
Maybe you're worth it.

@thedepthsremember / thedepthsremember.tumblr.com

I'm Vee and this is a Choices blog! On hiatus? Main: jicklet. Art: PartyTimeSloth.

“PB is just a company that makes games! It’s entertainment, it’s meaningless!” 

Except that’s not how they’ve been marketing themselves. This is how they describe themselves, over and over.  Direct off https://www.pixelberrystudios.com/, their proudest selling points: (emphasis mine):


  • Hi! We’re Pixelberry Studios and we aim to entertain and make a difference through our games.
  • Pixelberry is committed to creating fun, engaging games with heart and integrity.
  • We define success by the happiness of our players.
  • Our aim is to make deeply engaging games that make a difference in our players' lives.

Their About Page:

  • Our aim is to provide meaningful gameplay that enables players to explore emotions and different life experiences in a safe environment.
  • Narrative’s strength as a social educational medium helps to promote understanding and awareness.

This is how they’ve been promoting themselves. If they are notably falling short of the standards that they themselves set, it isn’t kindness to stay silent.


Some of y'all dumbasses need to realize that pixelberry is a fucking entertainment app that creates interactive stories, not a group of politicians making policy proposals. Why the fuck do you even want them to make a statement about a series issue like riots against police brutality and BLM???? why trivialise those actually significant political movements and events by harassing a fucking mobile app company about it???

I'm not an American, but many players are. If you spend half, just HALF the time u spend making rant posts about this or that pixel character or storyline ACTUALLY PHONING UR REPRESENTATIVES or phone banking for candidates who represent ur interests, you'd have a lot fewer issues to complain about.

U keep harassing them, and this is what happens. They postpone chapters. Meaning less content for those of us who actually understand the purpose of an app like playchoices - having fun, being entertained, being distracted. Thanks for that.

Someone just mentioned boycotting pb. Are u fucking kidding me??? There's ACTUAL political issues u can participate in boycotts for. Get ur head out of ur ass. Get some fucking perspective. Oh my God.

You sound really ignorant. You literally think that people should separate their politics from entertainment.

You really think PB has no responsibility to thier poc players who are voicing their dissatisfaction with the storyline they have chosen and also questioning what is PBs stance on BLM. Ya'll act like PB isn't out here virtue signalling towards the black community, parading thier love for diversity.

Look at this shit 👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾

Who cares about black history month if not black people? Is this not them boasting about their love for thier poc characters to bait people who care about this? For your information Black history month is a political stament, if you didn't know.

So is it OK for them on the one hand to make statements in support for the black community and then decide to not speak when it matters.

I'm sure you are plenty smart but please don't talk about things that do not involve you in a way that insults and patronises the very people it effects.

The people you are calling fucking idiots are mainly BLACK AMERICANS of which you have admitted you are not. So you think black Americans don't know how to vote? You think they don't know how to get involved in their local politics outside of choices. You really think they are dumb huh?

Man shut up! Yes choices twitter account is not cnn, and bitch nobody said it was! People just want to know where pb stands because they claim to care about the black community. PB is an American company and they should speak on American issues.

Besides BLM is a global matter I'm sure whatever country you are from black people exist there. I hope you don't go around assuming they are idiots who don't know how to separate politics from entertainment.

One of two black characters is going to die at a time where black people are protesting police brutality. The reason they are protesting is because time and time again theybhave been made to feel like thier lives are worth less than their white counter parts. Oh is very incentive right now. Every love interest in the book has been dialed down except Ethan a Canon white man. Every other love interests is not white. All of them have less screen time. One black male character has been effectively given the boot. You don't see why people would be seeing red flags at this. Don't act dumb just coz you missed one week of Ethan. OH is tone deaf. Google that phrase and realise that you and your little post fall in that category.

In conclusion. PB is and American company that has marketed itself as socially aware and in support of minority communities. I don't think it is unreasonable for the people who are from the particular communities that PB claims to ally with for them to question why they are silent at such a time because it matters. It might not to you but it does matter to us.


Hey yall, my club is holding a charity art drive! Thus: I will be taking art commissions for charity from 3/14 - 3/15!

What is it:

SHM Speed Run is a 24 hour commission drive in partnership with the Shrunkenheadman Club, the Animation/Illustration club of San Jose State, and Extra Life. During the 24 hours, artists will be making commissions to raise money for the Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital’s Children’s Ward!

What to do:

Hey guys! It’s been a while since I’ve logged in here, but signal boosting myself because my commissions have been closed for a while, but this week I’m going to be taking commissions for charity! :D


Bertrand and Maxwell, feat. Maxwell x MC (Riley)

“You’ve been pretty tight-lipped about what you think about me and Maxwell…” “Well, I’m not exactly proud of how I reacted when I first learned of your relationship.” -Riley and Bertrand, Book 3 Chapter 18.

I wrote most of this a while ago, after we finally got that scene with Bertrand. Once it really settled in that Bertrand really only found out about his brother and MC right as they announced his engagement, and we didn’t get to see him be pissed about it. 

Bertrand hadn’t spoken a word, or indeed even looked his way since they left the cabin.
The quietness was unnerving, but Maxwell was more afraid of what would happen when it stopped.
They returned to their room at the palace, and by the time the door closed behind them, the silence felt lethal.
“So, um–”
“Explain yourself,” Bertrand hissed.

This was heavy but BEYOND perfect for what I imagine this conversation how this conversation would look between Maxwell and Bertrand. What hit me the hardest with this is the loss of closeness between the two. This was so well written, @thedepthsremember, that even though Bertrand is technically “the ass” for not seeing Maxwell beyond the “screw up brother” characterization, I can also emphasize with Bertrand being the older sibling and feeling like you have to be the one to hold everything together. My heart hurts for them both. Hopefully, Bertrand can get his shit together before he loses his brother.

Thank you!! I'm glad Bertrand didn't come off totally like a villain, I would die to defend Maxwell and all but I do feel for Bertrand too. He's stuck in this mindset of "I have to carry this whole legacy, alone, with my own two hands" and it's hard for him to see past that.

Plus he was just blinded sided, like maaaaybe he would've reacted a little better if they'd told him personally, rather than lobbing the truth bomb near him. Or maybe he would've been just as pissed, who knows.

Thanks for reading and the nice comment!


Bertrand and Maxwell, feat. Maxwell x MC (Riley)

"You've been pretty tight-lipped about what you think about me and Maxwell..." "Well, I'm not exactly proud of how I reacted when I first learned of your relationship." -Riley and Bertrand, Book 3 Chapter 18.

I wrote most of this a while ago, after we finally got that scene with Bertrand. Once it really settled in that Bertrand really only found out about his brother and MC right as they announced his engagement, and we didn’t get to see him be pissed about it. 

Bertrand hadn't spoken a word, or indeed even looked his way since they left the cabin.
The quietness was unnerving, but Maxwell was more afraid of what would happen when it stopped.
They returned to their room at the palace, and by the time the door closed behind them, the silence felt lethal.
“So, um--”
“Explain yourself,” Bertrand hissed.

mona. red dress. hot. Even after the recent events in the latest chapter, I still like her! Can’t wait to see her again on friday. Also I’m working on something bigger and slightly different for the next one! This blog isnt dedicated to mona fanart lol. It’ll take awhile but as always thank you all for the support and patience :)

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