
BruHarvey Weekend

@bruharveyweekend / bruharveyweekend.tumblr.com

BruHarvey Weekend 2022 is a celebration of Bruce Wayne and Harvey Dent's 80 years of relationship! This event will be held from 19 February until 22 February.
We welcome all fan content that focuses on this pair. #BruHarveyWeekend

A bonus sequel to my BruHarvey Weekend 2022 piece is now posted! - “Fear Is Fading Fast

Dr. Leland has a lot of questions for Harvey when he shows up to therapy without his coin.

This work is a SEQUEL to “Only Love Can Last.” You probably want to read that first.

Thanks again to @whipbogard for organizing a fantastic BruHarvey Weekend!!!! Make sure you check out all the other awesome works in case you missed it! And late entries are ALWAYS loved and welcomed (feed us more BruHarvey pleeeeze) 

Yay for more work 🥳


Thanks everyone for making BruHarvey Weekend a success!

In case you've missed them, here is the full list of all the fics and art done in conjunction of BruHarvey Weekend! 🖤💜



Remember! Late submissions are more than welcomed! Please tag #bruharveyweekend and mention this account (or @bruharvweekend on twitter) and we will reblog/RT your entry accordingly! 😊

Our AO3 collection will also remain open!

Here be hoping that there will be BruHarvey Weekend in 2023 🙈


Hey guys!! It’s officially 23rd in every part of the world so we’d like to thank everyone for making BruHarvey Weekend a success!! 🥰🥰🥰

We had so many good stuff in just 4 days and a proper wrap-up post will be made when the mod is feeling less pooped 😳 hope you guys had fun as much as we did 🥳🥳🥳


BruHarvey Weekend 2022 - Day 1 - “Only Love Can Last”

Day 1: Fake Dating / First Time / “Let me take you home”

Bruce and Harvey have had a lot of firsts, but all Harvey wants is a second chance.

(A 222-word drabble for Two-Face)


The first time they kiss is slow and sexy, smirking eyes rising to the challenge, meeting the dare, egging the other on.

The first time they fuck is rough edges and false bravado, vulnerabilities carefully hidden while sock garters are exposed.

The first time they wake up together in the same bed is not an accident, although they both pretend otherwise.

The first time they go out to dinner, Bruce laces his fingers through Harvey’s right in front of the paparazzi.

The first time they break up is when Bruce tells Harvey that he’s Batman. It lasts for two hours before angry sex turns to make-up sex turns to promises to stop lying.

The second time they break up is the first time that Bruce visits Harvey in the hospital. It lasts for two minutes before Bruce manages to convince Harvey that he still loves him, despite the scars.

The first time Two-Face kills someone is the first time that Bruce cries over the man he loves. It’s not the last time - for either of them.

The first time Bruce visits Harvey in Arkham, Two-Face won’t let Harvey come out. Not the second time, either, or the fourth or twelfth or twentieth.

Harvey wonders every Saturday if it will be the first time that Bruce doesn’t show up.

Every Saturday, it’s not.



"I missed you"

  • Rating: Mature
  • Relationship: Harvey Dent/Bruce Wayne
  • Harvey waits for Bruce at the Mayor's re-election party and waits for Bruce to make a speech when he arrives.  But Bruce already has his own plans for the evening.


I really wanted to be involved in this, but I'm having a bit of a creative block... so I tried to translate into English one of my old works about them. (I hope my English isn't that bad haha, but... I'm sorry if there are any mistakes)

Happy BruHarvey weekend! I hope you enjoy my fic :)


🦇 Happy Birthday, Bruce! 🖤

Which also means...

💐💖 Happy BruHarvey Weekend! 💖💐

Follow us at @bruharveyweekend as we will be reblogging and posting all the awesome contents made by the awesome people in the fandom.

We hope you will enjoy the festivity as much as we do! Don't forget to share and leave a comment for the content creators 😘


BruHarvey Weekend is happening on Feb 19 - 22, 2022 Event Quicklinks: Prompt List | FAQ | Rules | Twitter | AO3 Collection

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