
icarly reboot dot com

@oswold / oswold.tumblr.com

shitted on em

when housecats are small its awesome and when theyre big its also awesome. the bigger or smaller a cat is, the better. but there's also something so alluring about a perfectly average cat. you can't go wrong


People be like oh you’re in your 20s you have a whole life to live but I already feel as if I’ve missed every opportunity and made all the wrong decisions and it’s just fucked now


daily reminder that Mormonism absolutely deserves every bit of mockery it gets and then some. i have sympathy for kids born into that cult trying to escape it, but the religion itself was created within living memory to justify racism and polygamy and im not going to get shamed into walking on eggshells around it

look thru the notes if you want to see internet brain rot live in action lmao "polyphobia is not cool" "polyamorous folks deserve respect" 🙄

PLEASE read the fucking room?? this isn't about your lgbt thrupple or you and all your friends that like to kiss each other, this is about a cult that ingrained the idea into people that women exist to procreate and men must have as many wives as possible in order to have as many kids as possible. Even if that means neglecting one (or two or three) of your wives in the process. Even if she doesn't WANT to have kids. Even if she is a kid herself. maybe try not to make this about yourselves for like 5 minutes....


i hate pessimistic takes on human nature so much

saying humans are inherently bad just excuses you from doing the work to improve yourself and the world around you. saying humans are inherently selfish means there's no reason to even try to make things better. and for some reason people think these are radical takes, that they're being smart or philosophical by saying humanity is doomed - these are not new takes. you're just catholic.

you have to believe that people are inherently good. you have to. why have hearts if not to love, hands if not to hold, minds if not to dream. you can't ignore love. there's some good in this world, mr frodo, and it's worth fighting for.


Today, the African American community lost a great man, Michael K. Williams. Michael struggled with substance abuse and addiction most of his life, like many vulnerable Black people in this country. He spoke openly about this during his life growing up in NYC. Please consider donating to fundraisers and campaigns supporting Black people dealing with substance abuse. We don’t deserve to be alone in this struggle, and neither did Michael.

You can also consider donating to VOCAL-NY, which is a grassroots organization in New York that directly supports poor Black people, people with HIV/AIDS, those dealing with substance abuse & addiction, the incarcerated, and people dealing with homelessness.


bdsm enjoyers r onto something. i think we should incorporate aftercare into just hanging out. i need a buddy to hold me and say “that was really fun and you seemed normal”

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