
active on charcomcgee

@mikasadoptivemother / mikasadoptivemother.tumblr.com


I kind of want to do a youtube video talking about some of the  arguments around Endeavor and the whole Todofam drama, and maybe specifically my own experiences with abuse and how I think that plays a part in consuming that plotline? Would anyone be interested?

Also, would people maybe suggest some jumping off points for discussion–things they’d like to have discussed? Maybe specifically some arguments you’ve heard or reasons you might personally be against the Endeavor arc?

To be clear, anything that’s really inflammatory and too antagonistic I’m not going to acknowledge, but if you had or have a genuine reason why you think the way you do, I’d like to hear. 

If you’d like, you can either comment/private message/send an ask with your thoughts/argument/discussion point. I wont be putting any names or identifying info in the video. I’d just read off what you are comfortable with me reading so your identity is protected, unless you would actually like me to acknowledge you.

Hi Guys! I’m still trying to get this circulated a bit because I really want to hear from people on their opinions on the storyline. I’m just working with what I see and I perceive, and I really think that it would end up unfairly representing people just because there are things I don’t know/don’t see/don’t understand about different opinions.

I REALLY want to be able to present some opinions that might challenge my personal ones because I think there’s a great chance to have a civil conversation and I want to create something that can start that. So PLEASE, anonymously or otherwise, let me know what you think about it and why!

Specifically, I really REALLY would love to hear someone lay out why it is they are anti-endeavor. I think I could easily find posts and things, but I don’t want to take someone’s words and possibly misrepresent them without even having their consent. I think a lot of the worst posts from that line of thinking get spread around really easily, and you end up not getting to really hear what the average, non-crazed individual thinks. It’s probably the same on both sides that we just keep seeing the worst of each other, so I would like to do something about that!

Anyway, if you’re interested in seeing the vid, please spread this so I can get ahold of people, and let me know if you want to be tagged when I finally have it made and uploaded.

Hi! I’d love to hear about this, it seems like it could make for a very interesting discussion. I’m pretty anti-endeavor, and would love to have a discussion/conversation about it, or see what you gather!


Contacting your reps directly will do literally so much more than signing a petition, and it really doesn't take that much longer.


Okay Bernie stans.

I need you all to prepare yourselves to vote for Biden in November.  

I’m not happy about it either.  I wanted Elizabeth Warren to destroy Trump on the debate floor.  I wanted to watch her shatter the glass ceiling.  I wanted student loan forgiveness, Medicare for All, and refugee and immigrant protections.

But I’m not going to get that.  So I am going all in for Biden.

This can no longer be a matter of “well if I don’t get my way THEN I’M NOT VOTING”.  I’d hoped you all learned your lessons four years ago, but from what I’ve seen on social media, that’s not been the case.  Biden is not ideal but he is better than the alternative.  He is a Democrat who will continue Obama’s legacy.  And you have a shot in hell of getting progressive movements like Medicare for All under a blue majority Congress; we do not have that under Trump.  

Biden is more willing to listen to the progressive factions of the Democrat party than Trump is.  We will get shit done under him.    

We cannot survive a second term of Trump.  I need you all to hold your noses, put on your big girl pants, and deal with it.  Prepare to vote for Biden.

Also, I’ve reviewed most of his plans and they are good.  No, they are not as good as Warren’s plans.  But he commits to LGBTQ+ protections, repealing the transgender in the military ban, and his refugee/immigration protections are way better than I expected (he actually has some culpability to the deportations under the Obama administration).

He is a good choice, guys.  Maybe not the best.  But he will get us to where we need to be and is a fucking return to SANITY in the government, which we badly fucking need.


Two, TWO Supreme Court justices are on the table for the next president, plus all the other federal judges McConnell has been stacking benches with the past three years. That’s Roe v. Wade, and a whole lot else, for the foreseeable future. 

The reality is that we live in a two party system and while I do not want Biden, I am capable of recognizing nuance and shades of gray. If it comes down to Biden, as it very likely may he will not do as much damage as four more years of Trump, and that is an ethical imperative. 

This is also why we all MUST vote down-ticket as well. 


Biden’s win allows RBG and Stephen Breyer to retire.

Think about that. 

Not voting isn’t a protest. It’s a surrender. If we want change, real change, then we have to drag our country to the left. One. Election. At. A time. It’s not an all-or-nothing scenario. So if it comes down to it, vote for Biden. Get on the bus headed away from fascism and the alt-right. If that bus isn’t heading directly to where we want to go, then we ride it until we have a chance to get on a different bus. Not voting is NOT an option.

I think this is all the more important to emphasize in the aftermath of George Floyd’s murder. Here’s Biden attending a protest in Wilmington, DE over the weekend and meeting with black church leaders to discuss responses to the protests


And here’s the White House going dark after protests breakout in front

register to vote, educate yourself, then turn in your fucking ballots like your life depends on it



for the love of god PLEASE vote for Biden even if you think he sucks because you know what sucks way worse? LITERAL FASCISM 


Voting cannot be the bulk of our efforts, but it sure as hell should be part of them. It’s especially important to flip the Senate. Mitch is pocket-vetoing every half-decent thing in the Senate.



         The time has come! Pre-orders for Seasons of Love: A year in the love of TodoDeku are finally open!

        90+ pages of art and writing, with 17K+ words of fic, plus merch items from our 40 wonderfully talented contributors who have made the Seasons all the more colorful with the love of TodoDeku.

        Get a free transparent card if you’re one of the first 50 physical orders and don’t miss out on the chance to get the limited bundle with a 2021 calendar for all your planning needs either!

Reblog to enter our Giveaway!

Details about all of the bundles are below. 

In just 1 week, Pre-orders for Seasons of Love will close! 

Traditions are made over time, tied to memories we don’t want to fade into oblivion. If you don’t want to miss out on the memories made in this project, this is your chance to have one of these bundles!


Ch 90 - Small misunderstandings

I can’t believe the dumbass takes I keep seeing. It’s 2020, people. Take a chill pill and think things through please.

“Mika’s I love you wasn’t a love confession because daisuki can be used among friends!1!”

While だいすき can be used among friends (the same way you can say “i love you” to your friends), it is also used in love confessions (i.e. Hinata Hyuga @ Naruto, Kagome Higurashi @ Inuyasha. Syaoran @ Sakura used “suki”  which is even less heavy) especially in a context like this. Self-sacrifice followed by a love confession is quite a common trope.

The context makes it obvious that it’s a love confession, like the examples I gave. Why would Mika need to say that to Yuu if it was just in a “friendly” way? Especially after all those years together? You won’t find a single example where someone says “daisuki” to a friend when they’re fucking dying for them.

“B-but he didn’t use the word “ai”

Funnily enough, and as if Kagami needed to spell it for you people, Ashera precisely uses “愛” (ai) to refer to Mika’s love for Yuu and tell him he gave up his life for him to live on (notice that Yuu started crying again when Ashera told him that).

And it’s not like there was no proof of Mika’s feeling before. The fact that I even have to write this is… it’s really shameful.

Once again, if Mika was a woman, this wouldn’t even be an argument.

What’s worse is that I see many of you just… accepting this? 

Guys, I know you’re used to being disappointed but this is the one time you should open your eyes and stop bowing your heads to the heteronormative pov.

Now, on the other hand…

“MikaYuu is canon!1!”

Guys… guys, pls. Mika’s feelings for Yuu are canon. Mika being mlm is canon.

But 1. Yuu hasn’t answered (and he may never be able to), and 2. those may have been Mika’s last words (for now but who knows what awaits us).

I know chapter 90 was a bit difficult to process but take it easy. Kagami’s recent tweets seem to imply that the real story is finally beginning (whatever that means, gdi Kagami what do you have in store for us now?!) so it’s not really time for this dumbassery.


This year has certainly taken a strange turn, hasn’t it? With so many of us stuck at home and looking for ways to pass the time, it seems like the perfect opportunity to design fake Pokémon and share them with the world!

Q. What is the Fakeathon?

The Fakeathon is an art challenge that runs for a month, similar to inktober. The goal is to create one fake Pokémon per day following a list of daily prompts. Anyone can participate, and you are free to use any method of art, from digital to traditional to pixel art or any other style you choose!

Share your art with the world using the hashtag #Fakeathon2020 on social media, starting on April 1 when this challenge begins!

Theme: Around The World

We may be stuck at home, but we can still imagine what it would be like to travel the world. For this Fakeathon, every day is a different country. Your challenge is to create a fakemon inspired by that country in some way, whether it be its landmarks, wildlife, culture, or mythology. Our hope is that this will be a way to discover world cultures! (Please be careful and considerate of other cultures and try not to create designs that are offensive!)

Every listed country contains a link to its respective Wikipedia article - be sure to check out these pages for inspiration and to learn a little bit about every place!


Lock Down Fest (20-30 March)

Lock Down Fest is a non-anon, self-posting, multi-ship and multi-fandom mini fest that is designed to bring comfort to everyone staying indoors under quarantine restrictions at the moment and to all of us experiencing fear because of the pandemic. Anxiety levels are high and the news is distressing, so we want to invite everyone to use this time to be creative and spread joy. LDF will run from 20-30 March; announcements will be made here.

We want everyone to be encouraged to participate and to follow the fest, but we also appreciate that reading about the virus can be upsetting for many people. For that reason, we’ve decided on a twofold theme:

a. Getting Stuck In/Isolated Together (which doesn’t need to involve the virus in any way whatsoever)

b. Quarantine-inspired, if it occurs during the current pandemic. Works MUST be tagged with the tag: “Covid-19 Related” on AO3.

All kinds of fanworks are welcome with no minimum or maximum wordcount for fics. There is no claiming time nor the need to sign up. Simply, 1. visit the collection on AO3 and post your work when it opens, then 2. email: quarantinefest [at] gmail [.] com with a link to your fanwork.

If you don’t wish to write or draw, you can always contribute by offering beta services. Feel free to DM one of the mods and we’ll post a list with those volunteering to beta in the next couple of days. We’d appreciate it if all fics are beta-read.

Most importantly, please ensure you tag your work as “Covid-19 related” on AO3 if it takes place during the current pandemic, so as to give the chance for readers to exclude the tag, if they wish. Be mindful of your tags: if they deal with a pandemic anyway (historical or fictional), do tag and warn accordingly. If your work doesn’t comply with this requirement and we can’t get hold of you via the email provided, your work might be removed from the collection.

Lock Down Fest is open to everyone over 18 years old.

Your mods,

@magpiefngrl​ @nerdherderette@tackytigerfic​  @shealwaysreads​ (our fantastic and speedy banner-maker <3 )


With all of the COVID-19 news and panic going on, the U.S. Government has been sneakily trying to pass the so called EARN IT Bill which would remove end-to-end encryption on messages and calls, and allow a scanning software to read all of them. Websites that don't comply will lose protections. This would require any message you send with a US based service to have the messages scanned by the US govt, and punishes any company that keeps your messages private.

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