I'm bitter


@peachedpocky staff deleted my old acct so here I am while I wait for them to get back to me 🙃🙃

“Did you know the Italians have 200 different words for pasta?”

Now available in Inuktitut syllabics.

I beg your pardon?? Italians have more than 250 words for pasta (or even 400, if we count all the types that aren’t on the market anymore)

That’s the trouble with the Inuit. Always underestimating the true number of Italian words for pasta.


The world vs. Italy when the topic is pasta


someone: luke skywalker beat darth vader and ended the empire

everyone else in the galaxy:

everyone on tatooine:


Imagine being the local jock from Toshe Station and turning on the news to learn that the guy you called “Wormie” in desert high school just killed the two most powerful people in the galaxy. 


*my extremely muscled biceps holds up this sucker:*

i’m not entirely certain what a vibe check is but boi howdy i’m ready to improvise my own definition 


Don’t send me nudes send me pictures of giant crystals that are bigger than they really have any right to be

Here you go


I love them??


These are all so beautiful

I want all of these in my house somehow

That’s it, guys, I’m moving to a deadly cave in Mexico


If i’m telling you, “this is a hot plate.” But I make no effort to put it down, i’m internally yelling at you to move your shit. Your phone. Your keys. Your bread. Whatever is directly in front of you is from that point on is now classified as your shit. The shit you are suddenly responsibly for and I am burning my hands for. Move your shit. I’m not going to move it for you.

Shoutout to the people who see me approaching with their food and immediately start clearing the way for me. You are the real MVPs. You know what’s up. You understand.

As for everybody else. Move. Your. Shit.


We see that and we respect the fuck out of you. Thank you.


where is that renaissance painting with those two fellers and a giant fucking random skull on the floor that looks like it was accidentally stretched out in photoshop

somebody please explain

Someone once told me it’s like that because it was designed to be hung in a stairwell so the skull pops out as you walk past.

…I guess it works but you have to be at a pretty sharp angle

There was a whole trend at one point where artists would include something in their paintings (usually a skull, for whatever reason) that’s super distorted in just the right way so that it looks normal if you hold the painting up to a convex/concave mirror. I have absolutely no idea why. But I think that’s what’s going on here.


In case anyone’s curious, here’s what it looks like when you walk past it irl:

It does have a 3D effect to it! It’s pretty neat, guess it would be even more impressive to people from the 14th century.

honestly, people just looking at the skull are missing the real deal here

You can read any implied text you see in this thing, even the book, that’s how detailed it is. Look at the painting on those letters!

jesus christ you’re just showing off now, Hans!


anyway, the skull apparently had some meaning about the transcendence of death, you can only see it clearly when you can’t see the world clearly and vice versa, but man, I’m all about the detail in this guy’s shit


No, I think you’re missing the real deal here

“...hey Ochako.. happy birthday.”

Happy new year everyone! Starting off with a belated gift for Uraraka’s Birthday 🎂

Many thanks to @lupizora for the lovely idea she had 🙈🙈🙈 aaaaaa



Please don’t make your kids eat foods they hate


There’s a way to make sure your kid has a healthy, balanced diet without making them eat foods they hate. If they can’t do the texture of broccoli, do soy or citrus for the same vitamins. “Eat your vegetables” shouldn’t mean choke down the mushy peas that set their teeth on edge. This is a teaching opportunity: “Just because you can’t do this thing doesn’t mean you’re bad, it just means we have to figure out a different way to do it so you’re capable and healthy.”

that is such a great way to put it

My mom always had the “no-thank-you bite” rule if it was a new food that we were unsure about. One bite, that’s all we needed. And if it ended up being something we hated, she’d get us to try it again a couple months later, and if we still didn’t like it, we didn’t have to eat it again. I still can’t eat fish, rice, hamburgers, coconut, or eggs, so if she makes a meal including one of those, she’ll cook something similar but slightly different for me (chicken instead of fish, turkey burgers instead of hamburgers, noodles instead of rice, etc.). It’s saved me a lot of horror with food and given me a much healthier relationship with eating new things.

good parenting


Yeah, forcing kids to eat foods is actually a bona-fide way to give them issues further down the line. They start to have negative experiences with foods and will start to refuse to try new things. The no-thank-you bite rule is absolutely amazing. I have also seen it as the three-bite rule.  

i hear time and again from people whose parents forced them to eat foods they hated, only to find out years later about an undiagnosed allergy or sensory issues. (e.g. my autism was undiagnosed, and for years my food issues were dismissed as being a “picky eater”)

if a food causes a child distress, there’s zero reason to coerce them to eat it. whether or not it’s a medical issue, it still sets them up to have dysfunctional relationships with food down the line


I’m so confused why he would think cookie dough would give him salmonella??? What parent told him this. There’s no chicken in there!

Two words: Raw eggs.

?? What kind of world do you live in where Raw eggs carry salmonella or are in anyway unsafe

Don’t ask me, ask them Americans. I’m an Asian just passing the word on

*deep breath* Though the risk is small, raw eggs can carry samonella.

MORE THREATENINGLY Raw wheat can carry E. Coli. However, if you don’t mind making your own cookie dough, you can easily make it safely.

Take your standard recipe. Omit the eggs. Eggs serve as a binding agent to hold the cookie together. Since we’re eating the dough raw, that’s not needed. Take the flour, put it in a pan and bake it at 350 for 7 minutes. Any E. Coli is now dead.

Just mix the rest of the ingredients together as the recipe is called for and BAM, perfectly safe edible cookie dough.

Thank u so fucking much for this wisdom

wait you’re telling my i can get E, Coli just FROM EATING FLOUR straight from the bag???

Why..why are you eating flour straight from the bag?

It like how it tastes vaguely of sawdust


multi wearing some stuff insp by gucci’s year of the art collection lol

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