

@kiertorata / kiertorata.tumblr.com


HP Femslash Minifest brings you daily prompts for Femslash February!

The unofficial holiday month for femslash writers, artists, creators, and lovers is here! We are switching things up a bit for the upcoming month, coming to you with a list of daily prompts for the month of February. The timeline for this cycle will be one month, and the AO3 collection will be open all month long! All works will be compiled into a master post at the end of the cycle.

Please don’t feel any pressure to create for each and every prompt. The prompts are here to inspire you - perhaps you will create something for one, five or twenty! We are happy to share any prompt on any day, skip around, jump ahead, we don’t mind as long as it’s femslash! 

You can submit to this cycle’s collection HERE. Don’t forget to tag us on Tumblr to have your work shared on the fest blog. Please review our FAQ and Rules. Remember that all followers/creators under 18 CANNOT interact with or create any works rated M or E for this fest.

Without further ado, our prompt list for Femslash February!

1. “Are you sure?”

2. Photograph

3. “Why don’t you show me how?”

4. Flower

5. “I dare you.”

6. Cooking

7. “Please don’t go.”

8. Hands

9. “Wow.”

10. Date

11. “All you had to do was ask.”

12. Letters

13. “I can’t sleep alone.”

14. Pets

15. “It made me think of you.”

16. Studying/Homework

17. “Nice job!”

18. Rainbows

19. “I don’t know what to do.”

20. Moving in together

21. “I’m not ready.”

22. Reading/Books

23. “Hate to love you.”

24. Potions

25. “Don’t give me that look.”

26. Mistaken identity

27. “It’s been a while.”

28. New places

29. Free day!


Sign-ups are OPEN!

Sign-ups will close Friday 31st of January.

This year, we are managing sign-ups through Google forms. The sign-up Google form can be found here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc1YbueMe6CUDG65MpOIhIO-55hAMo_E83gog-Jg1jma_ASJw/viewform?usp=sf_link 

(Mod note: Tumblr’s redirect messes with the link. If clicking it doesn’t open it for you, just copy it manually to your browser and it will work!)

For ideas, or if you are wondering what other participants have requested, check out this document for our sign-ups so far!

For any questions or concerns, you can reach us at fslashfest@gmail.com !

If you have not read the fest announcement post, you can do that here.


I’ve been hella inactive on tumblr lately, but just popped by to remind any potential femslash creators that femmefest sign-ups are still open for a couple of days! <3 This fest is always a yearly highlight for me, as it combines two things that I love - exchange fests and hp wlw ships! The minimum word count is only 1k (art is also welcome!), so it’s pretty chill too!


The Masterlist and Reveals of the 2019 @hdowlpost Winter Fest have been posted!

Please check  out the huge post on LiveJournal.

All gifts have been de-anoned on AO3. Creators’ names will be added to the LJ posts in the next days. If you see any mistakes, dead links, or entries we may have missed, please let us know.


We’re (coming) back, baby!

Happy New Year!

We’ve gotten some questions about whether the fest will be running this year, and the answer is…YES! We are excited to announce that we will be running the HP WLW Big Bang again in 2020.

Keep an eye out for a full fest schedule and revised rules to be posted soon, and in the meantime feel free to start brainstorming ideas. We can’t wait to start creating with you!



Calling all content creators in the HP fandom! 

HP Transfest is officially announced! Spead the word and let everyone know that this is happening!

Also, we are looking for individuals to fill the role of Sensitivity Reader/ Counsellor for our fest. If you are non-cis identifying and are willing to help others write about the Trans Experience, read their content to ensure it is respectful, and provide personal anecdotes, let us know! We would love to have you help out with our fest, regardless of whether or not you wish to participate as a content creator.

((A full list of fest rules and FAQ will be coming in the next few days.))


Today I got a nasty TERF anon and I also really upset myself looking through replies on Twitter. The anon didn't make sense and doesn't deserve refuting, but I wanted to take a second to spell out something I see as missing in the discussions between transphobes and trans folks and their supporters:

When we say "trans women are women," transphobes blink and laugh. It strikes them as preposterous. They respond by saying "my dog is a cat" or "Freedom is slavery." Transphobes don't deserve our breath because they aren't listening, but for people who aren't actively filled with hate and dismissal of trans folks' feelings, I think this could use some explanation.

There are certain experiences that we think of as shared experiences of womanhood. But these experiences are never REQUISITES for being a woman; they're merely things that people who are women often experience. These things include biological experiences like menstruation, pregnancy, breastfeeding, childbirth, and cultural experiences like, say, getting catcalled, or getting a training bra, or being the only woman in a meeting in an office.

It's not problematic to discuss shared experiences that women often have. What's problematic is suggesting that they are necessary in order to be a woman, or to assume that only women experience them. This is patently obvious: not every woman (not every cis woman!) experiences pregnancy or menstruation or breastfeeding. No one would say you need to have been catcalled to call yourself a woman.

Moreover, we know that different groups of women have different experiences as sub-groups. Women of color experience things that white women never do. Fat women experience things thin women never do. And not just body things: women in high-powered careers experience different things than women who work in other ways. Women athletes have a shared experience that is not shared by non-athletes.

When we say "trans women are women," we mean just that. They are women. But we do not deny that they have had a different experience in life as trans women. The experience of growing up identified as a boy while knowing oneself to be a woman is surely something a cis woman or man cannot know. This doesn't conflict with being a woman because there are many, many ways to be a woman. Because women share lots of experiences, but none of us share them all.

This is why it's so important for feminists to fight for trans folks, beyond it simply being the right thing to do: because the same forces that tell trans women that they don't count as women are the forces that tell all women there's one way to be a woman. That being a woman means a specified list of things, your own desires be damned.

It's all a lie. There's no one way to be a woman. There's no universal experience of girlhood or womanhood. There is no single experience that ties us all together. But that doesn't mean we don't share something essential, but it's amorphous. It's constantly shifting and changing and never essentializing.

This is how I can share certain experiences of womanhood with fellow moms I know that I'll never share with other women. How I can share certain experiences of sexuality with queer friends that I can't with het friends. That I can understand how I share something meaningful with trans women even as our lives have looked very different.

This is why it's harmful to make assumptions based on people's sex/gender: because you can't assume shared experiences on the basis of shared gender. This is always true, even among cis women, and it causes major problems (see: all of white second wave feminism). And it's the same with our trans sisters.

I think if people could understand this, we'd be in a much better place.


Hi! We'd like to tweet your fic, "Something Just Like This" at JKRowling, we're sending her a new trans fanfic daily, would that be okay? We're @NoTERFSinOurDA on Twitter.


That’s totally fine, and I’d be flattered. My only request would be try and include as many transwomen fics as you can, since mine is transguy and she’s specifically proven to be against transwomen.

Thanks for the ask and everything you’re doing on that front


Yes! I hear you and I definitely will do my best on that. I’m most familiar with wolfstar and so that’s where I started but, but I’m scouring AO3 for a diverse range of trans identities!

Anyone writing fics featuring transwomen, transfeminine characters or amab genderqueer characters please send them my way!

My top recs off the top of my head would be 

Palo Alto by @bisexualjamespotter which is wolfstar but with Trans!Lily and Transphobic!Snape


Bubblegum Blues with both Remus and Sirius coming out as transwomen


In response to JK Rowling’s blantant transphobia and her vile tweet today, we as a fandom have decided to make every character trans. 

It’s happening…

Stay tuned y’all. HP TransFest is coming in 2020.


Fanfiction is becoming people’s primary form of entertainment right now because most media right now is so cheap, bland, recycled, and sponsored by people who love money more than the source material. Fanfiction is written for free by people who genuinely love what they’re writing about. That’s why it’s better. That’s why it’s more satisfying. Fanfiction is a home-cooked meal made for yourself and for your friends. Media today is junky fast food spoiled by too much grease and the knowledge that the people producing it are being criminally mistreated and underpaid. 



Fanfic is not inherently superior, and neither is professional or original fic. Can we stop constructing rigid binaries that don’t reflect the way the world actually works? Like, it’s fine if someone only wants to read fanfic because for them, it is better. But if someone is saying that anything that an author was paid for is somehow intrinsically inferior, then I’m really curious about what the hell they’ve been reading. Additionally, I have met people for whom writing is important in a way that makes them want to never try to do it professionally, not even a little. And some people desperately want to be able to quit their day job and write fiction as their full-time job. Yes, publishing companies take a cut because capitalism, but getting paid for your writing is a dream for a lot of people for a reason. “Fanfiction is becoming people’s primary form of entertainment right now“ - in sum, this is someone who has managed to insulate themselves within fandom very effectively, and they’re attempting to comment on the world outside fandom but they don’t know enough to do so.

the idea that fanfic isn’t bland and recycled tho hsgagfjgbj


Look, we all love fanfic but hating on authors trying to make a living with their words by renouncing all original fic as junk food is reductive, if not offensive. Sure there are the Schwabs and the Bardugos and the Stephen Kings who make millions of sales (which doesn’t mean they don’t care a great deal about their work), but there are also a ton of new authors writing imaginative, fun, diverse books, pouring into them heaps of love and care. Lots of authors that rely on paying readers to make what is, at best, a modest living.Claiming that their work is inferior or they’re not “genuinely” in love with their writing only speaks for the OP as someone who evidently hasn’t read a lot of published fiction.


But can we also add how fascinating fanfiction is exactly because it's free? It hasn't been asked to be drastically edited by a publisher to fit a certain market to increase sales.


For the End of the year Asks. 4 because I love movies and maybe I'll discover a new movie :) And 19.


4. Movie of the year?

I'm going to disappoint you so badly with this one, but I really can't remember anything that I've watched?? I went to the movies twice and watched probably less than 10 movies overall all this year, sadly! I tend to spend my little free time on other forms of art. I rewatched my favorite movie, The Wicker Man (1973) again, however! I also saw the new Star Wars yesterday, and was very happy with it overall! I'd be curious to hear your favorites from this year!

19. What’re you excited about for next year?

I got a long-term contract to the company I've been working at now through an agency starting next year, so I'm fully looking forward to the “new relationship energy” with my workplace at the start of the year. I managed to negotiate a contract that has a little bit more free time, so I’m excited to put the extra time into creative projects and not feel burnt out all the time from not having the time to recover from work. Also our company Christmas party is in January, because we're weird like that, so I'm looking forward to that too. xD

Some long-term life plans for the next few years have started to come together a bit, so I feel like next year is going to be a year of grinding towards those goals, saving up money and such!

I’m trying to push myself to work on bigger creative projects instead of always signing up for tons of little fests that fill up all my time. I have one or two secret projects I’m excited about!

19. was asked by @rockmarina as well. Thank you both for asking! <3


9, 13, 19? 😊


9. Best month for you this year?

Probably November! Overall, this has been a very solid year. Even thought there was quite a long depressive period all spring, I feel like there’s been a steady sense of growth all year, and any darkness has been for a purpose. But I love winter, I always feel like I become more myself as the year starts ending. Autumn/winter has been all about the creativity, and it culminated in November, when I had a really good flow working on fandom creations and just enjoyed life a lot. <3

13. How was your birthday this year?

I sort of forgot it, as usual. :'D This year, I had planned to finally celebrate it, but when the time actually came, it slipped my mind. I've haven't really celebrated my birthday since I moved out from my parents' house 9 years ago - I just haven't felt the need. I don't like being at the center of attention with things like this. Like, I’m weirdly okay with giving presentations or performing something even if I’m not good at it, but I’m not okay with a situation where everyone is supposed to celebrate my existence. xD Baggage from years of really bad self-esteem, I guess. In recent years, I've started to wonder whether I could make it an act of self-love to reclaim my birthday as a celebration of my own life, but I’m not sure I’m all the way there yet. Maybe this year I'll bake a cake or something? Gotta start small!

Thanks for the asks! <3 I will answer 19 in another post, since it was asked by someone else too.

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