

@echo-cave / echo-cave.tumblr.com


there is so much discourse that boils down to "if someone doesn't want you to call them something, don't call them that" and it makes me feel insane that nobody can wrap their heads around this kindergarten-level shit


you came back wrong and i am racked with guilt because i cannot bear to see you like this and i should have let you rest. i loved you so much that i defied death itself but i do not think either of us are happy


this is what microwaving leftover pizza feels like

stop it i was trying to be gothic


I sometimes see people argue about one of these circles as though it were all three circles.

Sometimes something can totally make sense in-universe, and fit with the themes of the story, the characters, etc... And you just don't like it for whatever reason. Maybe it wasn't done well in spite of that, or touched a nerve, etc.

Maybe you loved a story, and it was an excellent exploration of a character, but it would be totally fair to call out the technical nonsense, and how, even in-universe, it doesn't add up.

And maybe you thought this episode of a show was GREAT! But it was non-canon, nothing made sense, and, ultimately, it was UTTER NONSENSE.

And so on, and so forth. Heck, you could fairly add more circles to this. I'm keeping it simple with three.

My point is mostly that there's nuance to opinions, and sometimes, someone not liking something in a story has nothing to do with whether it made sense, or complimented the narrative.

Those things can be separate points. Stories don't have to be a failure at everything to be disliked, or succeed at everything to be liked, and arguing as though that were the case is silly.


The Gaza municipality has increased their goal in order to fix their water system and the sewer system which is currently contaminating the sea and spreading disease. They've raised $61,000 so far out of the new goal of 1 million. Pleade show your support by boosting, donate if you can.


This is a direct response to all the protests happening here in Atlanta. So far, spreading the word can help as well as donating to The Atlanta Solidarity Fund .

In the meantime, here's some phone numbers of politicians you can go bug.

Randy Robertson (Guy who's sponsoring the bill): +1-404-656-0045

Brian Kemp (Governor of Georgia): +1-404-656-1776


Iran has launched a retaliation against Israel for the attack on a diplomatic iranian building, and therefore Iranian soil, in Damascus, Syria. The attack got little mentions in the news, and media will use this lack of information to favour Israel, as headlines are where most people stop reading. Be aware and stay informed; Israel started this, NOT Iran OR Palestine.

Israel's, with the full support and weapons of the US, ongoing genocide on palestininians, their multiple attacks on land outside their colonisation "mission", and their general military mindset of being in the right are the fault of this. This is a retaliation from Iran, and all further escalations from this situation will be due to the unhinged evilness and ego of the USA, Israel, and the West. All blood will be on the hands of the oppressors; both those who are directly feasting on the meat of their victims, those who refuse to use a leash and those who ignores the blood.

I am afraid of the prospects of the situation escalating by the US's military force being sent to, not only, "Israel" and Palestine but also, now, Iran. Hundreds of thousands of people were killed and injured in the "war against terror" and millions were affected. Not only that, but the prospects of the war reaching outside the region are also getting increasingly more of a reality, and I hope all who, before, could ignore the terrors by turning of their tv's, now will finally look, even if it is for own self-interest.

Stay informed and keep informing those around you – remember, the Western medias are zionists and many will fall for their propaganda. Stay safe. Free Palestine.


"redemption arcs are toxic, you shouldn't try to fix someone!"

actually it is so important to me that being in community and experiencing human connection can save people. thanks


Shipping isn't trying to explain why a relationship is actually canon. It's not even trying to explain why it should or could be canon. Shipping is saying "wouldn't it be funny if these two fucked" and everyone needs to remember that.


It's actually crazy talking to friends and relatives about what's going on because very few of them know that this is a retaliatory attack. I keep seeing people online call the attack unprovoked too.

So those who don't know, on April 1st Israeli warplanes bombed Iran's consulate in Damascus. The attack killed 7 of Iran’s military advisers including 3 senior commanders.

Reuters reporters at the site in the Mezzeh district of Damascus saw emergency workers clambering atop rubble of a destroyed building inside the diplomatic compound, adjacent to the main Iranian embassy building. Emergency vehicles were parked outside. An Iranian flag hung from a pole by the debris.
Iran's ambassador to Syria said the strike hit a consular building in the embassy compound and that his residence was on the top two floors. Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps said in a statement that seven Iranian military advisers died in the strike including Mohammad Reza Zahedi, a senior commander in its Quds Force, which is an elite foreign espionage and paramilitary arm.

This attack on the embassy is against international law. Embassies are protected sites. But instead of condemning the attack and putting pressure on Israel, the US has spent the past week and a half calling West Asian countries to put pressure on Iran, with Biden going as far as to warn Iran not to attack Israel and saying that his support for Israel is 'iron clad'.

The West, the UN, and UN Security Council have largely failed to condemn the attack which means Iran has no choice but to retaliate with force in order to prevent future attacks. Otherwise, the country will look vulnerable and weak, especially to the Israeli occupation government which has spent months bombing neighbouring countries like Syria and Lebanon


And yet, the mainstream media has been framing this as Iran, for no reason (other than ohhh evil Iran), just decided to launch attacks on Israel.

Almost no mention that Israel blatantly violated the Geneva convention or that Iran said that they would refrain from retaliating if Israel and the U.S. agreed to a ceasefire.

And the Biden administration is going right along with this, they are so far beyond morally bankrupt at this point and I am utterly disgusted to call myself an American.

Shame on Joe Biden, his administration and any Democrat who, for the past 6 months, have had a roll in leading us to where we are now, the risk of a wider regional war, and 35,000 Palestinians murdered all because they have so little humanity that the lives of Palestinians mean less than nothing to them.

There is a special place in hell for these ghouls and I hope they never know a moment of peace for the rest of their miserable, despicable lives.


learning that people want you in their lives is a skill you can develop if it does not come naturally

it feels fake but your friends miss you sometimes

the reason you've been hanging out with your closest friends fairly regularly for the past 12+ years is because you have fun together

people who don't like you that much will not stay in your life for over a decade asking to hang out and inviting you to things and texting you

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