
@ahlsi / ahlsi.tumblr.com

alex/nico | 28 | he/they
art blog is @scribblebook

A bit more refined body type for the "uniimen" (lls)

Still need a better name for them. Calling uniima Cs and LLs really doesn't work in the current state of the world.

To the arboreal uniima these are "rock people" or "horned people". Their names are pretty regional but if we were to use an "international" name it would either be based on the Ueemic religion, just like the word Uniima is a sloman version of the word ueema (a follower of that religion). Or it would be something more basic and Sloman-made word since the contact with them came sooner.

If they are using a name based on ueemic cultures then it's likely mostly in big cities of Ciwa and their trade nations.


2019 art again - I remember redrawing the bottom two and it somehow coming out worse lmao


soo... you know that my ko-fi has been practically dead all this time, so something good had to come out of my hiatuses. As a way to promote my decaying Ko-fi store I'm thinking of doing illustrations for certain Pokémon that have been fan favourites in some way or another, of course, this would raise the prices a bit, but I'll try to make them as reasonable as possible. So I've been practising drawing scenery... and it's been horrible, but I hope it's worth it. Well, this one of plumsire will be one of the first, not the only one and most likely I will redesign it later, but it's a start.... I hope to improve and bring you better illustrations and earn Money nyehehe

Atten: Sadpearl


Gemini - Duality ♊️

The concept of duality has always been a favorite subject to draw for me so this was so fun to draw. Each month i will work on an illustration for the current sign we're in. I was inspired to do a series like this after reading Alice Bailey's 'The Labours of Hercules' where each sign represents a step in a person's individuation process.


Be Prepared

One of the challenges I have wished to work on was a Disney art challenge. The first topic being- my favorite Disney villain! For me nobody comes close to the fabulous, scheming, charismatic Scar. I've only drawn something of the Lion King once before, but I'm very pleased with how this came out! I just had to include the beautiful green smoke from his amazing song; Be Prepared.

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