
Mostly Giggles and Squees

@thelorelaisquared-blog / thelorelaisquared-blog.tumblr.com

I use this tumblr mostly for fannish notions and other things that catch my fancy. Things you can expect to see a lot of from me: Once Upon a Time, The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, Books, Doctor Who, Disney, Anne of Green Gables, Sherlock, Cute Animals, Gilmore Girls, Parks and Recreation, Community, Welcome to Sanditon and Harry Potter. I will always tag posts with "Spoilers" for the first 48 hours after a new episode of a show has aired.
I also run Darceny.com (a P&P/LBD discussion group) and write articles on many of my favourite shows for manyatruenerd.com.
I'm always happy to get to know new people so please feel free to use my ask box to introduce yourself or find out more about me.
Sidebar Image by Becca
Theme help and sidebar gif by Claudia
the real reason i thought about this is because of that cowboy bebop post about ave maria. 
but then i saw the rest of it. 

[audio transciption, The West Wing. “The Crackpots and These Women,” Season 1, Episode 5. Airdate: October 20, 1999. Writ. by Aaron Sorkin.]

FADE IN: INT. JOSH’S OFFICE - NIGHT Schubert’s “Ave Maria” is playing in the boom box. Josh is sitting in his chair,  thinking deeply. From outside, we hear C.J. knocking. Josh doesn’t answer.  C.J., carrying a glass of wine, opens the door and walks in.

C.J. Josh? I was knocking but you didn’t answer.

JOSH I didn’t hear the door.

C.J. What are you doing?

JOSH I think I’m ready to brief the President on the smallpox article.

C.J. Why don’t you forget about that for tonight, and come have some chili? Everyone’s there.

JOSH C.J., an N.S.C. staffer gave me a card with instructions on it for what I’m supposed  to do in the event of a nuclear attack. They want me up in the plane or down on a  bunker. They don’t want you… or Sam, or Toby, for that matter. I didn’t want to be friends with you and have you not know.

C.J. Josh, have you been upset about this?


C.J. You’re very sweet sometimes. You really are.


C.J. Of course, they don’t want me, Josh. I’m a press secretary. I don’t think they’re gonna be issuing a whole lot of releases. Sam and Toby are communications and my guess is that speech writing won’t be a priority either. Come, have some fun. [starts to go to the door]

JOSH [points at the boom box] This is a beautiful piece of music. Do you know this?

C.J. [turns back] I’m Catholic.

JOSH Hang on. Listen. Listen. [goes to the boom box and slowly turns up the volume. A high voice in the choir sings and Josh is moved] There, right there. It’s… miraculous. [beat] Schubert was crazy, you know.

C.J. Yes.

JOSH Do you think you have to be crazy to create something powerful?

C.J. Josh, the cold war is over. There’s not gonna be a nuclear…

JOSH God, C.J. It’s not gonna be like that. It’s not gonna be the red phone and nuclear bombs.

C.J. What’s it gonna be?

JOSH It’s gonna be this. It’s gonna be something like this. Smallpox has been gone for 50 years. No one has an acquired immunity. Flies through the air. You get it… you carry a ten foot cloud around with you. One in three people die. If 100 people in New York City got it, you’d have to encircle them with 100 million vaccinated people to contain it. Do you know how many doses of smallpox vaccines exist in the country? Seven. If 100 people in New York City get it, there’s gonna be a global medical emergency that’s gonna make HIV look like cold and flu season. That’s how it’s gonna be, a little test tube with a-a rubber cap that’s deteriorating… A guy steps out of Times Square Station. Pshht… Smashes it on the sidewalk… There’s a world war right there.

C.J. We’ll make more vaccine. [turns to the door]

JOSH You better hurry ‘cause I’m the only one with one of these cards.

C.J. Come have chili. The President’s asking for you.

JOSH Yeah, I’ll be right there in a minute.

C.J. You really are very sweet sometimes. [exits]

SNL - Cut for Time: My Little Step Children



This is legiterally the funniest thing snl has done in decades

they cut it because of the ONE gay reference

Same energy


both of these sketches were written by julio torres - here’s his twitter

Omg 😂

I just want you all to know that my dramatic 6 year old ass would have loved all of this shit.


I’m the dramatique™ hand to face moment in the broken mirror.

Here for the sensitive masculinity and broody femininity sm love

As best I can tell, the back of the doll box’s text reads: RICHARD is a handsome, wealthy widower who cannot seem to get over the loss of his first wife … until you came along! His kids are now Your Little Step Children, who you feel conflicted about to say the least. Richard’s silences are full of sorrow; he has a void in his heart that perhaps you can fill. He just has to accept that his first wife is gone … or is she?

Source: youtube.com
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