
v o n

@vonuberwald / vonuberwald.tumblr.com

♥from UK♥ ♥superheroes, supervillains, mythology & other pretty things♥

I think Stardew Valley, The Sims, and Minecraft are all in the same category of game in that you play it obsessively for weeks, losing all sense of time, and then don’t touch it for months


speaking of autism, it's all fun and cute and quirky until you display behavior related to the disorder and suddenly it's not cute or profitable. I have breakdowns, sensory issues, speech issues/go non verbal and learning issues. autism does have its silly moments but when you just water it down to that, it becomes a bit of a problem. *especially* seeing folks treating autistic folks who need more support like shit.


Pour one out for a real one.

Reading up on him, he was a pretty cool guy. He was one of the first people to stand up to John Money about his theories of gender development and position that intersex infants should receive surgery and never be told about it using his abuse of David Reimer as ‘proof’, asserting that Money didn’t have the evidence and standing his ground even when Money straight up started screaming at him. And then later he was proven right when he got into contact with David Reimer, not only discovering proof that Money was wrong but also how abusive and horrific Money had been. He then went on to write advocating for intersex and trans rights and to avoid unnecessary procedures on intersex people without full informed consent and that intersex people are part of natural human variation and that we deserve acceptance and not to be treated like a disorder.

A quote I really like from him: ‘Nature loves diversity, society hates it’


@brittikitty on insta

this is the cutest thing


Wholesome Goth

Not sure how the original video from the OP disappeared (on desktop view), but here's a copy from Tiktok


This is breaking containment into the TERF enclosures which I very much expected, but I will happily shout from the rooftops that furry porn artists are more productive and beneficial to society than JKR’s incessant whining on the elon musk dick riding app about how much she hates trans people


100% this. Whatever she did before all her bullshit came out of her mouth has been null and void by the act of continuing to perpetuate her fuckery.

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