

18+☆ PWP ☆ power bottom ☆ loss of virginity

Tony Stark is a shameless workaholic. He can't live without his work, but lately he's been nothing but exhausted from it. He needs a vacation. Alone in a nice spa. Unfortunately, he won't be as alone as he thought. 

The hotel he's staying in employed Peter Parker for the whole summer and Tony begins to realize the more bored he is, the more he wants to tease him. Unfortunately for him, things will take a quick turn.


(Tony loves the fact that Peter knows how to work his tech. — starker manip)


A scene from chapter 5 of You're Not Yet Done by @ursafootprints [i.e. my absolute favorite starker fic]

"It wasn't your fault," he snapped. "You didn't do anything wrong. It would have happened anyway, okay, because it was him and not you, but you act like-- you still act like I don't want you around or something, or like I'm afraid of you or whatever, like you can't get close or I'll freak out which is so stupid because I'm the one that keeps pushing--"

"You flinched," Tony said in the pause between one word and the next, and then he flinched himself, like his own words came as a shock.

Peter went still, a beat behind in processing the abrupt change of gears, the tidal wave of anger in him warring with an opposing gale of confusion.

"What?" He said, finally, when even after a few moments of heavy silence he still couldn't pin down what Mr. Stark meant.



18+ alternative universe 1950s ☆ comming out ☆ fluff and smut

He’ll be here any second now, Peter thought as he looked at the clock. Both of the hands were pointing at the number twelve and it was about time for his favourite midnight guest.

Peter Parker is a teenager working at a nonstop restaurant on the side of a highway to New York city. It’s summer 1956 and being a queer kid is not an easy thing. He hides his sexuallity from the world and lives a boring life. The only spark of excitement for him is a mysterious man, entering the restaurant every once in a while exactly at midnight and Peter knows he would give anything to get to know him…

PART 1 ☆  PART 2 ☆  PART 3

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