
monkey d. luffy aka the aroace king of my heart


sarah | ao3 @ soccersarah01 |
hmu about one piece or hq or orv <3 | also i love cats

Okay so regarding that scumbag Ten Lee who's stollen hundreds, literally HUNDREDS of op fanfic from Ao3 and posted it to fucking wattpad, I went through and grabbed as many as I recognized. I'm certain I missed some so please reblog with ones you may have recognized to get the word out there. Here's what I have:

Fic(s) Stollen:

Oceans Apart by @zoomsbatty

Fic(s) Stollen:

The Story of the Elbow Brace by @mikariin

Marble Forest by @zombie-eats-world

Fic(s) Stolen:

Be Mine by @zoomsbatty

Fic(s) Stolen:

The ASL in Red Saga by kereea

I couldn't find their Tumblr if they have one so if anyone knows them let them know so they can report.

Fic(s) Stolen:

Almost Giving Up Before We've Even Started by @leohanan

Twin Flames by @portgas-d-aroace

These are only the fics that I personally recognized, but he literally has hundreds of stolen pieces. I know this entire situation is awful and seems hopeless, but I'm sick of seeing writing being disrespected, let alone to this level. If your work has been stolen, please take the time to report them, because wattpad doesn't listen to copyright reports unless it comes directly from the fic author.

I am so angry about this, but I'm begging all of my fellow writers who are feeling this not to give up or purge their work. Don't let people like this win. Come together and protect each other and grow stronger in our fandom community. That's why we do this.

Please reblog to spread the word, tag writers who have been affected so they can stand up for themselves and report this coward. Don't let this fool win.

we did it gang!!!


Okay so regarding that scumbag Ten Lee who's stollen hundreds, literally HUNDREDS of op fanfic from Ao3 and posted it to fucking wattpad, I went through and grabbed as many as I recognized. I'm certain I missed some so please reblog with ones you may have recognized to get the word out there. Here's what I have:

Fic(s) Stollen:

Oceans Apart by @zoomsbatty

Fic(s) Stollen:

The Story of the Elbow Brace by @mikariin

Marble Forest by @zombie-eats-world

Fic(s) Stolen:

Be Mine by @zoomsbatty

Fic(s) Stolen:

The ASL in Red Saga by kereea

I couldn't find their Tumblr if they have one so if anyone knows them let them know so they can report.

Fic(s) Stolen:

Almost Giving Up Before We've Even Started by @leohanan

Twin Flames by @portgas-d-aroace

These are only the fics that I personally recognized, but he literally has hundreds of stolen pieces. I know this entire situation is awful and seems hopeless, but I'm sick of seeing writing being disrespected, let alone to this level. If your work has been stolen, please take the time to report them, because wattpad doesn't listen to copyright reports unless it comes directly from the fic author.

I am so angry about this, but I'm begging all of my fellow writers who are feeling this not to give up or purge their work. Don't let people like this win. Come together and protect each other and grow stronger in our fandom community. That's why we do this.

Please reblog to spread the word, tag writers who have been affected so they can stand up for themselves and report this coward. Don't let this fool win.


More fanart! This time it's for @portgas-d-aroace (Also known as SoccerSarah01)'s fanfiction The Sun Must Set to Rise. It is a wonderful fanfiction and an au in the events surrounding Marineford.

  1. It wasn't Ace that took the hit from Akainu
  2. Ace holding Luffy
  3. Pissed off Ace
  4. It's like a comic strip
  5. You're in so much trouble
  6. Sabo and Ace reunited
  7. ASL reunited
  9. All of them combined



a song to bring you home

one piece word count: 4k written for the its pirates server sake exchange ! my giftee was @portgas-d-aroace who wanted "anything asl" and gave me an excuse to write the most self indulgent fic of 2023


“Again?” Sabo whispers, trying to sound mad. Whether he sounds that way or not doesn’t actually matter, since he’s already lifting his blanket in silent invitation.

“Sorry, ‘Bo,” Luffy mumbles thickly. He wastes no time crawling onto Sabo’s thin mattress, and Sabo pulls the blanket back down around them both, tucking it tight to keep the chill away. 

Luffy attaches himself to Sabo’s side like a barnacle, tiny fists curled in his brother’s shirt as if he’s afraid something is going to swoop down and try to wrench them apart. Sabo huffs out a breath that fogs in the air and lets him. 

“Nightmare?” he asks after a moment. He keeps his voice quiet in case Ace is still asleep, even though his twin is the lightest sleeper on the planet. 

Luffy nods once, face buried against Sabo’s shoulder. He’s not trembling, but the way he’s holding himself completely still and silent is its own red flag. 

It’s easy to forget that Luffy is not actually as spoiled as he acts. He whines and cries and pouts like any other privileged little master, he’s bossy and clingy and demands to go where his brothers go even though they all know he won’t be able to keep up, and sometimes—oftentimes—it grates on Sabo’s very last nerve. 

But holding someone like Stelly up to someone like Luffy is like holding an orange up to the sun. There’s literally no comparison. 

If Ace were actually as annoyed by Luffy as he pretends to be, then he wouldn’t be the first one to roll his eyes and throw up his hands and stomp back to collect their youngest when he falls behind. If Sabo actually meant all the mean things he says when they have to waste precious daylight dealing with a stupid scrape on Luffy’s stupid knee, then he wouldn’t suggest the pilgrimage down to Makino’s bar because she has those colorful bandages that always make Luffy smile. 

Luffy is as much an orphan as Ace is—as Sabo pretends to be—and he was so desperate not to be alone that he was willing to die for their reluctant, backhanded friendship. He would run after them until his arms and legs gave out, and then at that point he would probably crawl, just so they don’t leave him behind. 

Stubborn, selfish, stupid Luffy. The unwanted little kid that Ace and Sabo have begun to shape all their days around. 

Something in Sabo’s chest hurts to know that Luffy is afraid. He tips his head and adjusts his arms so that the smaller boy is tucked more securely under his chin. Stars pinwheel slowly across the sky, winter constellations that Sabo will teach his brothers how to find once they manage to get their hands on a halfway decent telescope. There are clouds forming to the east, low and gray, that promise snow. 

“Sing,” Luffy mumbles petulantly. 

“You’re such a brat,” Sabo complains. But he doesn’t make Luffy go away, and it’s only another moment before he starts humming. 

Sabo doesn’t know a lot of music, having successfully dodged his piano tutor for the last two years straight, but there’s a song he overheard on the docks a few months ago that stuck. Some sailors were singing it while they worked. Sabo didn’t catch all the words, so he made up the rest.

He made the mistake of singing it within his little brother’s earshot only once, but once was enough. Now he may as well be a performing monkey, because for every birthday and campfire and boring afternoon and bad dream, Luffy requests the same thing. 

“Now you've got the chance to travel oceans,” Sabo half-says, half-sings, letting it settle somewhere between a story and a lullaby. “I hope the world’s as wide as you were hoping…” 

Luffy sighs, a slow, satisfied thing. The fear-frozen shape of him softens with every word. He’s asleep again within one verse. Sabo sings two more, just in case. 

if you love yourself read this right now


from now on your tumblr nickname is whatever you get from this sexual identity generator 

mine is “retired babygirl” and that’s hilarious


orthodox cishet

I.. I’m a trans lesbian………..


My sexual identity is Error 502 – Bad Gateway.


Bluegrass Bisexual is a dope name for a rockabilly band’s first album.


“self-sacrificing non-binary person” and I literally made a HEY angry eyebrow face at it


that is just literally accurate.

“prophesied trainwreck”

Hey now…

I got “sex furry” and was like “yeah, that’s fair” and clicked again out of sheer curiosity and got “gallant gay” so I guess I’m a gallant gay sex furry which… considering many of my friends envision me as an actual corvid and know I’m Supremely Gay as well as deeply interested in style and hospitality and know a good deal of my kinks?



no more sex. we ran out of sex


The community guideline violation pic is arguably more funny than whatever the original response to “check in the back” for more sex was.


hey white leftists

seeing a lot of white people and i just have to say

I need all white people to read this like 10 times, just because you see yourself as progressive don’t mean you get to talk over people of color and what we side eye


“no matter how badly you think you’re doing it, someone else has done it a lot worse and been fine” is applicable to a wide, wide range of things and i say it to myself all the time


"bigger idiots than me have done it" is a phrase I live by

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