
reann; disguised toast enthusiast


marvel, song lyrics, celebrity crushes, otv and friends, and a lot of shit-posting

Happy book birthday, Chain of Iron! Go forth, grab a copy, and enjoy the foggy London mystery, magic and love!



a black woman named zoe amira posted a video on youtube. this video is an hour long and filled with art and music from black creators. it has a ton of ads, and in result will rack up a ton of revenue. 100% of the ad revenue from the video will be dispersed between various blm organizations, including bail-out funds for protesters. it will be split between the following, dependent on necessity

  1. brooklyn bail fund
  2. minnesota freedom fund
  3. atlanta action network
  4. columbus freedom fund
  5. louisville community bail fund
  6. chicago bond
  7. black visions collective
  8. richmond community bail fund
  9. the bail project inc
  10. nw com bail fund
  11. philadelphia bail fund
  12. the korchhinski-parquet family gofundme
  13. george floyd’s family gofundme
  14. blacklivesmatter.com
  15. reclaim the block
  16. aclu
turn off your adblocker and do not skip ads. between each time watch 3-5 other videos (mix it up) before restarting. this will ensure you aren’t marked as spam by youtube. mute the tab if you need to focus elsewhere but don’t mute the video itself. and let. it. play.
youtube will donate to blm for you.

please, please reblog. for people who don’t have money to spare, this is incredibly important information to have.


kiss marry kill: frank, ransom, lance



OKOK so i really like cocky assholes vs. sweet guys...

So marry lance

Kiss ransom

Kill frank 😭💀


@reann-loves-sebstan I want to ask you... kiss, marry, kill: Bucky Barnes, Charles Blackwood, Curtis Everett


err, okay so i haven’t actually seen snowpiercer oops...

also usually i always go for the cocky, sarcastic asshole but bucky is an exception cuz hAVE YOU SEEN HIM?!

marry bucky, kiss charles, kill curtis

Anonymous asked:

Reader and her friend did something stupid and now going to stay in jail overnight. Luckily readers boyfriend, Police Bucky, can get reader out, its just all fluff and silliness

Loved the idea and was already thinking it through so let’s go!

the fluff 🥺

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