
I Whump You

@iwhumpyou / iwhumpyou.tumblr.com

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Whump Fic Masterlist

The grand masterlist of all my whumpfic - ranging from short scenes to single-posts to single-arc to universes.  All original works with original characters (except the fanfic).


  • I write whump of both male and female characters - check out My OCs if you’d like to know more about my characters (+pronunciations).
  • Check out the Guide if you want to know more about how my whump writing is organized.
  • Not sure where to start?  Check out Suggestions for a list curated by your preferences.  If you’re looking for a trope not on that list, feel free to drop an ask to get some suggestions.
  • Looking for Batfamily or Avengers whump?  My AO3.
  • Check out the Ficlet Masterpost for a collection of writing that is too short or too disjoint to justify a position on this masterlist.
  • Check out Prompt Fills for the collection of my BTHB and Whumptober prompt fills.
  • BTHB and requests are currently closed.  Check out my Squicks before a request.
  • As always, if you need me to tag anything, let me know.

Concept: a mermaid who collects human artifacts, but, like, exclusively objects that humans have dramatically cast into the sea in moments of high emotion, catharsis, or personal revelation. Each item is carefully mounted above a little index card that outlines the circumstances of its hurling in terse, clinical prose.

How many outdated cellphones does she have from businessmen who realize that Family is more important?

Fewer than you’d think. For a variety of fascinating demographic and cultural reasons, importance-of-family cell phones are considerably more likely to be hurled into lakes than oceans. She’s co-authored a paper on the subject that’s due to be published next month.

I hope it’s been pier reviewed


some of the best writing advice I’ve ever received: always put the punch line at the end of the sentence.

it doesn’t have to be a “punch line” as in the end of a joke. It could be the part that punches you in the gut. The most exciting, juicy, shocking info goes at the end of the sentence. Two different examples that show the difference it makes:

doing it wrong:

She saw her brother’s dead body when she caught the smell of something rotting, thought it was coming from the fridge, and followed it into the kitchen.

doing it right:

Catching the smell of something rotten wafting from the kitchen—probably from the fridge, she thought—she followed the smell into the kitchen, and saw her brother’s dead body.

Periods are where you stop to process the sentence. Put the dead body at the start of the sentence and by the time you reach the end of the sentence, you’ve piled a whole kitchen and a weird fridge smell on top of it, and THEN you have to process the body, and it’s buried so much it barely has an impact. Put the dead body at the end, and it’s like an emotional exclamation point. Everything’s normal and then BAM, her brother’s dead.

This rule doesn’t just apply to sentences: structuring lists or paragraphs like this, by putting the important info at the end, increases their punch too. It’s why in tropes like Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking or Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick, the odd item out comes at the end of the list.

Subverting this rule can also be used to manipulate reader’s emotional reactions or tell them how shocking they SHOULD find a piece of information in the context of a story. For example, a more conventional sentence that follows this rule:

She opened the pantry door, looking for a jar of grape jelly, but the view of the shelves was blocked by a ghost.

Oh! There’s a ghost! That’s shocking! Probably the character in our sentence doesn’t even care about the jelly anymore because the spirit of a dead person has suddenly appeared inside her pantry, and that’s obviously a much higher priority. But, subvert the rule:

She opened the pantry door, found a ghost blocking her view of the shelves, and couldn’t see past it to where the grape jelly was supposed to be.

Because the ghost is in the middle of the sentence, it’s presented like it’s a mere shelf-blocking pest, and thus less important than the REAL goal of this sentence: the grape jelly. The ghost is diminished, and now you get the impression that the character is probably not too surprised by ghosts in her pantry. Maybe it lives there. Maybe she sees a dozen ghosts a day. In any case, it’s not a big deal. Even though both sentences convey the exact same information, they set up the reader to regard the presence of ghosts very differently in this story.


Writing advice from my uni teachers:

  • If your dialog feels flat, rewrite the scene pretending the characters cannot at any cost say exactly what they mean. No one says “I’m mad” but they can say it in 100 other ways.
  • Wrote a chapter but you dislike it? Rewrite it again from memory. That way you’re only remembering the main parts and can fill in extra details. My teacher who was a playwright literally writes every single script twice because of this.
  • Don’t overuse metaphors, or they lose their potency. Limit yourself.
  • Before you write your novel, write a page of anything from your characters POV so you can get their voice right. Do this for every main character introduced.

This is legit good writing advice, especially the first bullet point! In playwriting class we did a bit where every bit of dialogue had to be an accusatory question and it was glorious.


We're fanfic writers, we spend hours researching an incredibly niche topic we know nothing about so that we can have one sentence be factually correct


And sometimes we do all that research, realize it doesn't fit in with the plot/character motivations/vibes, but hey, at least now we know it's factually incorrect


If you're lamenting the fact that you used to be able to shoot through a 500-page novel in like a day when you were in middle school and now you can't, it's worth bearing in mind that a big part of that is because when you were in middle school, your reading comprehension sucked. Yes, mental health and the stresses of adult life can definitely be factors, but it's also the case that reading is typically more effortful as an adult because you've learned to Ponder The Implications. The material isn't just skimming over the surface of your brain anymore, and some of the spoons you used to spend on maximising your daily page count are now spent on actually thinking about what you're reading!

Reading as a kid: "I can tell that this is supposed to be an emotionally moving ending, but I genuinely cannot remember who two-thirds of these characters are."

Reading as an adult: *reads a paragraph* *pauses* *reads the same paragraph again* *flips back and re-reads the preceding page to make sure you didn't misunderstand something* *stares into space for ten minutes as the Implications sink in*


man supernatural might be bad but also ill be damned if thats not the most american show ever. like theres movies and tv that've tried to be this american but 99% have failed. you watch a particularly good episode of supernatural and suddenly you feel the hours of highway winds against your skin and theres more asphalt road than livable terrain for miles and you eat the best meal of your life at a pit stop and you havent gone to church since you were a kid but you still think about praying sometimes and you split a 6 pack with someone you love and a few too many people around you have guns and the land around you is so big when youre right in the center of it you feel like it could swallow you up and you know for a fact theres an unimaginable amount of mythology just beneath the surface. and then you watch the next episode where sam kills paris hilton or something


it's hilarious how if you do any amount of research into life or death melee combat the prevailing themes that emerge are that

  • you're gonna get tired very quickly
  • tired leads to injured, injured leads to tired, tired leads to—
  • you're not gonna be as composed as you expect
  • humans are more fragile than you think and also more durable than you think. both are true and neither stop them from dying of an infection later (DO NOT GET BITTEN)
  • DO NOT GET STABBED (generally good life advice)
  • knights are faster than you think

Other favorites from history:

  • Humans are very good at *pretending* to fight each other in hopes that the generals way in the back are buying it so nobody has to get stabbed.
  • Most of the dying only happened after a side broke and tried to run, because then the rich assholes on horseback got to start running them down.
  • When you do get a bloodthirtsy force, it gets bad real quick (see the battle of Adrianople, 378 CE, and the battle of Cannae, 216 BCE)
  • Uuuuuuuh wow professionalization matters a lot actually
  • There's a lot of dust actually
  • Horses Will Not run through opposing infantry, but they will run at other horses
  • Elephants are not worth it, tbh
  • Shields matter a lot if you want to not die but good luck finding a balance between being too heavy and not protective enough
  • Anything is a projectile if you throw it hard enough
  • Always have a knife
  • Do Not Fall Down - you will be trampled
  • The guy with the biggest hat/plume is the leader
  • Release The Hounds
  • Valleys are BAD NEWS
  • Uphill is much nicer than downhill
  • A retreat route to boats on the sea is only helpful when you're already ready to sail
  • Forests are torches waiting to be lit
  • A professional soldier does a surprising amount of sitting around and day labour on massive projects
  • The army has always been a good place to become an engineer, it seems
  • Ffs, pleasr listen when the sergeant tells you something. He's always right
  • If you've got a shit general, make sure you've got a good tactician/strategist
  • That rich guy really doesn't know what he's doing, huh
  • Drowning is awful and being in the navy is certainly A Choice, but your wife will not be happy with you
  • Damn, all this shit is heavy :(((
  • Attack the baggage train >:)))
  • Uhhhh, sarge? The battle line broke. I'm going home
  • Why aren't the enemy running and screaming back at us? They're just ... walking towards us. I will not be sticking around to figure out whatever fuckery they're up to.
  • Blood is actually really slippery :(
  • I did not clean my blade and now the blood has dried and glued the sword and scabbard together :(((
  • Tf you mean we're gonna fight during harvest season. I think tf not.
  • I Hate This. All Of This.
  • Fuck me, battle is LOUD despite the fact I can't hear shit in this helmet
  • You're better to be down an arm than down a leg, tbh
  • Desertion rates are not as high as you'd think, but if you let the troops starve and get sick, they will abandon you en masse
  • The fewer pieces to armour the better is usually is (with the exception of chain and scale)
  • Skirts and loose-ish clothes actually help conceal the lines of your body in combat
  • Don't wear too much armour in a hot place because you will be sweating until you pass out and die
  • Falling off a chariot is Less Cool
  • You're less likely to get stabbed than you are crushed or run over
  • Leather resists slashing damage, silk/linen resists piercing damage and wood/ceramic disperses blunt damage
  • Ceramic armour is actually so effective at defending its wearer that we still use it in bulletproof vests and tank armour (though once its broken it needs to be replaced)
  • A blade lodged in bone can actually be really hard to get back out
  • If your belly is cut open, you're already dead to an infection
  • Unless they hit a major artery, bleeding out takes a long time

Top-Tier Villain Motivations

  • They will be safe. It doesn't matter who else or what else burns as long as They will be safe.
  • I will be safe. The hunger and the cold will never touch me again.
  • Fuck any bitch who's prettier(/cooler/better-liked/better at making dumplings) than me.
  • Yes, Master
  • Love me. Love me. Love me. Love me. LOVE ME!
  • I know the terrible things these so-called "heroes" will do if I don't stop them (<- is absolutely wrong)
  • I don't want a better future, I want a better past!
  • No other way to get performance art funded these days

Very important, cannot believe I forgot:

  • No other way to get academic research funded these days.
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