
Mourning and Weeping in this valley of tears


✞ 19 | catholic goth | psych student Ψ | mx | phantom enthusiast | memento mori ✞

My favourite thing about The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe is that CS Lewis very obviously knew that kids were going to go hunting in cupboards and wardrobes for Narnia because multiple times he very clearly states that the kids did not close the door behind them when they climbed in the wardrobe because that would be stupid and dangerous. He knew some kid was going to lock themselves in the closet and he obviously didn’t want to be responsible for that.


I find this topic relentlessly fascinating for some reason. 

I grew up in a Sunday Best family. Both my parents were in choir which had a no-denim mandate and my dad was a deacon. Our pastors always wore full suits and most of the congregation dressed up.

As an adult I’ve become more Sunday Best Lite. I have no problem wearing jeans to church now. I do still avoid leggings, sneakers or flip-flops, and shirts with logos on them. Basically anything that draws extra attention to its own name and not Jesus’s Name. I also have to keep up with my kids now which means I have to make some concessions for practicality.

I think church has become more casual across the board, at least in the Protestant/Baptist-ish circles I tend to travel. Some of it might be regional too. Nobody would have dreamed of wearing shorts at the church I went to as a kid, but I don’t judge anyone for wearing shorts in July around here 😂

Today my oldest and I are both sick so I’m watching church at home in leggings 🤣🤣 there are exceptions to every rule!

Include your denomination and region if you want.


Personally I don’t know how anyone reads any Greek myths, particularly the Iliad and comes to the conclusion “the gods are good and worthy of my love and worship.” Seems counter intuitive. I don’t even think the Greeks liked doing that, it was more like lip service to a crime boss. They just didn’t want their gyro stands burnt down.

Gods being GOOD is, iirc, a Jewish peculiarity that Christendom spread to the rest of Western society.

gods were never worshiped for their goodness. It was an exchange relationship. I make sacrifices, you send rain. Done and done.

Exactly. Which is why I raise an eyebrow when neo-pagans start talking about having personal loving relationships with their supposed gods. Look if you’re gunna do this shtick you should be fearing for your life, like your ancestors did.

Can’t leave this in the tags


Isn’t it interesting that the only person in the Bible to give God a name is Hagar, the slave girl? She called him The God Who Sees Me, because that’s who he has always been.


you cant say shut up you stupid idiot in comment sections anymore. you cant say hey moron when did you graduate from idiot school anymore

instagram keeps yelling at me. Dont call people morons they say. Please stop calling people morons. now i have to say are you aware you are wrong? When my heart wants to say hey shit for brains maybe your second day on earth will go better

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