‘  i  like  knowing  what  you  enjoy.  i  want  to  please  you.  ’


On ‘Genderbending’

Lately I’ve been seeing people discuss why ‘genderbending’ isn’t transphobic, or why it’s something that’s fine and should be accepted. Most of the people who have been discussing this are cis, which is an issue right off the bat, so I’m going to preface this post by saying that if you are not trans, you do not have the right to determine what is or is not transphobic. Full. Stop. So if you’re cis, and your first instinct is to argue with me on this, I would like for you to consider why you believe that you can recognize transphobia better than someone who is routinely subject to it. That being said, let’s get into this. 

To start off, what is ‘genderbending?’ Most fansites will define it as the act of ‘switching’ a character’s gender, but there’s already an issue with this. ‘Genderbending’, or ‘rule 63’ as is called in some circles, it not just about switching a character’s gender, it is about changing that character’s body as well. I have yet to see a ‘genderbent’ version of a male character who lacked breasts and a dfab body. This the first and most obvious reason why ‘genderbending’ is inherently transphobic - it assumes that physical traits and gender are the same thing, and that you cannot be female without also being dfab. This is cissexism, and this is transphobic. The message that ‘genderbending’ says is that you must have breasts and a vagina to be female, and you must have a penis and a flat chest to be male. I should not have to explain why that message is transphobic.

However, the way ‘genderbends’ are carried out also has distinctly transphobic implications in how it switches out the physical traits of characters to make them ‘the opposite gender’ ( the notion of there being ‘opposite genders’ is some fresh bullshit that I’ll cover later in this post ). For example, by giving a male character breasts and curves when ‘genderbending’ him, the message is clear that this character was cis to begin with. ‘Genderbending’ inherently implies that all characters are cisgender by default, and erases any possibility of these characters being trans. This is not as overtly transphobic as the first point, but it is harmful to trans people within fandom spaces, as the assumption that all characters are cis until explicitly stated otherwise pushes us out of media and removes whatever representation we might try to make for ourselves. 

The third issue with ‘genderbending’ is that it is always cis male <—> cis female, and nothing else. I have never seen people ‘genderbend’ characters by making them nonbinary or intersex. I have never seen a genderbend of a female character which made her a trans male instead. ‘Genderbending’ implies that there are only two options when it comes to gender: cis male and cis female. There is no such thing as nonbinary people within this ideology. Intersex people are laughable at best. Agender people are little better than a distant myth. ‘Genderbending’ ignores that it is impossible to make a character ‘the opposite gender’, because there is no such thing as an ‘opposite gender’. Gender is a spectrum, not a binary, but you wouldn’t know that from the way fandom spaces treat it. 

Of course, there are some reasons for ‘genderbending’ cis male characters into cis females that will always get brought up in discussions on the politics of ‘genderbending.’ The most frequent is that cis girls, who only see themselves as one-dimensional characters in media, want to have characters like them who are just as multifaceted and developed as the male characters that we are given, so they make their male faves female to give themselves the representation they desire. This is a decent reason for ‘genderbending’, but it does not excuse the fact that the way in which ‘genderbending’ is done is inherently transphobic, and it gives fans yet another excuse to ignore female characters in favor of focusing on their male faves. 

Another reason for ‘genderbending’ that I’ve heard is ‘it’s for the sake of character exploration - like, what if this character had been born as male/female instead?’ This excuse is cissexist and transphobic from first blush. The idea behind it is that someone ‘born as female’, aka with breasts/vagina will automatically be a cis female, allowing fans to explore what that character’s life would have been like if they were female. Why not explore the possibility of a character being designated female at birth, but still identifying as male? Why do you need a character to be cis for you to find their personality and life interesting to explore? Why do you automatically reject the notion of your fave being trans? If you want to explore what it would have been like for your male fave to have struggled with sexism, consider them being a trans woman, or a closeted dfab trans person.

As a closing statement, I want to make one thing very clear. ‘Genderbending’ does harm trans people. It perpetuates dangerous cissexist notions and the idea of a gender binary being a valid construct, erases nonbinary and intersex people, and others trans people. These are what we call microaggressions - they are not as dangerous as outright harassment and assault, but they enforce and support a system and ideology in which we are other, and we are worthy of hate and violence because we do not fit in. 

‘Genderbending’ is a transphobic practice, and if you engage in it, you need to be aware of and acknowledge this.



❝   alright   !   umm   ———   right   how   about   ‘   tonksy   ’   ❞   contemplation   takes   over   her   features   now   in   matters   of   potential   monikers   for   her   person    .   ❝  ———   or   ‘   two-left-feet   ’   what   do   you   think   ?    .    i   think   that   one   suits   me   better  
‘  that’s  too  obvious  ;  everyone  knows  you’re  a  clutz.  the  point  to  code names  is  to  not  be  obvious.  duh   index  finger  taps  against  his  chin  as  he  hums  in  contemplation.   ‘  how  ‘bout  something  more...  dramatic.  like  storm.  ‘cause  you’re  a  storm  on  legs ?  it  sounds  like  a  vague  superhero  name  ,  too.  pink  storm !  on  second  thought  ,  that  sounds  pretty... toxic.  ’


kind  gestures  do  nothing  to  soothe  the  hurt  inside  of  him .    xeno  does  not  want  tea  and  food .    let  his  stomach  growl  and  ache  as  much  as  it  wants .    what  he  wants  is  for  teddy  to  say  his  name ,    to  show  him  a  sign .    something  that  says  i  forgive  you .    fuck  the  ministry’s  opinion  of  him  and  fuck  every  wizard  who  shall  look  at  him  with  disgust  and  disdain .    the  only  opinion  that  matters  to  him  is  that  of  this  man  and  his  family .    he  wishes  that  thin  fingertips  could  cling  to  hope  and  optimism  for  understanding  but  with  every  passing  second  it  becomes  harder  to  hold  on .    maybe  all  is  lost  without  it  even  beginning .
the  help  is  accepted  for  lack  of  a  choice ,    weak  frame  struggling  to  keep  him  upright  as  he  transitions  from  land  to  the  boat .    eyes  still  avoid  any  contact  with  the  other ,    instead  focusing  on  the  floor  of  the  boat .    teddy’s  arm  is  held  onto  tightly ,    as  though  it  is  the  one  thing  tethering  him  to  this  earth  and  protecting  him  from  the  towering  walls  of  azkaban ,    but  abandoned  once  he  is  sat  down .    clothes  are  also  taken  with  hesitance ,    fingers  brushing  over  the  soft  and  clean  material  in  slight  awe .    none  of  this  feels  real .    any  second  now  he  expects  to  be  pulled  out  of  this  strange  dream  and  slapped  by  the  cold  hand  of  reality .
no  thanks  is  given ,    manners  forgotten  in  the  years  of  torment  that  fill  his  mind .    small  talk  seems  to  have  left  him  behind  too ,    all  means  of  communicating  trapped  behind  a  wall  of  fog .    the  old  him ,    the  one  untouched  by  twelve  years  of  torture ,    has  been  locked  away ,    disconnected  from  the  shattered  soul  he  has  become .    he  doesn’t  know  himself  anymore .    he  doesn’t  know  teddy  anymore .
any  family ?    the  words  slice  through  him  like  the  sharp  edge  of  a  knife ;    an  injection  of  hurt  finally  driving  his  gaze  up  to  the  other  man .         family ?       he  doesn’t  know  that  word .    not  anymore .    he  thought  he  found  a  family  once ,    one  in  which  teddy  had  been  the  sun ,    but  nothing  good  has  ever  lasted .     ‘    no— no  family .         it  hurts  to  know  but  it  hurts  worse  to  say .    biting  down  on  his  lip ,    he’ll  give  a  slight  shrug ,    once  again  dropping  his  gaze  down  to  the  floor .        i’ll  figure  something  out .    anywhere’s  better  than  here .   

after  waving  his  wand  towards  the  boat  and  muttering  a  spell  ,  they  are  both  sent  into  the  cold  waters  of  the  ocean  under  the  protection  of  edward’s  patronus.  teddy  finds  himself  sitting  in  front  of  the  ex - prisoner  wiith  a  ghost   smile  painted  on  his  lips  ,  like  hope  clinging  to  the  dreadful  wasteland  haunting  the  earth.  his  eyes  shift  from  the  palace  of  death  to  the  man  who  was  now  free.  

features  shift  from  peaceful  to  worried  ,  brows  furrowing  as  lips  begin  to  press together  and  form  a  thin  line.  this  is  what  edward  found  inhumane  the  reintegration  of  the  prisoners  was  ignored  ,  no  matter  the  crime  committed.   ‘  i’m  sorry.     it’s  a  silent  apology  spoken  in  a  whisper  as  eyes  avert  to  the  floor  ,  head  hanging  in  shame  ,  which  origins  he  cannot  pin  point.   he  is  doing  his  job  fighting  for  law  and  order  ,  fighting  for  a  better  and  safer  future  -  yet  he  feels  like  he’s  walking  over  principles  every  time  he  cannot  do  more  for  the  people  in  need.     i  hope  you.. i  hope  it  will  be  alright.    edward  regards  the  man  with  one  last  gaze  before  he  finds  the  horizon.  only  one  more  hour  before  they  reach  the  transition  point. 

silence  falls  over  them.  it  feels  heavier  than  the  dreadfulness  that  surrounds  azkaban.  it  has  never  been  like  this.  the  weight  of  this  man’s  confession  crushed  edward’s  heart  ;   empathy  is  a  cursed  thing  to  have  in  the  amounts  that  he  has.  his  sigh  gets  lost  in  the  gentle  breeze  of  the  ocean.  even  the  world  is  silent.  

      ‘  you’ll  ,  uh  ,  you’ll  be  able  to  have  your  wand  back  the  moment  we’re  in  london.  ’    the  tone  of  his  voice  is  quiet  ,  almost  as  if  he’s  afraid  of  startling  the  other.   ‘  i  think  that  will  feel  amazing  ,  won’t  it ?  ’

writing a new post because the other is a bit dated now. 
hi, my name’s danny, i’m trans, mentally ill (bipolar, anxiety, depression), physically ill, and living in an abusive household. i dont get to eat as much as i should be eating due to government fund cuts (our foodstamps and my benefits, specifically, which have been completely taken from me). not eating is bad for both me and my dad, as i have POTS syndrome, endometriosis, and borderline diabetes, and my dad has heart problems and diabetes. 
i was going to go to new york this month for school and was denied the final thing i needed to attend: the last loan which would have covered my price completely. there’s no supplement available that could have covered the price so i was forced to withdraw and i’m being forced to stay with my dad for another 4 months to a year, i dont know, i have to look into local enrollment and see when that opens.
so as a result, i’m still not eating, i still don’t have food. if you have any spare cash you can comfortably give, my paypal is and i have a google wallet, that email is if you want a doodle or graphics in return, please contact me to work out a price.
graphic example, art examples

hi, um, while this is still a concern for me, my biggest concern right now is transitioning. i need like 11 thousand dollars, the only surgeon in my area charges 10,880.  while i highly doubt anyone here can accumulate even a scintilla of that, if every person following me was able to spare 10 dollars, i’ve have 800~ shy of what i need. and that’s ENORMOUS. 

if you can spread this – to people who might be able to – that would mean. everything to me. i’ve hit a breaking point with my transness; our state rescinded trans health care so i have no other options.



HIS BODY Y AND MIND EASE INTO THE CONVERSATION / lips running against a chuckle seating the boy in impish outbursts. ‘  favorite is too kind, tolerable is more like it.’ he is  on a timbre of calculation in which eyes designed of humor ripple, wanting to pick apart the idea of fun. ‘ and for fun we read and clean here.’ he , teddy always brought comfort alongside the push of mirth and it settled him quickly. ‘ you must be sick to want to hang out with an old man like me boyo.because i don’t do fun’ he stands and goes over to teddy brushing back his hair. ‘ so let's go we got a lot to do.’ he hides the smile in his eyes and walks out the room , he’d turn it fun but he need some help first.

‘  tolerable ?  incredible !  ’      fake  offense  takes  over  his  visage  ,  leaving  his  mouth  hanging  open  before  he  sits  up  and  follows  after  sirius  ,  lips  quickly  returning  to  their  grin.   ‘ huh  ,  that  sure  must  be  fun.  you  are  the  soul  of  the  party  ,  aren’t  ya ?   the  darkness  that  nestled  in  the  house’s  hallways  contrast  with  the  young  boy  he’s  tall  and  bright  in  every  aspect  ,  his  blue  hair  bounces  with  every  step  he  makes  ,  his  eyes  are  clear  skies  trying  to  shed  light  on  everything  they  land  on.  to  see  sirius’  amusement  only  further  improves  teddy’s  mood.   ‘ they  should  send  me  to  st.  mungos  once  we’re  done.  i  can  see  the  headlines boy  driven  insane  by  sirius  black’s  party. ’   he  all  but  chuckles  at  his  own  joke  ,  lips  pressing  together  before  he  speaks  again.   ‘ alright.  where  do  we  start ?  can  i  use  my  wand  or  are  we  doing  it  the  old  style ?


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