
Zine of Parahumans

@parahumanzine / parahumanzine.tumblr.com

Parahuman zine - an art and writing collection by the fans, for the fans. First zine available for downloading! Currently warming up for an OC centered event!

Kick off!

Let's goooooooooooo!

Considering this isn't as formal of an event as an actual fanzine, this will be much more relaxed and less strict re: schedule. You will be given a template and 2 months to work on it!

The only limitation for the submissions are: keep the page layout more or less intact and abide by the font used in main body of the template (Courier New). That's it! Extra embellishments and other things are all up to you.

Those who sign up to help/for help will receive the dedicated discord server link within the next day or as soon as one of us sees a new sign-up. There you will be able to link up with your helper/helpee and go from there!

Submissions end at March 10th!

The submission form will be made available in a couple of weeks.

Links to templates (available in .psd and .clip format) + two handwriting fonts, if you want to use them.

Free 8k paper textures: (1) (2) (3)

Feel free to ask questions if there are any! Good luck and have fun!


PRT CASE FILE 24- EXCELSIOR I completely blanked and forgot to post my entry for the most recent @parahumanzine- a short mediation on the bad hand dealt to creatives with big ideas in the wrong publishing climate. So here it is like three months late


A huge pleasure to work with fabulamirabilis (who did the awesome art) and @therealtsk (who was a lifesaver on formatting!) to write this profile of my OC Guidon for @parahumanzine.

Guidon is a 17-year-old Ward, a teleportation Tinker, currently seconded to support US Marine Corps global logistics and response. She has featured in small ways in a number of my fics, including College Station, The Director's Chair, Judicare, and The Brockton Games I & II - so it was great fun to write about her directly.

You can also read this entry on AO3, with some additional content on her colleagues in the 23rd Wards Response Group.

Anonymous asked:

Are we still allowed to post entries if we werenā€™t able to submit them officially? I found abt you guys after the entries closed but I do have a few worm OCs Iā€™d love to show off!

sure! you can use the template for your OCs all you want and post them. we won't reblog them, though, sorry! our start-up and entry period was pretty long, one, and two, we don't want to make this blog purely oc-themed.


FREEFALL is my contribution to the Worm OC Fanzine run by @parahumanzine with art by @artistatthedisco

Make sure to check out the full size art, because it has *details* and I should be locked up for the crime of reducing it to a teeny tiny thing in the corner. Seriously, @artistatthedisco did a great job on very little notice.

Freefall has been knocking around in my head for a while now, and it was lovely to exorcise them onto paper. Antigravity is fun, and so is imagining deeply traumatised people who may or may not be doing their best!


My OC Longsight for the @parahumanzine . Sucks that we weren't able to publish a whole zine this time around, hopefully next time though! I had a ton of fun making Longsigt here. I really enjoy the idea of a power that could be really strong but isn't because of how it's expressed or who has it. I'd love to answer more questions about her so please feel free to ask.


I had an absolute blast collaborating with the amazing @n0brainjustvibes to bring June to life! My girl's been put through hell since chapter one brought her kicking and screaming into the world of parahumans, and she's come out with the trauma to show for it. But she's grown so much, come so far, and found a family that care about her. Can any of us ask for more?

Big thanks to @parahumanzine for orchestrating the event and to @n0brainjustvibes, once again, for producing some phenomenal art of June fighting with... Well, you'll just have to wait and see as Arc 8 of Luster picks up!



My submission for the Worm OC Fanzine! Valravn is a character near and dear to my heart, and @tinkertech did an absolutely outstanding job with the art. I had a lot of fun depicting this particular branch of PRT agents as a bunch of silly little guys. Be sure to keep your eye out for other posts regarding this event today!


to all of our participants!

Hey hey!

It's been a week since the submissions officially closed and, unfortunately we didn't get nearly enough to make something out of all of them. That doesn't mean everyone's work will go to waste, though! We invite all of the participants to post their entries to their tumblrs and tag us @parahumanzine so we can reblog them and have something to show for this event.

It might not have worked out this time, but it was still fun seeing people get excited over this! I hope we can reach better results if and when we make another event that's got a wider appeal than original characters.


2 weeks until March 10th!

If you're still working on your entries, the deadline is coming up soon!

If you've finished your entries, submit them here!

In case you need some help, let us know!

We're in the final stretch!

5 days!

We hope you're nearing the finish line with your files! If you're already done, submit them! If not, we'll be happy to see them when they are.

Last day!

Make sure to get your pieces finished and submitted! We've finally reached the end wahoooooo!

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