
I shoot for my own hand.

@nefariousmezzanine / nefariousmezzanine.tumblr.com

Hello. I'm Morag. I don't post or reblog to this blog anymore but I still follow people and like things with this (main). I probably posted things here years ago that no longer reflect my views (I last posted in 2016 and I write this Oct 2022) but bear with me on the hellsite please
High School English Teachers: This is a subject. This is a verb. They should be as close together as possible in written communication because it makes your writing easier to follow. Why? Well, because this is English, not Latin or some shit, and that's just how English works as a language. Chill out, Vergil, we don't have your fancy pants declension patterns that tell us which parts of speech are modifying which other parts of speech.
Academic Writing: See, that's really nice and all… but what if we took, and I'm not saying that we should take these things in the sense of pilfering or purloining them but rather in the transitive and figurative sense of the term "to take" that connotes removing something from any given place, all of these so called subjects and put them miles away from their verbs in a sentence. Who needs intelligibility when you have posturing and bloviating and hey look at this cool stuff I found. :3
Me: *rage twitches and storms off to the Angry Dome*

hooded figures need more love. they’re just like peaceful shy very confused eldritch entities. it’s like they just want to understand these weird human things and oh, maybe steal their babies. but in the nicest way possible. 

Media psychologists … have been trying to understand why people subject themselves to entertainment that they know will elicit negative emotions. Dolf Zillmann, widely recognized as the founder of entertainment psychology as a field of study, theorized that the answer lies in the emotional intensity these types of shows make us feel. His excitation transfer theory says that we can experience a wide range of emotions while we watch distressing shows, and that all the excitement from each of those emotions builds up while we watch. … Experiencing intense stress might not be very pleasurable while it’s happening, but according to excitation transfer theory, all that intensity can carry over to boost positive emotions like relief or happiness if the episode ends on a good note. In other words, enduring some emotional turmoil during viewing can actually heighten the rewards of a happy ending. […] Other media research suggests that we seek out hard-to-watch shows because it makes us feel more competent and in control during emotionally difficult situations. … Watching [such shows] makes us feel sad, anxious, or aghast, but in reflecting on our emotional reactions (which often seem appropriate) we may conclude that we are very in-touch, sympathetic, and humane. This feels good. This can even make the experience of watching a fictional portrayal of terrible events somewhat enjoyable.

Several theories on the psychology of why watching stressful TV shows appeals to us.

*takes notes, nods* Misery, endless misery…

"What are you doing?" Angela complained. "Are you trying to make me jog? You know I think people who jog should be shot at midday." “Why at midday?” Kami asked absently. “There’s no need ever to get up at dawn,” Angela told her. “Not even to shoot joggers.”

Untold, Sarah Rees Brennan (via golden-d)



I was messing around with a quote-graphics-maker-thingy and this quote from UNTOLD stood out.

I am so pleased!

I’ve never written from the point of view of a writer before, and though Kami and I are very different types of writer, it was really fun to explore some of the reasons I write what I write, and how I write—how my reasons intersected with hers.

I feel like I—and Kami, so much, and a lot of other people in the real world—hear a lot that our voice isn’t important, what you’re doing isn’t important, if you’re not doing it perfectly you’re worthless, you need to be doing something different entirely, you should have a different kind of power, if you think you have any kind of power you’re wrong. 

I believe that’s not true. I believe the above. 

[Image: Goldenrod background. Text: Every act of defiance counts. Every call to arms that people hear matters. Untold by Sarah Rees Brennan. End description.]


when people attack trans* ppl for “making up words” like genderqueer and etc, makes me wonder where they think words actually come from. is it god? does god make the words? or perhaps some sort of mischievous river spirit

as a linguistics major I can confirm that it is in fact a mischievous river spirit


So I was watching one of those elephant documentaries and some guy walked over to the elephants and the elephants all crowded round to look at him and stroke him with their trunks.

And it reminded me how when there’s a cat in the garden my entire family will go out and cuddle it.


Elephants think humans are cute.

gabriel why are you doing this to me.

Accurate commentary.


All This Talk of Babies Reminds Me

… of how I once spent a day writing evil nursery rhymes to amuse my friends. I don’t think Hallmark is going to be knocking on this door, folks. Warning: not gifted in the poesy.


Some parents in fairytales

Get such bad raps

Before we condemn them

Let’s look at the facts.

Cinderella’s doing great

Snow White is a queen

All those raised by normal folks

Think of what might have been

Think of all those losers

Raised by the just and fair

Climb up that beanstalk Jack

Get on out of there!

Don’t just trust in your star

Can’t leave it to fate

Get adopted by a witch

Things will work out great

That girl who spun straw

She seemed kind of odd

Rumpelstiltskin’s baby

Could have been a god

A crown for your pretty head

A kingdom for your son

Don’t you worry baby

Witches get it done

Rapunzel’s mama got her

A prince’s hand in marriage

Those other loser parents

Didn’t even have a cabbage

Get on my broom, admire the view

Baby soon you’ll see

Mama’s got it covered

No-one loves you more than me.


MUM: Do you think the royal baby is a boy or a girl?

SARAH: Dunno. Don’t mind. I’m not like you.

MUM: Celebrity-obsessed?

SARAH: … English?

MUM: You are just too busy in your fantasy land, obsessing over the Hunger Thrones.

SARAH: The Hunger Thrones.

MUM: City of Thrones.

SARAH: Go again.

MUM: You know what I mean, the one with the zombies.

SARAH: If the royal baby is a zombie, I’ll be so in.

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