


My general blog. I don’t follow any one thing.

GameStop employee explaining to ya mom why GTA is rated M

I’m not taking the fuckin L when yr mom figures out what all is in that game.  You’re the one tryna play some shit you KNOW full well yr not allowed to have, why should I be the one who has to deal with angry ass Karen the next day screamin about how we let her precious baby see ass and titties.  nah, yr on yr own with that shit.


the thing about venom I can’t get over is that eddie is like…a recognizable celebrity? like sure, his show got canceled but like people still know who he is??? there’s gotta be security footage or news clips of him turning into venom, or like of the motorcycle chase like….that’s so fucking funny. could you imagine if the top trending news story is a guy turned into an alien monster and ate some guys and everything and you click on the video to see and it’s like….fucking john oliver or someone

John Oliver’s Original Form, by Alejandro Mirabal


My favorite catholic lore is that anyone can make holy water in a pinch but the church puts dumb restrictions on us like ‘do this only if someone needs their last rites’ like I WILL bless this McDonald’s sprite and I WILL enjoy the crispiness of our lord and savior


Another bit is that holy water cannot be diluted. When I went to the Vatican the tour guide was explaining this, if you put any amount of holy water into any amount of normal water, the whole bunch becomes holy. This is how they sell Pope Holy Water in the gift shop. This is how I’ve been drinking only holy water for two months now. I am immune to demons.


Homeopathic holy


It’s not actually any amount of holy water- according to the Church, the water has to be more than half holy water by volume. So if you take a half gallon+a few drops of holy water and a half gallon of secular water, you get one gallon of holy water, plus a few drops. You can then add a gallon of secular water to that and then you have two gallons of holy water. We’ve got a couple jugs of Pope Water in the linen closet at my parents’ house, because my mom used the heck out of this loophole after a trip to Italy in 2008. It was more than a decade ago at this point and we still have Pope Water. We no longer have that Pope, but by god do we have his water.

Here’s what a jug of Pope water looks like. Mom measured a fill line on them so that we never accidentally run out and just have old jugs of secular water lying around.


I feel like if people realized sexuality was about WHO you are attracted to and not HOW you express your attraction they wouldn’t be ripping apart the bisexual community with new words because some people prefer women 51% of the time and men only 49% or whatever. I’m begging you to pick up a book on bisexual history and to understand the historical fluidity of the term. Don’t care about gender? You’re bi. Care about gender? You’re bi. Prefer one gender over the other? You’re bi. These are personal preferences and don’t deserve their own label when they completely go against 50+ years of history.


Just as a warning for people with tiktok. 


A man killed himself live on tiktok. People are embedding the video into other videos and sharing it around. Stay off tiktok, go watch some compilations on youtube or something. 

People are actually turning this guys death into a meme fucking hell.

This is the first image of the TikTok so you know to scroll past it if you come across the video:

Y'all i got a text about my friend breaking down becuase of this just a few minutes ago. Its real and its terrible. They’re also hiding it in stuff like cat videos and other seemingly harmless things so stay alert and stay safe.


this is hands-down the funniest thing i’ve seen since the pandemic hit. can we use this to start a rumor that mob psycho 100 is communist propaganda


some post on tumblr: hey shipping incest or minor/adult ships is weird and i don’t associate w/ people who do it. it’s sorta strange and i think it often portrays a weird disregard for others in fandom spaces and creative communities in general, and i think it’s sorta creepy lmao

three hundred adults in the notes, going into varying states of hysteria: It Is Not My Job To Be Your Moral Compass. Shipping Hurts Nobody. Fiction Doesn’t Affect Reality. Think Critically Before You Post. I Hate You Personally. Kids These Days Are Trying To Send Us Back To Puritanism. You Are Personally Trying To Burn Books And Censor Creative Expression. I’m Twenty-Seven And I Argue With Teenagers On Tumblr Thrice Daily And You Cannot Stop Me Because I Think My Entitlement To Consume BakuDeku Omegaverse AO3 Smut Outweighs Yours To State Your Discomfort With My Presence In A Minor-Dominated Space.

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