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my only personality trait is hyperfixating on characters who either don’t get enough screen time or are terribly written and consequently leave me feeling unsatisfied and ultimately empty

Hippidy-hoppidy, your heart is now her property.

I promised Olivia in the combat gear, and now i have delivered. Look how our little farmgirl has grown^^


A note on why I don’t like Ruby getting shipped romantically with some characters. Of course these are all my personal opinions, you don’t have to agree with them.

1) Jaune. Ruby and Jaune are their team’s leader. They hold the lives of their teammates in their hands, something both of them have experienced firsthand. When they went in to talk to Ironwood, they said they would “follow [Ruby’s] lead”. RUBY ALONE lead that entire encounter with Ironwood. The mutual fear and responsibility that they carry that the others don’t understand brings them together. Note, especially, the hug when they reunite at the end of V6. If that was romantic, it would take away from the trust and understanding they have in each other that their teammates cannot give them. ALSO: Jaune is on an arc of independence: coming to terms with Pyrrha’s death and what he feels his role is in it, separating from the image of the person he was at beacon, and growing into himself. Putting him in a relationship takes away from his self-discovery.

2) Oscar. (FIRST: per the shows timeline (thank you for the correction sir-adamus!) they are roughly 14 and 16.5. That’s a big age gap for a kid. A freshman dating a junior.) Ruby and Oscar share two burdens - leading people right into Salem’s hands (even with their consent) and a doomed fate.  First: while Ruby is, as I said before, the leader of the whole squad, Oscar carries Ozpin, who is consistently looked to for help by the most powerful leaders and huntsmen they know (Ironwood, Beacon teachers, Qrow, Lionheart, etc.) Oscar is fast becoming a person that adults and the team turn to for guidance, just like Ruby. Which becomes even more pressure as they realise truly how vicious Salem is. Second: fate. At some point in the future Ozpin is going to take over Oscar’s body. Even if Oscar will still be there, he will be in the backseat. Note the fact that Ozpin’s previous form isn’t even mentioned. Oz has taken his name and not talked about him once. To parallel this, Ruby. Because she is the spokesperson and has silver eyes, Ruby will probably be the one to face Salem. Her mother, also the leader, also silver eyes, faced down Salem and died. (Also note that she carries the power of the god of light who is one of the only people that we KNOW can destroy Salem). Silver eyed warriors are hunted down for their power. This is Ruby’s future. Similar to how Jaune and Ruby share a bond of mutual understanding, Ruby and Oscar share one too, over much more dire things. I believe that a relationship between them rooted in this fear would be more interesting than any romance.

3) Weiss. Weiss has a crap ton of family issues. Her mother is alcoholic, her father only married into the family for the name, she arrests her father, both her and her sister run away. Weiss’ arc is rooted in her going from “clinging to the family name (per Winter) to finding a new family. First in team RWBY,  later in ORNJ too. It is important that Weiss finds a family that parallels what her family once should have been; people that stand with her, love her unconditionally for faults and all, that she loves unconditionally for faults and all. Adding a layer of love onto that “she fights for Ruby not because she’s her family, but because she’s also in love with her” takes away from her original arc and message. However: one could argue that that arc has completed; she’s cut off from her father and found her own way, (“are you coming back?” “NO.”; “THIS [team RWBY] is my family”; etc.) and is now free to form new romantic attachments without taking away from that. Up to you. Unlike Oscar and Jaune, Weiss has completed her arc. Oscar hasn’t come fully to terms with being merged with Ozpin, and Jaune is still not quite fully into his leader role.


This isn't going to be any sort of hot take, just something I've noticed with more and more clarity upon rewatches of the scene in question.

In "As Above, So Below", I think James finally saw - or, at least, began to see - Oscar as his own person. A young boy who couldn't give him the kind of answers Ozpin would, but had his own advice to give regardless. I don't believe he ever completely conflated the two, but as he said himself - he wanted Ozpin's advice. But then, this particular situation rolls around, and James listens to Oscar when he tells him that whatever Ozpin would have suggested might have been wrong. That's no small thing.

It is, however, subsequently and rather abruptly reversed, and that's shown clearly in "The Enemy of Trust". When Oscar confronts James in the Vault, despite Oscar telling him that he's not Ozpin, I don't think he truly believed that for a second. He sees Ozpin. He sees the man who betrayed his trust; who kept this secret; who allowed him to believe that there was hope only to not even face him properly when it falls to pieces. "That's easy for you to say!" he yells when Oscar starts speaking about what mattering being what they do in their fear, because he hears Ozpin - the one who's been hiding this whole time. "Even you" he says emphatically, at the end of a hierarchal list ("Robyn, the Council, this Kingdom") because this is Ozpin, not Oscar, and he won't have anything to do with him, much less the man thinking he's in a position to lecture him. "James, that's what my friends call me. To you, it's General" - because he's burning a bridge between himself and the man he followed blindly, trusting he'd have the answers when he had none but always acted like he did.

And then he shoots Oscar. But in his mind, he is very much shooting Ozpin.

This makes the scene so much worse, in my view, especially considering their past relationship. It was strained from the word 'go', but I never doubted that James' desire to have a man he considered a friend back was genuine, nor did I ever doubt that Ozpin respected and considered him a friend in kind. Ozpin certainly isn't wholly to blame but, while I would never condone his actions in it, James is also justified in his anger. The resentment, the betrayal - it's very much the same we got from Qrow, though amplified. And Oscar, the poor boy, is once again caught in the middle when all he does is try to be brave and help (just like when he told the group how to summon Jinn).

It's a perfectly terrible bit of tragedy. However, I do find myself hopeful that there's still some truth in Watts' statement from Volume 6 - that Ozpin is the only one who can truly get through to James. Even after everything, I do believe he would.


Some ghouls in this fndm will probably get weirdly angry at this, but to me "Trust Love" is a message from Ruby to Ozpin: a reminder that the simple things that make life worth living are right /there/ for him to grab.

Just like "Rising" was a message from Oscar to Ozpin, to trust in Ruby and her guidance.

Again, please, don't @ me. I'm sorry if you think that Ozpin is not a main character who's central to the lore of the entire series, so he cannot have any song ever, but


Okay… I know I did the resurrection thing before but what if Qrow’s clothes were just worn out and damaged from fighting and he’s just fed of with everything.


this is the funniest thing to me


information about misophonia

some behaviours that i’ve personally experienced and seen before:

- trying to cover ears with hair

- abrupt head movements, like theyre trying to shake the sound out of their head

- shifting in their seat

- heavy breathing

- flushed face

- visibly tense

- trying to covertly cover their ears with their hands without looking rude or strange

- nervously tapping any surface they can find

- mimicking a sound someone is making (like chewing louder than you)

- shooting glares or frightened glances in sound’s direction (even if its not a person making the noise)

- wide eyes

- nervous leg jiggling

- clenching fists

A lot of misophoniacs:

- wish they were deaf (i was one of them for a long time)

- carry headphones everywhere 

- aren’t violent

- are very good at hiding their distress

- meditate

- take anxiety medication


- misophonia triggers the fight or flight response

- most reactions to trigger sounds are involuntary

- most (if not all) of us have an involuntary muscle twitch somewhere on our body when we hear our trigger noises. it can be literally anywhere

- cannot be helped by desensitization (has been recorded to make it worse)

- even thinking about noises can cause them to develop into triggers

- we’re not supposed to read up about other triggers because it can cause us to develop them

- a lot of us also have misokinesia (which is a visual version of misophonia)

- reading about misokinesia can cause you to develop misokinesia (i learned this the hard way. whoops)

- it is not caused by trauma

- it’s a neurological disorder (meaning it’s the wiring in our brain)

- it rears its ugly head around the time puberty starts

- is a lifetime disorder that gets worse with age


- has caused suicides

- and literally almost no one knows about it

I noticed that this post is gaining a decent amount of traction, so I thought I would take this opportunity and create a Misophonia and Misokinesia Support Blog.

Unfortunately, this disorder is very unknown, and has very limited support. The best we can do is help each other until the world decides to give us the help we need.

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