
Lover Of Pie...And Castiel


Hey there, I'm Vickie! I'm just your average girl who loves to write in my free time! Send me a Supernatural request and I'll do what I can! REQUESTS ARE OPEN!! I've recently become obsessed with Hamilton thanks to a friend. I'm also here for anyone who needs to talk. I love you guys, you're all basically my second family!

If your apology involves degrading yourself, calling yourself shit or insulting yourself, its not an apology, try again.

Can someone translate this?

Don’t try to guilt people by saying “I’m sorry I fucking suck.” “I’m sorry I’m just the worst and I should die” Because thats not an apology, thats trying to guilt the other person into dropping the subject.


i know that often the november-december period has this image of being a perfect, happy time of year, but i know that isn’t a reality for everyone.

as this often hectic end of year holiday period approaches, please remember to take care of yourself. you don’t have to feel the pressures of consumerism or religion or family or having a “perfect holiday” if you don’t want to.

a new year doesn’t have to be a new you and you won’t necessarily be the happiest person in the world on christmas day, but that’s okay!

at this time of year as well as at any other, remember you are loved and that this is just like any other time of year.


being disabled is really scary sometimes bc people will openly talk about how everyone like you should be murdered, talk about how your mere existence is a drain on society & the world at large, refer to you as less than human, & claim that it’s unethical to allow people like you to be born in the same tone they would use to weigh the pros & cons of buying a toaster oven & then infantilize & invalidate you when you get upset about or even have any reaction to it (with plenty of others willing to back them up that you’re being “like waaaaay too sensitive”)


I hate when people say “A woman’s body was designed to give birth.”  No, giving birth is just something a woman’s body can do. If we follow that logic, then because a man’s body can reach sexual climax via anal penetration, all men were designed for gay sex. Needless to say, like gay sex, childbirth is just not some people’s cup of tea.


At my funeral, I’m gonna hire somebody with a scar to look over my body and audibly whisper “I should’ve been the one to finally take you out.”

Alternatively, they could also whisper “They won’t get away with this. I’m gonna finish what you started, old friend.”

They’ll have instructions to read the room and choose which they deem best fit


Thanksgiving: How to Deal With Difficult People

Visiting family for Thanksgiving can be challenging. Your dinner companions may say hurtful, offensive things about race, gender identity, sexual harassment and assault, birth control coverage, abortion, or any number of topics — which can feel stressful, isolating, or enraging.

So this Thanksgiving, we’re giving you some tips on how to deal with your family when things get hard:

  1. Self care: Make decisions about what to do around Thanksgiving so you feel safe, whether that means not going home at all, going home with a friend or partner by your side, or only visiting for dinner.
  2. Build allyship with family members who love and respect you: The more people in your family who can call people out (or even better, call people in) on their problematic behavior, the less acceptable it will be.
  3. Engage people in conversation: If you feel safe doing so, start with a mutual value (like freedom, respect, or love). For example, if someone says they don’t think businesses should have to cover birth control, ask why from a place of curiosity. Maybe they think business owners are people who should be free to make decisions based on their religion. You can agree that people should be free to make decisions based on their beliefs — whether you’re a CEO or an employee, you should have the ability to make your own personal health care decisions. So you explain (calmly) how that mutual value informs your stance. Practice asking questions, finding a value in their sentiment you can agree on, and starting from there. This is hard work, but you only get better at it if you keep trying.
  4. Take a stand: It’s totally ok to tell someone that their language or behavior is hurtful and unacceptable to you. Tell them about the impact it has on you and why, and what the consequences of their actions are to the larger community. Tell them you expect better, and what the consequences are if they don’t change (like cutting off contact with them or leaving). And you’re allowed to end the conversation, leave the room, and set whatever boundaries you need to feel safe.

There are lots of great resources out there to help guide you in tough conversations, here are a few to get you started:

In support and solidarity,

-Julia at Planned Parenthood

Lee says:

Thanksgiving can be hard if your family doesn’t accept you, or if you’re not out to them. Hearing your deadname and getting misgendered can suck, but you’ll get through it! Below are some more resources to help cope with the holiday.

Eating disorders:


Dealing with family:

Self-validation if you’re not accepted or not out:

More helpful things:


Please stop calling me out.


This was written about me personally. 


I did an experiment. I went to our local grocery store and I apologized to every person I walked past. “Ope! Sorry!” And every single person said, “Oh no, you’re fine!” Nobody asked me what I was sorry for. It was just kind of assumed that I was sorry for existing, and if that isn’t the most midwestern thing I’ve ever heard of, I don’t know what is.

I didn’t think I knew what “ope” meant until you said the phrase “ope! sorry!” and then I was like ‘does everyone not use this phrase’

Fucking leave me be!

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