alas, just an archive

@2archive2archive /


@boldasfire replied:

I’ve done that like 3 or 4 times on here, usually for more Dramatic reasons but honestly yeah, it’s really nice to just start clean and Free sometimes 

i’m so  torn because Starting Fresh is so tempting, but also…. i’ve been on this one for 10 years? which is a stupid long time to be in one place on the internet and it feels weird to leave it.

@boldasfire replied:

All my other blogs still exist, I deleted like the about/side bar info but left all the posts so I can still go back and look at the archive of my life as it were but it's no longer easily identified with me, so it's less like LEAVING and more like just putting into storage

hmmm yeah, that’s a good point. idk, i need to think about this because it feels like a Fairly Big Decision for whatever reason


@tritonreverse​ replied:

I think I’ve just been on this one for long enough that I’m just…here now. This is who I am, for better or worse, all 800 layers of fandom down.

yeah, i definitely feel that. plus, like, the archivist in me doesn’t want to LOOSE all this either. it’s like 10 years worth of my life.

Same! I think I've had this handle 8-9 years at this point, at least? And it's such a personal time capsule. 

i think i’ve been bobafett for.... at least four or five years? i can’t remember when i got it anymore. i was mostly mandalorianed before that. but yeah, like.... it’s a box full of my hyperfixations since sophomore year of high school! that’s a lot!


anyway, like yes, yes, identity and existence is a performance to a certain extent, but tumblr still feels like a place that requires less of a performance. there’s more anonymity not because i’m particularly precious about information about myself, but because tumblr expects less of you. like, i’ve signed the Semi Public Person contract (i livestream d&d twice a week! that ship has sailed!) but tumblr doesn’t care that much because that’s not the big reason people follow me.


@boldasfire replied:

I've done that like 3 or 4 times on here, usually for more Dramatic reasons but honestly yeah, it's really nice to just start clean and Free sometimes 

i’m so  torn because Starting Fresh is so tempting, but also.... i’ve been on this one for 10 years? which is a stupid long time to be in one place on the internet and it feels weird to leave it.


@tritonreverse​ replied:

I think I've just been on this one for long enough that I'm now. This is who I am, for better or worse, all 800 layers of fandom down.

yeah, i definitely feel that. plus, like, the archivist in me doesn’t want to LOOSE all this either. it’s like 10 years worth of my life.


anyway, i’m considering the wisdom of making a new blog and migrating just because this blog is so fucking ancient. it is a lumbering behemoth that contains a probably frighteningly thorough record of my high school psyche, and i feel like a fresh start might be cathartic


  • catharsis
  • new blog = could potentially link it to my new, more public projects with less worry
  • could actually organize content without having to deal with years worth of fucked up tags
  • no matter how deep you went on a new blog, you would never find superwholock


  • starting from 0 followers is intimidating
  • not sure if linking my tumblr to my more public projects is something i actually want since i rather enjoy not having to Perform Dora on here
  • effort is hard

by far the worst part of being an adult is that there are never fewer tasks to do. every day i must get up and do things. and yet. there are always more things to do.

also, every day i pause between tasks and consider the fact that i have full control of my destiny. for better or worse, i could do any number of ill-advised things, and no one could stop me! i could drive to new york! that would be a terrible idea, but i could do it!


i know we all rag on MCU movies for being the most soulless pieces of garbage to grace theaters in the past few evers, but i think the music in those movies really doesnt get enough credit for being the least memorable or emotional music ever heard

every single piece sounds like placeholder music to give an idea of what someone might want for a scene but then they accidentally sent it off without ever actually getting a score composed

i do not know what this is supposed to mean

Frist off, that video was a damn revelation. But I have to wonder if Marvel’s spoilerphobia doesn’t also come in. Because I can’t believe that not a single Marvel executive has never thought “hey, where’s our Imperial March?” If nothing else, to be able to make shorter trailers that will get people talking (as any hint to the Imperial March in a 20sec SW trailer will do).

But if the conversation with the composer goes

“We need a theme tune for this character.” “Great! What can you tell me about their personality, role and narrative development?” “Nothing.”

The composer is probably going to murder you in your sleep.

Watch that video, it’s incredibly insightful.


the least realistic thing about star trek is that starfleet uniforms don’t have pockets and nobody complains about it

My instinct is to agree with this, but like, when I really think about it…

No money, no credit cards, identification is all vocal/fingerprints/retinal, so no wallet.

Again, doors are voice activated, or just unlocked by entering a code.  No keys.  

Communication devices are tiny and stick onto clothing starting in Next Gen.  TOS had bulkier communication that they carried around or kept in, like, packs and stuff, so the arguments for pockets is a little more valid, and if I remember correctly, those costumes did have pockets, tho I could be wrong about that.  But anything post TNG, the point is moot anyway.

Tricorders and phasers are really the only thing anyone’s carrying around, and that’s usually on away missions where they’d be bring their packs/holsters or just have them out.  I mean, who wants to stick a phaser in their pocket?  

So, yeah.  There’s not much little stuff people need to carry around everywhere.  And if they are preparing for a longer journey or want to bring bulkier things, well…just bring a bag.  It fits more anyway.    

what if i find a cool rock and want to take it home with me

Every time a member of the USS Enterprise has found a cool rock and taken it home, it has resulted in eleven deaths, six temporal displacements, the holodecks breaking again, and somebody getting turned into a lizard. Pockets are a privilege, not a right.


so far today i have:

  • taken my flat tire in to get patched / scheduled an appointment to get new front tires
  • brined the turkey i’m gonna roast for dinner
  • had a virtual doctor’s visit re: the ear infection i think i have and got antibiotics for it

and i didn’t even get up until noon, so i’m actually kind of absolutely killing it today


shout out to the hot girl in my playwriting class who responds with “yeah, but that’s derivative of neon genesis evangelion” every time somebody brings up some artsy film i’ve never heard of and they immediately shut up and can’t argue without admitting they’ve seen nge. us regular-looking people could never get away with that. THAT’S what we mean when we say “use your privilege for good” 

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