ladies and gentlemen please rise for the national anthem of korea, growl by exo
minimal concepts : kim jongin and esquire korea mockup (for my angel, @luhan-vevo ♥)
follow @sttg for more like this
follow @sttg for more like this
warm colors - baekhyun 🍊🍁🍂
always surprised to know he’s cute. forever the cutest.
tbh my music taste is so hard to describe like it’s literally everything except for the songs i dont like
As of today, September 30, I’ve been on here for six god damn years! So, in celebration, I’ve decided to put together a follow forever for the first time in a really long time that also says thanks for helping me reach 4k! I’ve been on here a really long time now and I really appreciate every one who follows me, mutuals or not ❤ ❤ ❤
♕ ♕
@lawlliets @peachysuho @gothchanbaek @lottomp3byexo @305heaux @curlyheaux @hotpinks @ackreeits @brbcrawlingtokorea @voguekorea @tellmewhatislove @fkaho @lipstick-chateau @modelsoo @mokuokeawe @lula-loves @tipannies @exodusandchill @oilyho @wolfbyexosavedkpop @krellysworld @c92 @verbaljinx @getlayd @yixingsgf @witchygf @taeyeonstan @keenforirene @r-velvets @minseokked @jessicasboyfriend @sehunnified @milkbyfx @minseokhyun @exomoonlightmp3 @kimsjunmyeons @junmyeonsbae @zhangyixings @gingerfany
@1amber @breadtalks @yulks @highpcy @pcystrophywife @palomyeol @61cy @trillmp3 @suhosridingcrop @snorlaxatives @groaneveld @larastonesbitch @leaderirene @frackoviak @taendelion @taeblush @queenhyo @hoodasssuga @yixingsosweet @shypcy @bias-less @suavesehun @chanyeolsheaux @chanys @exosheaux @yeolpeach @istanpcy @voulair @iluvpcy @idontgiveasuga @itachidere @untouchabyeolman @kriswooh @vaginal-erection @4-velvets @voulair @prankchanyeol @suhomatsu @theleftbuttcheek @yoonyvl @luhan-vevo
@gfriendsmp3 @luderella @kuroi-pearl @naliz @ot9s @parkchny @krisinsanity @sassysuho @chanyoelpark @thatsrightmytype @asslord @yuristiffany @breadtalks @92-pcy @imbaekhyunsgf @suhoisbeautiful @sweetyeol @tiffanyhwangz @seulge @chaeyoungs @hopeyeol @lottopcy @sooyulti @chanyeolve @ailee @chanyeolswaitingforme @bychanyeol @beautyeol @brbcrawlingtokorea @sehuns-wife @sehunsluckyone @ohhsenshine @yixingofficial @yixingofficial @jongdae-andnight @blondejongin @dumblets @denisgodlas @istanpcy @jikooksgf @luderella @minseokked @taeyongruinedbenatural @foxshiromulder
♕ ♕
hello!! wOOW i can’t believe it’s already been three years since i’ve created this blog and in that period i’ve followed and unfollowed a lot of people and so basically this is just a thank you post to the many blogs that i’ve been following whether it’s been for three years or for one week. you all are amazing and im so thankful everyday to see you guys on my dash, positive, happy, and healthy. i know i’m more of a quiet blog,, i rarely talk at all but im here lmao…always observing and so these are some of the most amazing blogs and people that i could’ve possibly followed soo once again thaNK YOU ♡
insp cr: x
# - D
@8gmilk @absolutehun @aishbaek @babyboysol @baehkkyun @baekhyun-ah @baekzone @bakingsodaz @beautyeol @bhyunq @blackdyo @blondejongin @brbcrawlingtokorea @bubbleflexe @byunbaeks @byunbunnie @byunny @celestyeol @chankyung @chanyoelpark @cheolyans @cherryblossom @cutaekai @cutiehuns @cytaoplasm @daenso @derp-yeoll @dimplay @dokynsoo @domkyungsoo
E - L
@essentyeol @ethereal-baek @exoturnback @fan-qins @galaxychen @hearteus @iridiscentao @irpsychotic @itsyeols @jellybaeek @jngn-km @jonginism @jonginssoo @joomyun @kaibility @kaiffeines @kailifornia @kaillusive @kaimint @kaisehs @kimdos @krellysworld @krisinsanity @krismehard @kyungsol @lawlliets @leuhans @lionbaek @littlebyuns @luludeery
M - T
@milkyeoll @naptea @obaekhyun @oh-sehun @ohbaekhyuns @ohxing @otp12exo @parkchny @parknamja @pork-chonyal @pornbaek @qrishan @sassytaohun @sebaeked @sefuns @sehunniez @sehunsi @sehunsluckyone @sehwun @sekairis @senfinity @slayeol @solobaek @souno @suhocean @tellmewhatislove @tipannies
U - Z