
Queer Theology

@queertheology / queertheology.tumblr.com

Inspiration, support, and community for LGBTQ Christians and straight cisgender supporters
Anonymous asked:

hey, have been trying to catch up on my faith and wanted to know if there's an episode with a trans woman guest? Its unfortunately kinda difficult to search on the site lol. thanks!!

Yes! Here are a couple:

https://www.queertheology.com/podcast/410/ With Jewish poet and theologian Joy Ladin

https://www.queertheology.com/podcast/408/ with musician Namoli Brennet

and then there are others with folks of other trans/nonbinary/gender queer identities as well!


Hi i hope this is okay but i don’t think i’m a christian anymore and i am having panic attacks about going to hell when i die and i can t stop because like. It’s not fair that no one knows what happens when we die until we get there and i don’t wanna suffer eternally and i want to let go of it but what if it’s real???


We just talked about this on our podcast! You might find this episode helpful: https://www.queertheology.com/podcast/426/


I just read my devotional for today day 1 and it was going another way and I'm wondering would God want me to help another find another path?


If you’re asking about finding another path other than being gay/queer/trans/LGBTQIA+ then NO! That’s just part of your identity! The idea of finding another path is really about asking what are you called to DO in the world? What work for justice is yours to do? Where might you need to change behavior to follow God better or be more in line with your values. It’s not about being less of who you are, it’s about being MORE of who you are. Does that make sense?


In this week’s lectionary podcast, we answer another listener’s question about unpacking shame. We checked our resources to see what articles we’ve written about shame, but we realized most of those have to do with our bodies and sex. So if you want to understand how shame culture impacts the social justice movement and how to talk about shame with others, make sure you tune in.

Then we queered a lectionary text from Ruth, where we see the loyalty of a daughter-in-law to her mother-in-law. This text is often used to represent lesbianism, and is also used frequently in lesbian weddings. However, we share our thoughts on why we don’t see lesbianism in this passage. We also call on all queer folks to learn to read passages like this by understanding when and why it was written—more on that in this week’s episode.

Key Takeaways:

  • Life and Transfigured course update [0:39]
  • Being a life-long learner [4:24]
  • Listener question: unpacking shame [9:04]
  • Shame and justice movements [9:51]
  • What guilt can be an indicator of? [11:47]
  • Getting stuck in shame [13:45]
  • Queering the Bible: Ruth 1:1-18 [17:18]
  • Seeing queer in this passage, not lesbianism though [17:43]
  • Is this passage a gay love story? [20:43]
  • Why was this story written? [24:50]

If you want to support the Patreon and help keep the podcast up and running, you can learn more and pledge your support at patreon.com/queertheology

If you’d like to be featured in future episodes, email your question or Bible passage suggestion to connect@queertheology.com 

 Full transcript here


In this episode, we answer another anonymous question from a Tumblr follower who used to veil a lot before knowing that they are nonbinary. This listener is conflicted as veiling is something they are called to in terms of spiritual practice but felt wrong doing so since they are more trans masculine than anything else. "Would it be wrong of me to veil/do you have advice dealing with traditionally gendered beliefs and practices as a nonbinary person?”

We then queer the text from Genesis, where Brian dives deeper into what the Eden story means for him and how he understands it as a queer person. Fr. Shay also discusses how this text is more of a myth than history - that folks should not treat it as “fact,” especially when categorizing and representing gender and sexuality.

Key Takeaways:

  • Brian life update [0:37]
  • Fr. Shay life update [8:01]
  • Anonymous question from Tumblr about veiling [10:48]
  • The different layers to this listener question [11:24]
  • A real-life gender-specific tradition experienced by Fr. Shay [12:23]
  • What does feel right to you? [13:29]
  • Queering the text: Genesis 2:18-24 [15:23]
  • Why is this passage one of Brian's favorites [16:27]
  • What "it's not good for humans to be alone" means for queer folks [19:56]
  • The story is mythology and not history [23:15]
  • Pay attention to how we are shaped from gender and sexuality myths that we were told growing up [24:46]

Video mentioned in the episode: https://www.queertheology.com/garden-of-eden/

If you want to support the Patreon and help keep the podcast up and running, you can learn more and pledge your support at patreon.com/queertheology

If you’d like to be featured in future episodes, email your question or Bible passage suggestion to connect@queertheology.com

Full transcript can be found here.


In this episode, we answer another anonymous question from Tumblr about the Christian perspective of abortion. “I only ever heard Christian leaders condemn it, even relatively progressive ones, so I was wondering if there was a way to look at it differently?” This is a particularly sensitive, yet interesting question so make sure you tune in for our answers.

We also queered the text from Mark that’s been used as a way to “ward off” queer folks from straight people. We chat about how Christianity takes Bible passages like these very literally when in fact, Jesus was being hyperbolic. So listen for what we believe it means and who really is being convicted here.

Key Takeaways:

  • Life and Danish updates from Brian [0:42]
  • Fr. Shay and his book reading goals [4:09]
  • Anonymous question from Tumblr about abortion [7:27]
  • Learn more about Reproductive Justice at https://rcrc.org/ [8:21]
  • How reproductive justice is also a queer issue [9:54]
  • When Christianity emotionally manipulates [12:00]
  • Queering the text: Mark 9:38-50 [13:29]
  • Jesus is being hyperbolic and what the passage really says [15:57]
  • Who is being convicted in this passage, really? [17:34]

Here are some organizations providing information and resources about abortion as well as protection and access to it:

If you want to support the Patreon and help keep the podcast up and running, you can learn more and pledge your support at patreon.com/queertheology

If you’d like to be featured in future episodes, email your question or Bible passage suggestion to connect@queertheology.com

For the full transcript, click here


In this episode, we answer a question from Tumblr that is filled with hopelessness and exhaustion. Coming from a lesbian and Black person, we understand the gravity of the question and where this person is coming from. “The past year has given me nothing but existential dread. I feel like life is a joke and that even if the bible says God loves us, and despite offering an oasis of relief for a while, he’s just going to smack me down straight to hell in the end. Why trust love?” If you ever feel the same, we hope our answer to the question will be helpful.

Then we queered the text from Mark that talks about Jesus teaching his disciples, “Whoever wants to be first must be least of all and the servant of all.” It basically ties into our previous episode about taking your time to know yourself before jumping into leadership.

Key Takeaways:

  • Fall update from Fr. Shay and Brian [1:04]
  • Anonymous question from Tumblr that is filled with exhaustion [6:07]
  • Be gentle with yourself and pay attention to what’s working [8:10]
  • The punitive theological system makes it worse [9:35]
  • Love Wins by Rob Bell [10:51]
  • Queering the text: Mark 9:30-37 [13:04]
  • Take your time to figure out who you are [15:07]
  • God is NOT in the seat of power [16:51]

Links mentioned in the podcast:

If you want to support the Patreon and help keep the podcast up and running, you can learn more and pledge your support at patreon.com/queertheology

If you’d like to be featured in future episodes, email your question or Bible passage suggestion to connect@queertheology.com


In this episode, we answer a question from Tumblr needing help finding proof that they can share with their mother. The follower wants to help their mother come around to the idea that one’s sexual or gender orientation is not a condemnation to hell. “Do you guys have any ideas on verses, passages, or stories with which I can prove to my mom that anyone ‘living a gay lifestyle’ (her choice of words, not mine) can still go to heaven?”

We then queer the text from James that practically says that you don’t have to be the teacher or leader or spokesperson for the community right off the bat. This goes especially to those who recently come out or those who feel burdened to carry the flag and teach the world about queerness. Remember that you are still in the process of getting to know your identity more. So just let those who have come before you do the work first and, until you are ready to lead, take the backseat and figure out who you are first.

Key Takeaways:

  • What’s going on with Brian and Fr. Shay? [0:40]
  • Listener question from Tumblr asking for any Biblical proof that queer folks can still go to heaven [9:31]
  • Why Fr. Shay thinks this is a hard question to answer [10:13]
  • What queer history has taught us about finding the “right” passage [12:33]
  • More about the Soul Safe workshop [15:22]
  • Queering the text: James 3:1-12 [18:07]
  • Why Brian associates this text with the social media platform: Twitter [19:36]
  • The importance of learning when to be a student, leader, teacher, volunteer, etc. [23:19]
  • The impulse to become a leader [24:41]

Links and video mentioned in the podcast:

Brian talks about Leviticus for 3 hours with a Baptist preacher, click here to see what he learned

Check out the Soul Safe Online workshop: https://go.queertheology.com/soul-safe/

If you want to support the Patreon and help keep the podcast up and running, you can learn more and pledge your support at patreon.com/queertheology

If you’d like to be featured in future episodes, email your question or Bible passage suggestion to connect@queertheology.com

Full transcript here


Transgender People and the Image of God

Over the last couple of months I’ve gotten asked the same question multiple times: How do transgender people fit in with a belief in the “image of God” and the belief that God doesn’t make mistakes?...Your question assumes a couple of things: There is *one* image of God. There is a *right* image of God. We know what the image of God is. I find all of those things hard to believe.


We are back from the Summer Series and we hope you enjoyed the throwback of some of our (and our listeners’) favorites. If you haven’t listened to any of our Summer Series episodes, feel free to go back and give them a listen!

In today’s episode, we answer a listener question asking for any reference about the LGBTQ community or maybe about loving someone of the same gender in the Bible. Here’s why the listener asked: “My friend is having a debate with another person about it and my friend is trying to showcase the LGBTQ community in a positive light.” We actually have a short answer to wrap this question up, so make sure you tune in.

As usual, we took a queer look at the text from Proverbs 22, which basically talks about the importance of being good. Simply being good and not harvesting evil. Additionally, Fr. Shay and Brian explain what having a good reputation really is and not the ones we grew up on when we were younger.

Key Takeaways:

  • Update on Fr. Shay and Brian’s lives since their last regular episode [1:00]
  • Listener question: reference from the Bible that says anything negative and positive about the LGBTQ community? [6:27]
  • Brian's quick answer [6:56]
  • What do we do with clobber passages? [8:40]
  • Queering the Bible: Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23 [11:00]
  • Why Brian appreciates this text [11:58]
  • What jumps out for Fr. Shay [14:32]
  • A progressive follower is harder [16:30]
  • Diving deeper into "good reputation" [17:49]

Link mentioned in this episode: Check out the Clobbering the Clobber Passages workshop - click here

If you want to support the Patreon and help keep the podcast up and running, you can learn more and pledge your support at patreon.com/queertheology

If you’d like to be featured in future episodes, email your question or Bible passage suggestion to connect@queertheology.com


In this exciting episode, Brian and Fr. Shay interview Elle Dowd, author of the kick-ass book Baptized in Tear Gas. In this interview, Elle shares the story of what ignited her passions, the protests that she joined and what they taught her, how her activism and faith have merged, and so much more! Tune in to learn more about her book and how it came to be.

For the full transcript, click here


And just like that our Summer Series has ended and we are ending it with the most popular episode from 2016! This episode emphasizes the amazingness that can flow from queerness. We explore queer magic and invite you to be bolder and go deeper in your queer journey. In what ways might you be holding yourself back and in what ways might God be inviting you to use your gifts to serve the world?

For the full transcript, click here 


We are only a few episodes away from the end of this year’s Summer Series and today, we queer the text from Matthew about sheep and goats. This text contains some harsh words about God separating out the sheep from the goats, and damning the latter to eternal fire. But who exactly are the goats? And what does one do to end up there? Growing up we were taught that those who haven’t accepted Jesus are damned to hell, but this passage has a surprisingly different explanation.


Do I Have To Be Okay with Transgender People?

I hear this question a lot. The sense I get is that the asker is saying: “Can I still be a good and loving person and believe this way?” At least that’s the generous understanding. It could be coming from a place of “In this age of political correctness is it possible to hold a viewpoint that feels offensive to some people?”


This Summer Series of the podcast is from one of our long-time listeners, Morgan. She shares why this episode is her favorite. This episode is about the Transfiguration story or Jesus’ coming out moment. How did this experience shape Jesus’ ministry and his relationship with his disciples? How does this passage give all of us permission to read our own stories into the biblical text?

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