
its like magical girls in here


Cordelia I She/Her I 23 | White | Tankie Princess | 英語先生 | Pigeon Lover | PMMM side blog is @azusamifuyu | Maya and Lavie 💖 | if you're annoying (196) I block on site

Bit telling that for years and years evangelical religious extremists have been allowed on university campuses with their bullhorns and horrific imagery where they harass students into physical altercations and when students complain to the university’s administration they just shrug their shoulders citing freedom of speech but when those same tuition-paying students start protesting against war and genocide they call SWAT


Bit telling that for years and years evangelical religious extremists have been allowed on university campuses with their bullhorns and horrific imagery where they harass students into physical altercations and when students complain to the university’s administration they just shrug their shoulders citing freedom of speech but when those same tuition-paying students start protesting against war and genocide they call SWAT


The student protests for Palestine have been an amazing show of solidarity and support and seeing thr way that so many young people are willing to stand up for their values is admirable when so many others stay silent. But this is all to say that we are entering a pattern of glorifying these white “martyrs” from the global west to put all of this effort and resources and media coverage into instead of the actual cause they are fighting for.

I saw the same thing happen with Aaron Bushnell, when his self immolation was being talked about more than the actual genocide in Gaza (which went against everything he said he was self immolating for in the first place).

And again this happened with the prisoner from the US who worked 136 hours just to be able to donate his $17 check to Palestine aid efforts. In response to this, people wanted to help him and ended up raising over $100,000 in a gofundme for him. This feels almost satirical, as every gofundme to help Gazans evacuate Palestine and get to safety has a goal of less than $100,000 and most of them are not even close to reaching it.

And now, there are more and more posts on how to get aid to the college student encampments, and the “urgency” of getting enough bail funds for the students who have been arrested during them. Talking about Palestine itself and getting resources to Palestine has almost been put on the back burner in favour of making all Palestine related news about college students in the United States.

It think it is valuable to recognise the selflessness and importance of these protests, and getting these students resources but what is MORE important, and what these people are truly fighting for, and protesting, and make a statement about is PALESTINE. We have unsurprisingly reached the point where there are people who care much more about the white people fighting for the cause from the comfort of living in the global west than they care about the Palestinians undergoing a genocide in Gaza. It’s become almost blatant racism, the way people begin to drop everything the second a white/usamerican person does something in regards to helping Palestine, but will not put the same effort into a Palestinian IN Gaza who is telling their story or asking for help. I respect anyone who has done absolutely anything to help Palestine, but I hope people are starting to see the pattern of how the media gravitates towards the “white saviour/perfect martyr” instead of the first hand accounts coming from those in Gaza.


everything nintendo related in it's entirety is in the process of being removed from the Garry's Mod workshop due to a DMCA takedown (most likely) from Nintendo. It's a very sad day, lets all take a moment to remember carlos


A great moment in movie history is when Harvey can’t recognize The Joker until he takes off his surgery mask.

he thought it was tom cruise


Sending in nazi stormtroopers to terrorize torture & imprison anti-genocide teenagers has bi-partisan support nationwide, slandering every protestor as a genocidal brainless nazi stooge of iran has bipartisan support nationwide, filling mass graves with executed families & doctors has bipartisan support nationwide, vote blue to stop fascism!


overtly fascist america sending its footsoldiers to a fucking university protest and its not even may yet. remind me somebody how voting for biden is a lesser evil or how voting in general is relevant to what the real world ends up like


The problem with airports is that they are controlled by the totalitarian Air Traffic Control, which concentrates power over take off and landing into its own hands. We need to abolish ATC and horizontalize airports, such that every plane must call every other plane in the world to announce that it is landing. If two planes try to land on the same runway at the same time then they'll just have to land around each other, as making one of them wait would create an unjust hierarchy


when you think about it it's pretty revealing that the USSR and China never abolished air traffic control. really pretty clear a sign of revisionism. sad! another revolution betrayed, and for what?


Fuck Israel and fuck everyone who still wants to pretend this is confusing or complicated. Is it really that hard to point out the "bad people" in a scenario where a multi-billion military apparatus is handcuffing and killing children and medical staff inside a fucking hospital?

At this point there is absolutely no room for pretending to be gullible about the genocide in Gaza. This wilful ignorance is equivalent to evil, if not even worse since it's concealed as "~unawareness~" but has the ultimate ability to sustain this bloodbath. On top of publicly declaring yourself an outright idiot, you've also got a lot of blood on your hands. What a shameful state to be in.

Anonymous asked:

Do you watch history yt channels, if so what are ur fav ones?

I've found, by and large, nearly every single history channel to be very bad.

I'm not sure if these count as history, but GDF is fantastic.

Miniminuteman is the only lib historian/anthropologist that I can stand mostly because he deals almost entirely with ancient history.


Shit man, this wizard war is fucked. I just saw a guy clap his hands together and say "the ten hells" or some similar shit, and every one around him turned inside out, had their tibia explode and then disappeared. The camera didn't even go onto him, that's how common shit like this is. My ass is casting frostbite and level 2 poison. I think I just heard "power word:scrunch" two groups over. I gotta get the fuck outta here.

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