
Nonsense Archive

@oltanya / oltanya.tumblr.com

A regretful decision

[ID: a photo of 19 birds in silhouette sitting on 4 telephone wires. Two of these birds are leaning into each other and backlit by the moon so that it looks like there’s a circle of light encapsulating them. /end ID]


i must not stir the pot. stirring the pot is the notifications-killer. participation in the discourse is the little-death that brings total activity obliteration. i will face the bad opinions on the internet. i will permit them to pass over me and through me. and when they have gone past, i will turn the block button onto their source. where the discourse has come from there will be nothing. only i will remain.


Depending on how work goes this year it might be a while before the actual final piece sees the light of day - so I'm releasing the animatic for the Guards! Guards! animated trailer on the unsuspecting public. I was hoping it could work as both a trailer/intro animation to a non-existant Guards! Guards! animated show, and I think it turned out pretty neat! I hope you enjoy.

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