

@deadheaven / deadheaven.tumblr.com

anime, game and fantasy related art
Anonymous asked:

Hi, do you still make the enamel pins? Also, do you have any recommendations on how to place them? I bought some at AnimeNYC 2018 (yes it's been a while) and I was wondering if there was a way to place them securely without damaging something with tight/dense material (like a backpack)

Hello, I haven’t made any new designs, but I still have some stock of my animal characters. If you’re asking how to display pins, I pin them on a corkboard or a firm fabric like canvas and display it on my wall like I would framed artwork. While I enjoy putting pins on my bags and hats, I don’t like the idea of losing them if they fall off, so I have started to display my pins on my wall. Here’s an example of what some people do: 

Hope this helps!


Went to a keyboard meetup and saw some really cool things. Here’s a few pics. Also got to see Mech Merlin who I sometimes watch his vids on YouTube. It was kinda surreal. Tech has come a long way.


I'm playing with a new painting style. Layer styles are a lot of fun. I'm pleased with how these came out ^^


I got my DSA Nature Witch keycaps last month but didn’t know where the best place to gush about it was, until I remembered my love of tumblr lol… sorry tumblr. I swear I didn’t forget about you… but here are some beauty shots of this amazingly cute box for these amazingly cute keycaps! I don’t have the perfect keyboard for them yet, so no pics of them in use just yet. Very excited tho.


more animal doodle requests. ostrich bartender, corgi barbarian, tortoise apothecary, otter bus driver, kitty house elf (which just looks like a cat stuck in a bunch of laundry xD), a tuna philanthrofish, and a golden retriever ninja


is it weird to want to post in places you think no one is watching or just with little-er traffic? just so that you don't feel like you're interrupting everyone's regular flow of content...?


started my animal doodle requests with friends. they name an animal and a fantasy job class and i draw it. this round has... a jaguar bard, a polar bear dragon wrangler, a red panda accountant, a marmot cobbler, a dolphin warrior, a cockatoo paladin, and a papyrus gonolek dragoon. it was fun since it's been so long since i last did this.

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