
now @softportmns

@mxllardnxllings-blog / mxllardnxllings-blog.tumblr.com

Moved to softportmns


Thank you everyone for giving me your love and responses over the past 2 weeks!, I ( with the help of everyone) decided to archive this blog, I will now be starting fresh @softportmns !, I look forward to continuing with everyone there!!



Thank you everyone for giving me your love and responses over the past 2 weeks!, I ( with the help of everyone) decided to archive this blog, I will now be starting fresh @softportmns !, I look forward to continuing with everyone there!!

Anonymous asked:

why dont you post more often?

I have alot of things to say…but I don’t really know where to start?

I know I said during the summer that I would post more, but I also had other responsibilities that I never touched up on. One of them being me volunteering at a Hospital for Volunteer hours.

            I never really touched up on this, but I really want to go to the medical field once I’m out of Highschool. So to acheive this (and go to college) I started to volunteer there. I helped out for about 8 hours a day (except on Saturday and Sunday) And by the time I got home, I was usually too exhuasted to sit down and write. Once I finished the program, school started and my uncle came to stay at my house for a bit. I started to take alot of advanced classes, so it became kind of hard to balance this blog and school.

Another thing that became a variable in this was Hurricane Harvey. If you don’t know, I live in Texas, I don’t live in Houston, so didn’t get the worse of it, we did, however, lose power for a day or so. I was really too busy with life at the time to really be thinking about the blog.

I kind of got..so busy and so overwhelmed with multiple  changes going on in my life at the moment, that I put this blog on the backburner 

And before you think, ‘oh no , it’s one of those long posts filled with reasons about why their deactiviating etc, etc. I’m not. I still very much love this fandom and the friends I made, and I also still very much loves the books and the series that is soon to come, but looking at this blog, it just seems very….cluttered? So I thought of three options.

A) I archive this one, and make a clean fresh blog to start over with, and figure out a schedule to post

B) I completely delete this blog and it’s contents from the internet, and start completely fresh on a different one


C) I get rid of basically all the posts I’ve made on here, and just start again on this blog itself.

Tell me what you guys think! In the end, I love(and try) to provide for you, so I would like your feedback on which choice you favor the most and take it into consideration. I also want to give a big thanks to everyone who has stuck around from the very beginning, no human language could ever describe how much that truly means to me!!!!

and of course, stay peculiar


Anonymous asked:

Do you have any soft side or dark, not so soft side headcanons for Enoch, Horace or any of the other peculiars?

Instead of doing angst, like I usually do, instead this will just be some fluffy hc

here u go fam


  • Has a guilty pleasure for furs; fur coats, fur blankets, fur rugs, you name it. Enoch just really loves the feeling of it between his fingers
  • Very much into candles!, he likes the simple smells though. Like Fresh Linen, French Vanilla, Lavender.
  • Cannot handle any overly scented candles, like pumpkin spice or birthday cake
  • He has a scar on this leg from falling of a tree branch
  • he pissed off one of his older brothers and hid in a tree, but he moved the wrong way and ate shit
  • Whenever anyone asks about it, he immediately makes up a “cool” and “badass” story


  • Post LoS he finds this fabric softener, that smells fantastic, and will only was his clothes with that for now and forever
  • He’s the exact opposite of Enoch when it comes to candles ( and everything else tbh)
  • He’s infatuated with heavily scented candles, and loves how the smell coats a room
  • Horace has a fairly good immune system, but his major weakness is pollen
  • He was fairly okay in the loop, but once they moved to Florida, all hell broke loose
  • He now carries a handkerchief with him for different reasons
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