

Judas ☀ they ☀ 26 ☀ hobbyist ☀ animal ✨I reblog art I like and try to make my own! ✨ This is a SFW blog please don't be weird in tags Art Fight ✴️ Team Vampire 🦇 @/UglyCasanova CONTENT: occasional eyestrain. furries. blud. icon by kryonsite @ twitter

Field Dragon🌻🌾 -- Ko-Fi Reward for Lancerzom (Dragon beam strikes again!)


The relationship between rakii and animals is fairly utilitarian. If it's not useful, it's not worth the care, making having pets vastly unpopular. Some favored livestock mainly among the temperate regions are Bwree.

They are domesticated herbivories the rakii range for meat and the horn as they were useful for tool material and decoration. The brwee does are for meat and calves, which they can have up to three or four of. Brwee calves are born with a fluffy stripe patterned coat, which is useful for leather linings and insulation for boots and coats. And of course, meat. While Bwree may protect their young, the does are pretty r-selective as they will only feed and care for the strongest calves in her group. The average ditching 1 or 2 of their litter, which the rakii make use of.

And for the many they have, they use the help of tamed quabuas to herd them. Their hunting tactics and pack bonds became useful for the rakii around 15,000 years ago, so it's a fairly new development. However, wild quabua will often try to "test the pecking order" and tend to challenge the pack lead. Making them difficult as pets.


Various rakii art styles I've tried dabbling with, a mix of pre and post Student influence. This one is more temperate focused, but I figured after coming into contact with the other species (mainly the jungles), inspiration would strike


design doodle, got inspired by something on the TL late last night sai2 marker & watercolor pen are fun idk anyways their name is EZ, dont look too hard into the anatomy

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