


23/Movie enthusiast/Plant Obsessed/Cottage Core Always/Land Back/Vintage Collector/Gramma Vibes until I die/She-Her/Queer as heck

I just want to remind you that sometimes your life really doesn't begin until you are 26+... Romanticizing and obsessing over our youth is harmful. Growing up is beautiful. Discovering who you are and how you interact with the world is a gift. Maturing and learning what you truly want out of life and living in that purpose brings fulfillment and peace. Your life is not over in your early 20's because you haven't figured it out yet, it's just beginning.


Movies Watched in 2023The Fury (1978) dir. Brian De Palma

“Sometimes I know what’s happening to him…what he’s thinking, what he’s feeling. I’m…like a receiver, and Robin sends me pictures.” “Jeez, that’s amazing. You’re like…twins.”

i love you physical media ❤️ i love you cds ❤️ i love you vinyl ❤️ i love you cassettes ❤️ i love you dvds ❤️ i love you blurays ❤️ i love you paperback books ❤️ i love you comics ❤️


“queer” is such a useless term. if i tell someone im bisexual, they know i am attracted to men and women. if a man tells me he is gay, i know he is a man exclusively attracted to other men. if someone tells me they are queer, it tells me nothing about them. it doesnt tell me who they attracted to. it tells me nothing about that person.

It tells me they’re trying to be a extra lil bitch and that I shouldn’t be friends with them


No, you probably shouldn’t, for their sake.

yall realise thats exactly the point, right

queer covers everyone who is noncis or nonstraight

it covers the identities you want to erase or disallow from the community

it doesn’t immediately tell you private information about someone’s sexuality or gender that you aren’t entitled to

and the person in question may not even know themselves, but queer is what they know they can always use if they’re not sure except they know theyre definitely not cis/straight

you hate it because it’s too inclusive and too broad. It’s supposed to be inclusive and broad. If someone tells you they’re queer then all you need to know is that they are in some way not cis or straight and other than that it aint your business. If being told someone’s identity is none of your business pisses you off, thats a you problem

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