
The Romance Of A Fangirl

@staryeyedgirl / staryeyedgirl.tumblr.com

Age: eternal
sexuality: Pan
What you can all me: Lalonde, cherry, or Panda I still rp if anyone is interested. (Oc: Erie aph: Fem!ireland)

cats are so beautiful and loving…. when they paw at you and ask u to pet them.. when they purr and close their eyes in content… a warm loaf … when they knead on you… thinking YOU are the bread… stupid… they are the bread… i love cats… so much….


I watched a documentary about stylized posters and why they don’t show up as much as they used to and its because of focus group testing. A bunch of studios test out these posters on random people and when they show posters like the spiderman one their like 

“The poster is a cartoon that means the movie is a cartoon, im an adult i don’t watch cartoons” 

They prefer the dull poster since it has all the celebrities because their like “hey i recognize that person i like them i will see the movie”

If your interested in the doc its called “ 24X36: A Movie About Movie Posters “ another one i recommend  “ Drew: The Man Behind the Poster”

tldr: posters today are dull cause a lot of people are dumb

So basically we can’t have cool posters cause people are cowards


I won some lil kid fairy wings at a work quiz today and I’m gonna put them on prim and see what happens and I literally can’t wait to get home I’m counting down the minutes

clearly she loved every second




What’s also neat to study with screencaps of disney movies is how they use color in their lines. They don’t just pick any colors! 

For example, check out Jasmine and Mulan. Both of them have black hair, but we get subtle differences between them. 

Mulan, for example, has hair made with dark brown lines. We get the idea that her hair is probably a very deep, deep shade of brown, or that as light filters through her hair, we’re seeing that brown subsurface scattering.

Jasmine, meanwhile, has hair that is so deep black we sometimes see it as blue. This is black hair with cool undertones, as opposed to Mulan’s hair with warm undertones. Which in pure color speak is impossible, but is something that happens with hair, since hair is mildly translucent and reflective. 

You can even compare that further with Esmeralda, who has grey lines that give the illusion of neutral undertones.

They can also use color to give characters that fantasy feel or the feel of completely unnatural hair. Princess Aurora, for example, has technically darker hair than Charlotte LaBouff. But, with the lighter outlines? Aurora’s hair looks absolutely fairytale golden, while Lottie’s looks like a more natural flaxen blonde.

How disney uses color isn’t the be-all end-all, but they can give you some really neat ideas for showing a lot of information in a condensed drawing. 


It doesn’t end there:

another addition

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