


But will never post it, 23


This was on a NATIONAL broadcast. A NATIONAL broadcast... these innocent men were trying to flee to find safety... there are just too many words to describe the inhumanity and morally depravity involved in being able to do something like this -the IOF are the real terrorists.


This is not a natural disaster. This was not inevitable. They didn't grow up like this. It was inflicted on them by the vilest sadists on earth.


An Egyptian vendor in Upper Egypt throws his produce onto aid trucks upon learning that they are headed to Gaza.

Despite the traitorous coordination and normalization efforts of the Arab regimes, the people remain dedicated to Palestine.

[via RNN]


This is pure art.

For those curious, this was taken at the Oceti Sakowin camp during the No DAPL protests in Cannon Ball, North Dakota. The photograph is titled “Defend the Sacred” by Ryan Vizzions. I did not find the name of the subject on horseback.


Her name was  Marissa Blacklance. #Dakota38 rider, & front line water protector at Standing Rock. She was killed by a drunk driver in January of 2018.  Her mother is using this tragedy to make changes benefitting our community with the Yellow Scarf tribute. 


Genuinely curious, has anyone read a physical book that involves Soulmate AU? I love the trope and need some physicals books for holiday 💕


broke: midsommar is a girl power movie

woke: midsommar is a horrifying movie about a manipulative cult

bespoke: midsommar is a litmus test to tell how easily you could be indoctrinated into a cult and if your first thought after watching it is that it was a girl power movie you’re very susceptible to cult tactics and you should be aware of that

you’re the only person who’s allowed to reply to this post anymore


why have i never seen this then

praise the lord for nurse charles

candy apples?! is that what that is


Josh and Jake were created as twins for the sole purpose of understanding each other’s nonsense because no one else can


How most people with invisible illnesses are treated by health care “professionals”

The Golden Girls didn’t fuck around

pls watch

honestly i really appreciated this scene when I first saw it bc it took me like two years to get a diagnosis for what’s wrong with me


Dorothy:  Dr. Budd?

Dr. Budd:  Yes?

Dorothy:  You probably don’t remember me, but you told me I wasn’t sick.  Do you remember?  You told me I was just getting old.

Dr. Budd:  I’m sorry, I really don’t–

Dorothy:  Remember.  Maybe you’re getting old.  That’s a little joke.  Well, I tell you, Dr. Budd, I really am sick.  I have chronic fatigue syndrome.  That is a real illness.  You can check with the Center for Disease Control.

Dr. Budd:  Huh.  Well, I’m sorry about that.

Dorothy:  Well, I’m glad!  At least I know I have something.

Dr. Budd:  I’m sure.  Well, nice seeing you.

Dorothy:  Not so fast.  There are some things I have to say.  There are a lot of things that I have to say.  Words can’t express what I have to say.  [tearing up]  What I went through, what you put me through—I can’t do this in a restaurant.

Dr. Budd:  Good!

Dorothy:  But I will!

Dr. Budd’s date:  Louis, who is this person?

Dr. Budd:  Look, Miss–

Dorothy:  Sit.  I sat for you long enough.  Dr. Budd, I came to you sick—sick and scared—and you dismissed me.  You didn’t have the answer, and instead of saying “I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with you,” you made me feel crazy, like I had made it all up.  You dismissed me!  You made me feel like a child, a fool, a neurotic who was wasting your precious time.  Is that your caring profession?  Is that healing?  No one deserves that kind of treatment, Dr. Budd, no one.  I suspect had I been a man, I might have been taken a bit more seriously, and not told to go to a hairdresser.

Dr. Budd:  Look, I am not going to sit here anymore–

Dr. Budd’s date:  Shut up, Louis.

Dorothy:  I don’t know where you doctors lose your humanity, but you lose it.  You know, if all of you, at the beginning of your careers, could get very sick and very scared for a while, you’d probably learn more from that than anything else.  You’d better start listening to your patients.  They need to be heard.  They need caring.  They need compassion.  They need attending to.  You know, someday, Dr. Budd, you’re gonna be on the other side of the table, and as angry as I am, and as angry as I always will be, I still wish you a better doctor than you were to me.


Reblogging for any of my mutuals who’ve ever dealt with Dr. Budd.

Vote Dorothy Zbornak/Julia Sugarbaker 2016

I had a very similar experience. When i sought help with weight loss, a GP told me it was all in my head and nothing to do with my hormones. 3 years later they discovered a number of issues including cysts on my ovaries and thyroid issues. A year or so later i ended up at the same GP for post natal depression. The same man told me to snap out of it and ‘i should be happy with my new child’, and dismissed my PTSD from the traumatic birth experience as rubbish and told me if i lost weight i’d be happier.

I then basically refused to go to the GP for 6 years because of this man. But 2 things happened;

1. He got sued for medical negligence and suddenly feigned depression to cover up a prescription drug additiction. He’s kept his job and has now been promoted to head of the practice.

2. I finally saw an understanding GP who diagnosed me with an extremely long list of serious issues, including referring me for a hysterectomy. This is now 10 years since the first Dr told me i had nothing wrong with me. If i had been treated then i would still be able to have more children.

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