


I’m here for a good time not a long one

Zim the Gardener


I’ve noticed that a lot of locations in Invader ZIM don’t really have green to them [contrasting Zim himself and adding to the atmosphere of the show].

so what if like, Zim likes to take care of plants as their greenness reminds him of his own kind/home

Zim being a gardener definitely isn’t a skill that’s programmed into the PAK for the invader to be good at doing, because for all we’ve seen, there aren’t any plants on Irk. So it’d be a skill that Zim has to learn on his own, and he’s hesitant when he learns that plants need water to grow, and his first couple of plants die until Dib mentions they probably need to be watered. 

Zim keeps plants all over the base.  Zim using his PAK legs to reach plants up high.

His front yard garden drawing human attention because humans don’t normally see flowers around; Zim plants giant genetically modified man-eating venus fly traps as guards.

Dib tells Zim he’s actually helping the planet by growing the plants.  Reluctantly, Zim destroys his plants, but keeps a single rose hidden within his PAK or something.


No zim don’t destroy them you worked so much ;0;

zim, visibly panicking: dude I-I can’t find him
dib: who??
zim: uh, my son! the kid! the little fuckin, uh, robot guy- what’s his name
dib: wh- wait do you mean gir?
that’s the bitch

Writing a Character with SPD

Sensory processing disorder is much more common than you might think, and although some people grow out of it by adulthood, many others continue to deal with it on a daily basis. If your character has autism, anxiety, or even is just very stressed out, some of this could apply to them, too!

First off—sensory issues are quite varied! Your character could be very sensitive to loud noise and lots of bright colors, but they could be under stimulated when it comes to taste or smell.

Here’s some summary on different senses and the effects being over or under stimulated could have on your character—bear in mind that there aren’t only five senses, though! Proprioception and interoception also play into SPD, as well as other senses.


  • If your character is overstimulated easily, they’ll try to avoid bright colors, flashing lights, or places like concerts. Think of those neon school supplies little kids love to buy—those aren’t good. Way Too Much.
  • On the other hand, your character could seek out obscenely neon and bright colors because they prefer them to the actual colors.
  • This isn’t just because of a preference—being over or understimulated can cause discomfort or anxiety. When sensory needs are met, your character will feel much more calm than if they weren’t.


  • This one’s a little harder to describe. Do you know the feeling when you’re trying to focus and for some reason everyone’s yelling around you? This can happen almost all the time depending on the level of sensitivity.
  • It’s basically like trying to find inner peace in a sea of loudness. When people don’t become quiet, it can completely destroy the ability to think.
  • A character who’s understimulated could seek out loud noise, and would have difficulty focusing if it was very quiet. They would prefer working in places with a lot of background noise.


  • Some things that a person who dislikes touch might hate: people touching their hair, surprise hugs, people sitting too close, being surprised, a hand on their shoulder.
  • This might seem harsh, but when you’re sensitive to touch, it feels like an invasion of personal space.
  • Stimming falls here! It can help regulate anxiety caused by irritants. If your character has to fit in, hand stims are useful e.g. touching fingers to each other, clenching and unclenching the fists, obsessively cracking knuckles (some people hate this)
  • Dermatillomania and trichotillomania are pretty common with SPD compared to people without it. They’re unhealthy, but they serve the same purpose as stimming in a lot of cases—calming a person down or delivering a sense of satisfaction in a stressful situation.
  • Texture of food—regardless of the taste, the texture of food can be a deal-breaker. If the texture makes you involuntarily shudder, it’s a Bad Food.
  • Now, weighted blankets? Heaven. Beautiful. The dentist has the weighted apron they have you wear for x-rays, and it’s amazing. Very comforting.
  • If your character needs more touch than normal, they might end up as a hugger. This is fine. Hugs are good.


  • Strong smells can overwhelm someone whether they’re good or bad! It can cause the same feeling like if everything is Too Loud because you can’t close off your nose or ears very well—you can’t easily escape the irritant.
  • I’m understimulated when it comes to smell, so when I need to regulate something I’ll use a strong hand cream or essential oil to draw myself away from the stressor.
Keep in mind that since sensory issues aren’t treated very often (and treatment options sometimes suck) your character will have developed mechanisms to cope with this, even if they aren’t healthy or perfect. Have fun writing!

Gee golly I love not whitewashing characters!

if I wanna cosplay Travis and I’m white as hell im still gonna cosplay him? But I agree on the not whitewashing, but how bout we just don’t change characters races, like don’t make sally black if they’re not black? Don’t make Travis white if they’re not white?


here’s a little tutorial i made for how to put a binder on! this is how i always did it, its a lot easier for me than trying to get it over my head. i hope this helps someone!


Why You Should Definitely Not Throw Out Your Kids Binder

If you throw out your kids binder, I’m sad to say they’ll probably find another way of binding and there’s a chance it will not be safe. Gender dysphoria is like depression and it gets out of hand sometimes. If you find your kid has a binder leave it alone. They probably paid a lot of money for it and tried really hard to get it, they most likely will not talk to you afterwards, and their methods of recreating what the binder does could potentially harm them. Thank you.



• Does it hurt to take a deep breathe? Yes? Then it’s too Tight

• Do you feel dizzy? Yes? Too tight

• Do you have bruising and is it sensitive to the touch? Yes? Too tight.

• Do you have pain for several hours or days after binding? Yes? Too Tight.


This from gc2b and disconcertedbird.

Using a binder wrongly can be *worse* than binding with poor materials. Please be careful. :)


before you leave your house. ftm checklist.

- Can you breathe in your binder?

- Do you have a sports bra with you for the emergency?

- Phone charger?

- Water?

- Lunch (school/work)

- Money?

- ID?

and now something special.

you look so handsome today. i am honored to walk the same earth with such an attractive young man. i hope you have a good day.


A quick guide to Eridan, brought to you by [S] Kanaya: Return to the core

Eridan is humble enough to say thanks to his friends for showing faith in him and spending some time on him. 

He may be a bit conceited while saying his thanks, but you know, still. 

If you say anything about hope, he’ll want to know exactly what it’s about. 

Let’s have a look at his relationships. 

We’ll start with Feferi. 

At this point of time, he’s over her, and doesn’t really want the topic to come up much more. (In addition, he’s telling Sollux to lay off any black implications.) 

Eridan wants to stay with her, and he’s totally okay with the fact that they’ll just be friends. It hurts, of course, but it’s better than losing her. 

He is also perfectly capable of being civil, and he’s seriously tired of everyone constantly bringing up his quadrants when he just wants to talk about something completely unrelated. Such as switching sides for self-preservation. 


Sollux is a dick towards him.

Really, if you’re on Trollmegle and you meet an Eridan, being Sollux (or Rose in a bad mood) is nearly your only excuse for being a complete asshole towards him, but in turn, you get to treat the seadweller like shit while staying in character. 

Eridan is an asshole back, though. 

A lot. 

Karkat next. 

Karkat actually gives a shit. 

When I see Karkats on Trollmegle being complete dicks towards Eridans for more than a few moments of exasperation, I weep for characterisation. 

Eridan talks to Karkat when he has quadrant problems, because he knows Karkat will actually listen and give him advice. 


Like we’ve seen, he’s grateful as all hell to Kanaya. 

Kanaya is a supporter. She made his magic wand science stick, and Eridan has trust in her. Also, Eridan doesn’t sense the sarcasm, and genuinely intends to use his powers in the way he thinks will be good. 

She’s sarcastic to him about it sometimes, but she doesn’t really mean to. In fact, she makes sure to admit it early when she worries she might have offended him. This has absolutely nothing to do with his royal status or anything - just respect for a friend. 

And guess what? No offense taken! 

In fact, he takes so little offense that he offers to give Kanaya lessons in being more offensive. Read into that as you will, but they’re tight, man. 

Let’s round things up for now. 

I could go on and on about characterisation of Eridan, but that’ll have to wait. For now, I’ll just say that [S] Kanaya: Return to the core. should be mandatory brush-up for anyone roleplaying as Eridan, writing Eridan, or interacting with Eridan as Sollux, Karkat, Kanaya, or Feferi. 

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