
Welcome to Hot Gay Summer


on my slut grind

draco, who hasn't had a single romantic experience in canon: *exists*

fanfiction writers: and there he is, the macho heartthrob of hogwarts.


Let’s not make this about me. Chris Evans as Johnny Storm in FANTASTIC FOUR: RISE OF THE SILVER SURFER (2007)


Today seems like a GREAT day to read up on Quileute history and all the misconceptions Twilight spread, and if you can, donate to the Move to the Higher Ground project!

If you are interested in local history, you can also text your US zip code to 907-312-5085 and they’ll let you know whose indigenous land you are on.

((I am far from being the first person to share this info, and I hope I am not the last. Not only do we have new blogs that could benefit from these links, but as active fans it is our duty to exert the same energy into educating ourselves about social injustices around us, especially considering what our ~fave~ series did to the Quileute tribe.))


Whedon: A Pattern of Misogyny

  • Firing Charisma Carpenter for “daring” to get pregnant without his “permission”
  • James Marsters allegedly threatened to quit following the “Spike-rapes-Buffy” scene in Seeing Red (6x19)
  • On that note, apparently no one liked filming that episode
  • Dollhouse, as inventive and amazing as it is, is FULL of his personal views on women
  • The way Natasha is reintroduced in The Avengers, how later her breasts are constantly emphasized
  • Loki referring to Nat as a “mewling quim” FOR NO FUCKING REASON AT ALL. (I’ve heard from the grapevine Hiddleston felt so bad that he repeatedly apologized to Scarlett between takes?)
  • Natasha bringing up her infertility and thinking it makes her “a monster” because “it made doing bad things easier”. SJ was pregnant during filming of AoU

This list is not exhaustive. Please feel free to add more. These are just the examples I am aware of.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992) dir. Fran Rubel Kuzui


I’m not a poet. I’m just a woman. And as a woman, there’s no way for me to make my own money. Not enough to earn a living, or to support my family. If I had my own money, which I don’t, that money would belong to my husband the moment we got married. If we had children, they would be his, not mine. They would be his property. So, don’t sit there and tell me that marriage isn’t an economic proposition, because it is. It may not be for you, but it most certainly is for me.          FLORENCE PUGH AS AMY MARCH IN LITTLE WOMEN (2019)

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