
so no one told you life was gonna be this gay


Cas, He/Them. If you need anything tagged, let me know.

It’s really heartening how much people on this site came together to help Ahmed @90-ghost. He’s in Egypt now with his younger brother waiting on his mom and older brother to join them. The issue now is living expenses. Life is extremely difficult for displaced people, and the future is uncertain. If you’ve ever wondered how you can help a Palestinian displaced by the genocide, here’s one way to do so.


i think there should be at least one pokemon game where it is very strongly implied that the main character is a pokemon who's been isekaid & human-ified reverse mystery dungeon style

better yet i think it would be funny if there was a pokemon game where the character u play as is very very strongly implied to just straight up be either a zorua or a ditto in an approximation of a pokemon trainer

they run out of usable pokemon while fighting a gym and instead of handing over some money & blacking out they get on all fours and use bite

the important thing is that literally no-one suspects a thing.

that promising young trainer doing the gym challenge has full on conversations with their pokemon and has been seen literally using pokemon moves like its nothing? ah, that is certainly the mark of a trainer with a true connection to pokemon. they're gonna go far


My hot take is that actually food allergies are a disability and more people need to realize that. The amount of research people with food allergies have to do when they want to go visit places but arent sure if they’ll have access to any food there is insane. Allergy friendly food is almost ALWAYS incredibly expensive in stores bc of all those fucking fad diets that like yoga instructors and middle age soccer moms make popular. And on top of the price, it is so hard to FIND! Almost evrry grocery store ive been to has a tiny ass allergy section that is almost always near empty. Plus what about people who don’t have the money to pay 10$ for a loaf of bread? You go to starbucks and non-dairy milks are like 70 cents extra? People are definitely out there buying and eating stuff that is destroying their digestive systems because they have no other choice. I am begging people to stop pretending that catering to people’s food allergies is elitist and not worth is. We need to make these options openly available.


My hot take is that actually food allergies are a disability and more people need to realize that. The amount of research people with food allergies have to do when they want to go visit places but arent sure if they’ll have access to any food there is insane. Allergy friendly food is almost ALWAYS incredibly expensive in stores bc of all those fucking fad diets that like yoga instructors and middle age soccer moms make popular. And on top of the price, it is so hard to FIND! Almost evrry grocery store ive been to has a tiny ass allergy section that is almost always near empty. Plus what about people who don’t have the money to pay 10$ for a loaf of bread? You go to starbucks and non-dairy milks are like 70 cents extra? People are definitely out there buying and eating stuff that is destroying their digestive systems because they have no other choice. I am begging people to stop pretending that catering to people’s food allergies is elitist and not worth is. We need to make these options openly available.


We gotta vote for Biden or Trump will-

Biden is not gonna win.


He wont if you dont vote for him ya fuckstick we're doin damage control to keep the crazy fascist out of office when has third party EVER worked?! Answer: it hasnt.

Fucking vote to keep IT out of office

I like the implication that America falling into fascism is the fault of USians on tumblr dot com not voting for Biden


"egg prime directive" man stfu

I'm genuinely starting to think "egg prime directive" only exists to silence trans women talking about transmisogyny. Like no one is telling you that you have to be trans, that's literally the fucking conservative conspiracy theory.

When I came out to my parents they told me they already knew. Not from egg shit but because they got told by my younger sister, who got told it by the younger sister of my best friend. I agonized over my identity for years and years, and when I finally had my words together to say hey this is me, they knew! If they had just said something it would have been less stressful.

This isn't meant to throw my family under a bus but if you *know* why wouldn't you say something? If your friend came out to you and learned that you knew they were showing signs and you had a clear idea but you chose *not* to help them, wouldn't that just make you look like an asshole? You can help someone figure their shit out quick. Someone close enough to you to call you friend. "but egg prime directive, you can't tell someone they're trans" man fuck off.


If people were too mean to you when you were growing up, a newborn animal will materialize inside your brain and it’s so so scared and shivering and it will stay there for years. Decades, even. And whenever you say something kind of weird but true to your heart the animal will tell you “Noo! You can’t say that! If you say that, everyone will hate you!”. The animal means well. It’s so so small and everything is so scary for them and it’s just trying to protect you. But listen to me. Listen to me. Whenever this happens, you can’t do what the animal says. You can’t. If you do, you’ll become as scared as the animal. You have to keep saying weird shit. You have to keep doing things the animal wouldn’t approve of. If you do enough things that scare the animal, maybe one day it’ll go to sleep.


... nice


Working Guys: A Transmasculine Sex Worker Anthology is now 69% funded! 122 people have contributed so far, towards sharing the experiences of transmasc sex workers! Help us get to 100% so we can get this book published!

Tumblr looks like it's about to overtake Twitter in terms of the number of people who've supported, and we're now at 76%! I've got so many amazing transmasc sex workers waiting to hear back about whether they've been selected to contribute, and as soon as this project hits 100% I can contact those who've been accepted, so thank you to all those who are boosting and supporting the project!


guy who starts testosterone and gets turned by a werewolf around the same time and has no idea what symptoms are from what, concerning both his trans friends who dont know he’s a werewolf and his werewolf friends he’s not out to


I really don't know how to explain to people that supporting gender liberation (liberation for trans people, liberation for gnc people, liberation from all oppressive gender roles) means you have to be able to see someone you think is cis "crossdressing" and be cool about it. You have to be able to see someone presenting in a way that doesn't make sense to you and not interrogate them about their identity. You have to be able to hear someone express a gender identity you don't understand and go "Huh! Neat," and go about your business. If you truly want gender liberation for all then you have to stop trying to exert control over other people's genders, period.

Also it’s fine if they do it for horny reasons actually

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