
Helping Keep the Feedism Community Safe


Hi everyone.  This blog is a means to anonymously call out toxic people in the feederism community!  If you are afraid to post about harassment you have received, send it to me in a DM and I will post on your behalf.  Please read the pinned post.

please read

Hey everyone, 

Due to recent events in the feedism community, I have made this blog as a way for people to report harassment or callout others anonymously so we know who is dangerous and who to block.  

How it works:  -send me screenshots of the person exhibiting bad behavior or harassment

-I will blur out your username and any other identifying information and post it to this blog 

-reblog those posts to spread awareness of who everyone should stay away from.  

I wish to remain anonymous and I will ensure that those sending me information remain protected.  

I don’t want anyone to feel unsafe, and since doxxing is not technically a crime right now, I wasn’t sure what else there was to do other than take preventative measures.  Please stay safe everyone!  


Y’all watch out for this guy I don’t know what he’s got going on but he’s def a racist weirdo. Go ahead and block kingdomxkai8877

Pretty sure everyone already knows about this one, but if you don't, go ahead and block.

Anonymous asked:

user plussize1shoutouts seems to be making morphs without consent, and using people’s regular social media posts (ie, people outside the feedism community)

this was sent over 70 days ago and I owe people an apology.

Sorry for being silent on here. Life got in the way of consistently checking this blog. However, I have recommitted myself to this blog and will be checking it at least once per week, like I initially intended.

Anonymous asked:

https://www.tumblr.com/feedismbatman/709274824713846784 Stop size shaming!!!!! It’s male phobic and trans misogynist too

You know what, that's a valid call out and I agree. I feel like it's so easy to fall into those body shaming traps, but it IS harmful and it does perpetuate bad things. (think about when people made fun of tr*mp because he "looked fat" in his tennis outfit - still fatphobia even tho the target is a bad person).

I am sorry and I will try to be more mindful of this moving forward.

Anonymous asked:

https://www.tumblr.com/chubby-chiquita/718735667799244800/does-it-get-sweaty-under-the-belly this white loser is making “jokes” about a SLAVE BOY being used for washing. Used like an item. So that’s pedo shit and fetishizing slavery. Look at all the big names sharing it too.

I'd like to have a discussion about this post. I'd like to hear what other people think. Admittedly, I saw it and did not think it was a big deal. But I am often wrong about a lot of things in life and recognize that I come from a place of privilege (based on my personal demographics).

I'm unsure if this joke is harmful, as the intent was not there. However, I also understand the argument of why "slave boy" wasn't the best choice of words and how regardless of intent, words do matter.

Also, I denounce calling someone a loser for using a phrase or making a joke that may be off color (there are hard lines, of course, but I feel that should go without explicit acknowledgment). People make mistakes all the time. I think having a productive conversation about this post is better than assuming, and then acting, as if the person who made it is Bad. DO NOT send hate to anyone. Please.

Please be respectful. I'd like to assume good faith from everyone who participates in this and will ask that you also assume that from me and everyone else.

Anonymous asked:

I don't know if this qualifies for what you do, but the account "indulgingasian" is trying to pass off as a real gainer despite all of their "photos" actually just being AI-generated images

Take this post for example, just look at how messed up the hand is and how the whole image has that weird, cartoon-ish look to it. All of their images look like this:


This kind of thing is unfortunately going to become more prevalent as time goes on, so I figured it's worth drawing attention to now, especially before these people start setting up donation pages for their fake bs

This is definitely interesting. I think it kind of sucks, if I'm honest. I don't know how you would tell, aside from looking for specific AI markers.

Thanks for pointing it out, though. I hope people are careful.

Anonymous asked:

bestamazingfeederworld and creativefeeder213 are (or were, idk if theyre deleted now) the same person, trying to scam folks looking for feeders in the community. Thought i'd pass it along so that others wont get tricked either! (they also have accounts on other sites to try and keep up the story).

another one for the list, boys


Racism has no place in this community.

Ableism has no place in this community.

If you think you can use this type of language and I’m not going to put your disgusting behavior on full display, you’re wrong.

It’s 2023, stop using slurs!

This is who was harassing me and who’s conversation I screenshotted and posted. Buddy is on a roll. @feedismbatman

Wow.  This is so embarrassing.  

Anyway I think we all know to block this individual at this point.  Don’t even engage.  Just block him!  He’s a sad sack of shit.  Sorry you had this experience but wow he keeps getting worse every time I see his username.  


This is a more nuanced issue but I still think it needs to be addressed in some way.  As stated multiple times on this blog, models do not owe the public anything just by existing and making content.  However, I think if someone is sending you money in good faith in exchange for some photos of a stuffing or something similar, it is best practice to either follow through with it or refund the money.  

The individual who sent these to me was perfectly respectful in their interaction with me and in the screenshots sent, and while that doesn’t mean they are entitled to anything, it’s kind of a shitty move to take money from someone and block them immediately after.  They stated she blocked them after not responding for about 2 days.   Please be careful when sending money.  On the one side, watch out for scammers and if something seems off, do not send anything.  On the other side, don’t make it a practice to take money from people with no intention on following through.  Talk about the terms and conditions of any transactions before making them.  Ensure that all sides are on the same page regarding what the transaction will be.  

These are just my opinions and should be taken as such.  I am a single person running this account.  I am happy to have discourse/discussions about this topic as long as everyone remains respectful.  I don’t want to tag the blog in question because I don’t want hate directed at this person. 


Fatbellymandutch, someone I’ve never interacted before in my life, sent me an ask with images of their shriveled up, very unimpressive penis with jizz all over himself, and I just thought you all should know what a gross person they are. Nice one to add to the block list.


🌸 PSA 🌸

hey everyone! don’t be this guy and also feedees/littles watch out for him because he is a piece of work.

i know how guys like this work, literal textbook red flags like affection/love bombing and making me feel like i owed him smth by randomly giving me a lot of money - trying to make me feel guilty for not talking to him all the time. this guys only goal was to make me feel like shit! unfortunately he failed to do that as i’ve survived much worse :)

it started with a large financial contribution which i NEVER EVER asked for because i don’t ask strangers for money.

“being there for me” aka harassment

i reserve any right to withhold any information about myself. i do not owe you anything. this blog is for fun, im literally just here to get stoned, eat, feel pretty n get soft 🥺🐰💞🌸

so @/treadh4rsh1y @/xy9853 i spent all ur money on expensive weed…i guess karma is a bigger bitch than i ever could be xoxo

here’s some highlights of our lovely conversations <3

we’ve seen this person before - they’re likely going to keep making new accounts/changing their username but tbh it’s pretty easy to spot this behavior and tie it to the same person.  I have a strong suspicion this is also blueskinneddevil or whoever that scary guy used to go by.  PLEASE stay safe.  

also - if this guy is reading this??? get some help, please. i mean that genuinely. this ain’t the way to go man.

Hello friends!! I received a message with updated usernames for this individual.  If you see this person or a username that looks similar, just block and report.  

An alternate is @th3c0r3 And his main new user is @5tr3ngthandp34c3.  Also look out for @xy9853.

Please stay safe.  

I got word of another username this individual is using.  jtf3n1gm4 

please block and be careful. 



This is a very important PSA.

This is in regards to a user that goes by ‘MeltyMolten123’ this user has repeatedly tried pressuring me into things I did not want to do and expressed that I did not want to do it.

He has done this several times over and enough us enough.

The following screenshots were from his most recent contact with me.

For context he was trying to get me to drink his weight gain shake recipe, when I told him I had no interest in that sort of thing, he then said “well that’s ok you look like someone who would drown their food in bacon grease” when I denied this he pressed me calling me illogical.

My partner contacted him asking him to leave me alone, saying if I say no it means no. He then proceeded to tell my partner that I had a bad attitude and wasn’t worth it to deal with and “I’m just looking out for you man”

It’s been brought to my attention that this user has harassed others in the community in a similar fashion, if you have had experiences with this user or any other toxics disruptive user please add to this post below, please reblog and get the word out. I want this place to be safe.

@feedismbatman another for the block list

Anonymous asked:

stop policing how people participate in feedism

by stop policing you mean calling out people with harmful/toxic/abusive behavior? people who steal content from creators and sex workers who put time and effort into their work for everyone to enjoy? making sure people are aware of harassment, sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia etc? buddy that's not policing; that's sharing information so people can make informed decisions about who they interact with and allow in their space while participating in feedism.

sorry, but i'll pass.


The following is a starter list of kink blogs that post creepshots and submissions of non-consenting fat people. It’s not okay to repost photos without permission. It’s not okay to fetishize people without consent. If you come across any, please block and report blogs that do this.

❌ @yougotfat

❌ @allthatflab

❌ @gaynergainz

❌ @overfedblog

❌ @heavypeople

❌ @loudlyjollytimetravel

❌ @bigjockchsr

❌ @dadbodbellies

❌ @flabbyfatboy

Throwing out the Bat Signal here:


Add on to this list so @feedismbatman can boost it!

don’t do this, guys. there’s plenty of people who post their content willingly and fetishizing real people in every day life without informed consent is gross. thanks for the mention. I’ll keep reblogging with any updates.

I found more. A few of the guys being fetishized in these pictures/tiktoks MAY BE MINORS. Block and report predators.

❌ @firstthirtypounds

❌ @youngbeerbellies

❌ @hkbearotterclub

❌ @nathanguys

❌ @losingabs

❌ @chunk-and-a-half

❌ @fatassfratboy

❌ @thiccaddicc

❌ @rolypolydads

❌ @blogartus

❌ @whackworthydadbods

❌ @wantsmore13

❌ @beginnerbellies

❌ @sexyfacebookboys3

❌ @ladswithlard2

❌ @l1ghtheaded

i can’t remember if I reblogged this update so here you all go.  

Anonymous asked:


Not sure if you've seen it, but allegedly @/dad_bod_thicc is a predator. He was 18 and was talking to a 15yo about sexual/kink stuff.

Not sure if you can verify at all

this one is pretty serious, and with best practices of believing victims, I have to post this. I would caution people to be aware of who they are interacting with and make sure to verify ages before you engage in any kind of sexual or kink related discussions with anyone else. I don't know if dadbodthic was aware of the age of these people or not, but either way, it's not good.

18 is still the legal age. If you are 18 or over, interacting with minors regarding kink or sex is wrong (and I think actually illegal?), no matter what. DON'T DO IT.

We have the responsibility as adults to make sure we are not talking to or interacting with kids. Kids should also be mindful of what they are doing online while they are minors, but at the end of the day, they are children and we are adults. We are the ones who face the consequences and we are the ones who can potentially harm kids in this way.

I feel for any minors who were affected by the actions of this dude. Please be careful when navigating online spaces.

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