
Bored Egg


Screw you, cringe culture is dead —————
Howdy people, I’m Egg

I’m Egg (They/She pronouns). Aroace, too. I doodle, but mostly reblog stuff here to show friends. I’m very tired despite my sleeping schedule send help

I have certain tags to help find my content:

My stuff/my art: original drawings by me

Egg talk: me just chatting to the void (also some of my takes)

Some egg lore in space; some egg lore in this place: spaced information about yours truely

Reblogs/reblog/reblogging this for later: any and all reblogs I do

I’m kinda free to chat?

My ask box status: open


there's a lot to hate but i think my least favourite thing about AI generated images is that now every time i see a really cool artwork on the internet, instead of childlike wonder i experience suspicion


You shouldn’t have to be trans to get any sex characteristic-related surgery. It’s not a limited resource. Plenty of cis men get implants and cis women get breast reductions. From Colby Gordon today and Leslie Feinberg in Transgender Warriors (1996).


fundamentally it's all just body modification and that's all good


Look you don't have to be dysphoric about your entire gender to be dysphoric about specific body parts. People should be able to get top surgery or a hysterectomy or whatever, on demand. For whatever reason.

Getting rid of my uterus was one of my first experiences of gender euphoria, before I knew what nonbinary was.

I asked for a breast reduction, they refused on the grounds that it was cosmetic, that my breasts weren't large enough to require a medical reduction. I boggled at that, and then said, "Fine, I'm nonbinary, we'll go the gender confirmation route." And that got the process done. I am nonbinary, but it shouldn't have taken that to get 22 fucking pounds of breast tissue removed. How goddamn large did they have to be to justify a medical reduction? My O2 sats went up after the surgery despite the post surgical binder. I medically needed them gone. I could not medically get them gone, but could do it as gender affirming care.

Someone close to me would benefit from a hysterectomy, wants a hysterectomy, and was told that her excruciating pain and excessive bleeding and exhaustion and lack of interest in future procreation was not sufficient to get a hysterectomy paid for by medicaid, but when that person said, "I'm genderfluid and I want gender affirming care" suddenly everything was covered.

And I 100% support that, even though it didn't even occur to her to think of herself as anything but female until I suggested it, but on thinking about it she decided genderfluid worked for her.

But even as a nonbinary person, I am DEEPLY disturbed that the easiest way to get essential care is to stop being female. What the everlasting fuck. Just give women hysterectomies if they want them. Same as you do for vasectomies. Someone wants smaller tits or no tits? De-vavavoom them.

And if you have to ask for gender affirming care in order to get necessary medical treatment? Go forth with my blessing.


energy policy would be much better if we still had a tradition of animal sacrifice I think. people would be way more chill about nuclear energy if they could see a large and proud bull being ritually sacrificed every month or so at the base of the cooling towers to keep the plant safe


pretty cool ship you've got there. have you considered adding another guy to it though


dude trying to bargain their way onto noah's ark


Pride Month and The Aphobic Stereotypes

With Pride Month being here we will unfortunately see a lot of aphobia. The usual:

  • 'you just haven't found the right one'
  • 'are you x because you have suffered?'
  • 'sex/romance is everything!'
  • 'you're like an innocent child'
  • 'you're a monster for not feeling (romantic) love'
  • 'how can you write/draw smut or enjoy smut art if you're asexual?'
  • 'how can you write/draw romance or enjoy romance art if you're aromantic?'
  • 'you're going to die alone/be miserable without a partner!'
  • 'that person't can't be your friend; must be your lover/crush'

No aphobia allowed. Asexuality and aromanticism is a spectrum. We're not all the same. I'm a sex-repulsed and romance-repulsed aro/ace. If you want to learn more research and kindly ask around. So Happy Pride Month to Aromantics, Asexuals, and Aroaces!

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