

@saltymiraculer / saltymiraculer.tumblr.com

don't let this flop 🤞

things to update after a legal name change!

  • Social security card
  • Driver’s license
  • Passport
  • Birth certificate
  • Employer HR
  • Bank account
  • Credit card company
  • Car insurance
  • Health insurance
  • Utilities
  • Cell phone account
  • Voter registration
  • Your school
  • Professional organizations (for nursing, bar, teaching, etc.)
  • Doctor’s office & other health specialists
  • TV & internet
  • Paypal

*Please add to this list if you can think of anything else!!!

#1 thing I notice trans people forget to change after just a social name change is their voicemail recording!

I uh… I thought this meant if you’re planning on faking your death and being someone else somewhere else.

Why not both!


pour one out for all those fic readers who found one author who wrote one really good fic for their fandom then clicked on their profile to find they wrote exactly one fic for that fandom and the rest for, like, csi or something


yall remember when we used to make the plural of miraculous "miraculi"


Sorry to be rude or bother you, but how do you think a story about Nino snapping at Marinette and the others about how the Protector (him) is supposed to be protected by their allies but that can’t be done if they forget about him would go down


8 hour train tomorrow might write this but here’s a prompt for now

i think that any neglect of nino’s safety would be on alya and adrien, assuming he didn’t know carapace’s identity. marinette would blame herself for him getting hurt whether or not it was her fault, and i like to think they have a bond over being the ones to protect the team. (ladybug covering chat when he sacrifices himself, etc.)

potential scenario:

-nino gets injured during a fight he was called in for, one of the other teammates also gets hurt while he’s down

-when he comes to, adrien/alya/marinette rags on him for “being selfish,” “not taking the fight seriously,” or if ladybug gets hurt “putting my lady in danger”

-they don’t let him defend himself when talking down to him, he has to raise his voice, miraculous is temporarily recalled (likely by adrien)

-wayzz comes back to him and brings him to master fu. the issue of the turtle not being protected was present when fu was active and he advises nino on how to proceed

-during the next fight nino gets hurt while jumping in front of a civilian the other heroes hadn’t seen to protect them

-adrien asks him why he would risk himself just to help someone (substitute for something equally stupid if necessary) and he responds that it wouldn’t have been dangerous if anyone had had his back

-“but you’re the protector, you don’t need protection” alr kitty boy if i only protect myself what do u think happens huh. INCANR HELP YOU IF IM PROTECTING MYSWLF

-the other heroes go “well i can’t accept that i was wrong so im just gonna gang up on you 🥰” the. revoked miraculous and a new team that actually works together

i can’t think of a better ending rn but there u go

Anonymous asked:

For a Kagiminette fluff prompt, how about something where Kagami injures her ankle in a fencing mishap and is benched from her sport for a while, so Mari does her best to cheer her up?

on it xo

Anonymous asked:

Are you still watching Miraculous?

not really

it came on the other day on a hotel room tv and i was like where tf did the story go? 💀


Secret Nickname

DISCLAIMER: I apologize if the translations are wrong. I used Google Translates from English to Italian.

Lila sneered as she watched Marinette and Adrien pass by her, in front of the school.

‘I will not be ignored!’

“Non vincerai mai. Lo sai, vero? Adrien sarà mio e tu sarai solo e senza amici. Chi potrebbe mai amare un perdente così patetico come te?” Lila shouted at them.

TRANSLATION: You’re never going to win. You know that, don’t you? Adrien will be mine and you will be lonely and friendless. Who could ever love such a pathetic loser like you?

Adrien frowned. He hadn’t understood what Lila had said, only that she said his name. He opened his mouth, but someone began to shout behind him.

“Chi ti credi di essere, ragazzina? Non è così che puoi parlare con mia nipotina! Ovviamente non sei stato cresciuto con le buone maniere! I vostri genitori devono essere delusi da voi.” yelled Gina.

TRANSLATION: Who do you think you are, Little Girl? That is not way for you to talk to my grand daughter! You obviously weren’t raised with manners! You’re parents must be disappointed in you.

“Nona?” Marinette questioned, giving her grandmother her full attention.

Lila had taken a couple steps back when the shouting had started. She had never been a fan of being yelled at in Italian. It was part of the reason why she was so happy to move to Paris. Her grandparents wouldn’t be able to shout at her there. She had no idea Marinette was Italian or had family that was.

“Is this girl your friend, Marinetta?” Gina questioned.

“No, Nona.” Marinette answered, shaking her head.

“Good.” Gina side-eyed Lila, “Stay away from this monello.”


“ I don’t think you have to worry about that, Mrs. Dupain, Marinette is a great girl and is very kind.”

“Yes, Nipote, My Little Fairy has a big heart.” Gina smiled.

Lila looked between the Italian lady and Adrien, before she quickly took off.

'I got you now, Dupain-Cheng! You fucked up!

“Now, I believe you were going to show me around.” Nona Gina stated, “It’s been awhile since I’ve been back to Paris.”

“Of course, Nona, as long as you tell me of your travels.” Mari smiled.

“I can give you a ride.” offers Adrien, as they began to walk away.

“No need.” Gina spoke, handing her fairy a helmet.

Adrien watched as Marinette undid her hair and quickly tied it in a braid, before placing the helmet on. Gina got on the back of her bike with ease and Marinette followed.

“Bye, Adrien.” Marinette waved, “See you tomorrow.”

Adrien waved at Marinette as they took off down the street. He was too busy paying attention to where they had left, he hadn’t noticed Natalie standing behind him.

“Should your father be concerned?” She asked, suddenly.

“N-No.” Adrien spoke, calming his heart, “That was Marinette with her Nona. She’s visiting; her Nona usually travels a lot.”

“Nona? She’s part Italian?” Natalie questioned.

'I’ll have to do a further investigation into the family. That information was not in my background check.’

“It’s Tom-I mean Mr. Dupain’s mother.” Adrien spoke, turning away.

'I hope Natalie didn’t notice I said Tom’s name. I know he let’s me call him that, but Father told me I should call everyone Sir.’


i'm offline a lot now but jsyk i write these in my free time with about 10% of the effort i'd put into stuff normally. it's not supposed to be good writing, it's supposed to make me happy


i wish people put in more '60s accurate details in their fanfictions so i present some things from the '60s the characters in the outsiders would have seen/used/experienced.

school lunches

  • this is what the gang most likely would have had at school lunch. people don't really talk about school lunch in their fanfics but i really think they should. could you imagine the romance of eating "weiner wraps" with ponyboy?
  • these honestly sound disgusting no wonder dallas dropped out.
  • rip johnny cade you would have loved high school cheezy breadsticks.
  • EDIT: it said in the book that the greasers didn't go to the cafeteria for lunch!

halloween costumes

  • this one required two pictures because i wanted to show the true demon from hell itself that is the beatles mask halloween costumes. i wanna see someone write a fanfic about bob sheldon jumping johnny cade but dressed up as paul mccartney. now that would haunt my dreams.
  • '60s halloween costumes were honestly so scary even when they weren't trying to be.
  • could you imagine like a little baby four year old ponyboy going trick or treating and seeing those eyeball things? no wonder the kid has anxiety and ptsd.

60s fashion

  • i could make a whole post about clothing (dresses, housewear, school clothes, bathing suits, fuck even underwear) but for now i just wanted to highlight some of this stuff. if you're going for 1965, these looks are a bit more socy but cute! i wanna see cherry pop off in that orange dress.
  • if you're writing a few years after the main plots of the book (after 1966) that fashion could probably be seen with a lot of the characters! i could see ponyboy popping off with that sweater on the bottom left.
  • EDIT: fashion also depends on region! what people were wearing in Tulsa was different from what people were wearing in Miami, and vice versa.
  • semi-unrelated but we should acknowledge that mrs. curtis was a housewife in the 50s and for sure would have worn those pretty housewife dresses. she's so cool. we should talk about her more. EDIT: it's unlikely that she would have because of their financial status.


  • i know that the characters are a bit old to be playing with toys- but they might still mention them in conversation. and these toys are perfect for any baby fanfics!
  • i know cherry would have SO played with those barbies. i would read a whole fic about cherry's barbie dreamhouse. could you imagine marcia and cherry playing barbies together? so cute. i could die.
  • if you're looking for toys the gang would have played with, i would look at toys from the 50s, especially for older characters like tim shepard and darry curtis.
  • EDIT: they most likely wouldn't have had that many toys! maybe only one or two.

christmas decorations

  • christmas in the '60s was so cute! i could so see cherry with one of those aluminum christmas trees in her house.
  • the second picture does a good job of showing what some kids might have gotten for christmas, along with what their tvs and other items looked like.
  • again, this is pretty soc-centered, but it can give y'all some good ideas for a nice '60s christmas fanfic with the gang.


  • to start, a lot of the things here are revolve around the socs, and that's because they're rich. people idealize and remember the things that the rich had over the poor. even if the gang wouldn't have had these things, they still would have seen them around!
  • if you really want to go deep: look at boomer meme accounts. i know it sounds stupid, but trust me. you'll see tons of things like "no kids these days know what this means" and they think they're better than younger generations because technology has advanced. it's a great way to learn about some of the small things people had to do everyday that won't get talked about.
  • there were some parts of the '60s that were really cute. obviously, other parts of the decade weren't so i advise you all to be careful with how you write decade-accurate pieces. racism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, and many other issues were rampant at this time. (general psa: you can write gay characters in 60s fanfictions! gay people did exist in the 60s.)
  • i do this thing in my fanfiction i like to call "vintage touches" where in would incorporate things from the original text/60s like drive in theaters, music, record players, fashion, etc. but, i would still have the fanfiction take place in the modern day.

this was a very fun post to make and i hope y'all like it! if anybody wants anything they want to see, please shoot me an ask! this is just scratching the surface.



Based on @unmaskedagain post “Marinette’s Haunted Doll” this is my take on the story and the kind of things Serafina would have done to get even. There’ll be three parts, and will hopefully be posted through the week. Blood, gore, and character death ahead. You have been warned.

She was seven years old when her Grandma Gina’s sister, Ramona, passed away. Marinette couldn’t remember ever meeting her. Her dad said that she was a very private person and didn’t get out much. Since she had never married or had any children, all of her relatives were asked to come over to the house and divide the property before the rest was sold and equally divided. 

While her parents had been in the kitchen, looking over some family cook books, Marinette had wandered around the old house until she came to a small room. It was full of spiderwebs and old toys, which greatly interested her. She spent a long time looking through the boxes and shelves until she found a locked chest in the closet. Remembering the key she had seen in a dresser drawer, she retrieved it to see if it worked. It was hard to turn, but she heard the click and was able to open the lid. Inside was a box with an envelope laying on top of it. Curious she opened the envelope and read the note as best as she could.

“If I’m dead, Serafina killed me.”

Tilting her head in curiosity, Marinette set the letter aside and opened the box. Inside was an old looking porcelain doll. It was covered in spiderwebs, the dress was old and ripped, she was missing a shoe, and the hat looked like it was stained with red paint. 

“Are you Serafina?” She asked the doll before carefully lifting it out of the box. “I don’t think you’re bad, you just look lonely. But don’t worry, I’ll take care of you!” Giving the doll a gentle hug, the little girl got to her feet and left the room and letter behind. Finding her parents, she asked if it was okay to take the doll home so she could take care of her.

me holding a gun to a mushroom: tell me the name of god you fungal piece of shit
mushroom: can you feel your heart burning? can you feel the struggle within? the fear within me is beyond anything your soul can make. you cannot kill me in a way that matters
me cocking the gun, tears streaming down my face: I’M NOT FUCKING SCARED OF YOU

Hey OP? What the FUCK does this mean?

decay exists as an extant form of life

That’s a terrifying answer, have a nice day

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