
Read this at my funeral


have you decided on keeping the ten fingers, or...

mm masochistic whumpee dialogue bc im in a listy mood. was supposed to be a lil drabble for @whump-queen and honestly that might come later but for now. this

tw masochistic whumpee, degradation, humiliation, dehumanisaton, implied nsfw

  • "oh. you're enjoying this."
  • "that's fucking disgusting, i can't believe you just moaned."
  • "you want me to go harder? yeah. you do."
  • "stop trying to lie, it's written all over your face. and other parts."
  • "maybe i'm not even enough for a freak like you. let me call a couple friends."
  • "i wouldn't have ever thought of touching a captive. but well... when you're looking at me like that..."
  • "oh, this isn't punishment for you, huh? we'll figure out something else for that, then. or is the humiliation of getting off on this enough?"
  • "i just slapped you, and you're blushing?"
  • "i know you love the whip. maybe even more than i do."
  • "for any normal person, this'd be punishment. but i'm offering it to you as a reward."
  • "i'll go so far beyond your limits that even you won't enjoy it."
  • "say it. i want you to admit to just how gross you are."
  • "won't you beg to be hurt in all the ways you love so much?"
  • "it's violating, isn't it? to be made to feel good like this."
  • "i wonder what your friends would think of you."
  • "such a broken mess of a person. have you never had any dignity, or was it simply lost along the way?"

The underappreciated slap.

I love to see whump where a character gets smacked around.

I love the build-up of tension that occurs right before the argument reaches its peak. Maybe the whumpee fully expects the smack and flinches at the briefest motion of their hand, or instead, they are completely caught off guard by a caretaker or trusted friend. It could be a forced punishment by the whumper, or possibly a whumpee who said something that hit a little too close to home.

I love it when the whumpee reacts to the slap, slowly reaching a hand to their cheek to cool the harsh burn. Their eyes widen in fear or narrow in rage, unable to keep the emotion off their face. Under the whumper's control, they are unable to react further without causing more trouble for themselves. Or this could be a complete reset in the relationship between a whumpee and their caretaker. They no longer feel they can trust anyone or that if they do the whumper might only use that to their advantage.


Whump dialogue #40

Whumpee woke abruptly from their dream, startling awake with a gasp. And just as they wanted to fall back onto their pillow, they noticed someone sitting next to them.

They scooted back with a soft mewl, drawing up their blanket and trying to create some distance.

"Sshh darling, it’s okay, relax," Whumper cooed, "I'm not going to do anything. You just looked so cute, wincing and twitching in your sleep."

He inched a little closer, gaze fixed on the horrified, wide eyes peeking over the blanket.

"Besides... looks like I'm already causing quite some damage in here." He poked his index finger gently against Whumpee's forehead. "Care to tell me what I did?"


Whumpee wakes up in Caretaker's bed and thinks they're still with Whumper. Cue panic because Whumper never let them sleep in beds and would punish them if they found them doing so.


Every Breath II

Warnings:Β referenced kidnapping, referenced torture, sick fic, medical whump, druggingΒ 

The next time Whumpee woke, things were less hazy. They could feel the sweat on their brow, the cling of sweaty sheets to their body. And most of all, they could feel the pressure in their chest. They felt like they couldn’t get a good enough breath. And it had nothing to do with the sedatives they had been given.Β 

β€œMy dear, you’re awake again,” Second Whumper cooed in their ear. Whumpee cringed away from the sound. They had to get Second Whumper to help them. Had to get away from them.Β 

β€œSecond Whumper?” Whumpee made their voice sound meek, weak and tired. They were weak and tired. But not that weak and tired. They needed to lure Second Whumper into a false sense of security.Β 

β€œWhat is it, my dear? What can I get you? Would you like some tea?”

Whumpee nodded. They coughed. And coughed. Maybe they really did need the tea.Β β€œPl-pl-please,” they croaked.Β 

β€œI’ll be right back, my dear.” Second Whumper jumped up and ran out of the room, happy to help Whumpee. Happy to take care of them.Β 

Whumpee took inventory of their surroundings. They weren’t tied down. They hadn’t acquired any more injuries. That was good. Much better physically than when First Whumper had them. But. But they were so much worse off now. They could barely catch their breath. They were sick. So very, very sick. They closed their eyes as they took a breath. They would continue to stay sick if they didn’t get away from Second Whumper. They might even die.Β 

Whumpee slowly, carefully rolled onto their good side. The side without the stitches. The side without the thick bandages. But the side that was still bruised and painful. They let out a moan before they could stop themself.Β 

β€œOh, my dear!” Second Whumper stood in the doorway.Β β€œDon’t get up, let me help you!” Second Whumper was to Whumpee in an instant. They pushed Whumpee flat onto their back.Β β€œYou need to rest.”

β€œPl-please. I-I-I need helpppp. Pl-pl-pleaseee.” Whumpee’s hacking coughs cut off their words. Left them breathless.Β 

β€œDrink this,” Second Whumper held the mug to Whumpee’s lips. Without thinking, Whumpee took a sip. And immediately knew it was the wrong choice.Β β€œIt’ll help you feel better, my dear. I’ll look after you.”

As Whumpee slowly slipped back into unconsciousness, they began to feel hopeless. How were they going to get to help if Second Whumper kept drugging them? These thoughts chased Whumpee into darkness as Second Whumper hummed them to sleep.Β 


prompt #47

tw: mind control, implied character death


The hero did as they were told. They couldn’t fight Supervillain’s command, their influence having worked too far into the cracks of their mind. Broken them, until they were nothing but a docile shell.

Supervillain stared down at them, admiring the way their head tilted back, and their blank eyes flickered up to them on their knees. They were so beautiful, it was almost a shame.

They didn’t fight; not anymore. Supervillain missed their tenacity and gumption.

β€œOh, Hero,” they purred softly, pressing the barrel of the gun between their eyes. β€œYou’re just not that fun anymore.”


could never be me


ok ok pirate whump ideas


-left out on the deck tied to a pole in the sun or rain



-stowaways being found out

-dressing wounds in an old timey way

-stabbing <3


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