



Snails/snäckor. Most of them (all?) ought to be White-lipped snail/trädgårdssnäcka, but I'm really bad at classifying snails. Värmland, Sweden (May 10, 2020).


So we all know that Crowley isn't really gay or bi or anything because he's really just Aziraphalesexual, right?

Which means... this is his pride flag.

He would be mortified.


Feelings that will never fade…

Incorrect Good Omens Quotes Masterpost Part 1 : here

Incorrect Good Omens Quotes Masterpost Part 2 : here



[Mabli on Michael Sheen's lap and in front of them dolls of Aziraphale and Crowley]

Mabli: Daddy.

[Michael points at Aziraphale] Daddy. [and then he points at Crowley] Who's that?

Mabli: Mmmmmm. Uncle David.


Having a bad day? Let Michael greet you with a nice "hello" 🤭


My brother the britsh gouvernment !  I need to fix some stuff shortly. I’m not yet satisfied  

I love their relationship :)

finished one here : the holmes

thanks for all these notes ! *happy happy happy*


Where He Belongs

221B / Prompt for Thursday May 2: Box

When John finally carries his small suitcase and duffle into 221B, he sees that he’s not the one taking up the lion’s share of the space. Sherlock has multiple boxes piled in the sitting room, some open and spilling their contents. 

It’s fine. John travels light, taking up as little space as possible. The army didn’t provide spacious quarters, and in the years before, he’s lived in more spaces than he can count. He carries what he needs, doesn’t settle in. 

Sherlock spreads his possessions around the flat. Crime scene photos are tacked to the wall, maps spread on the floor, chemical experiments on the kitchen table. 

In the shared bath, John’s bar of soap and shampoo bottle sit on the window sill because it apparently takes lots of product, dozens of bottles, to achieve that effortlessly tousled look. 

John rather enjoys the spectacle of Sherlock Holmes on a case, pacing, leaving cups of tea on the mantel, under his chair, behind a pile of books. 

Sherlock is not possessive, and assumes his flatmate isn’t either. He borrows John’s laptop if he can’t locate his own, uses John’s phone, drinks from his RAMC mug. If the flat’s cold, he wears the jumper John thought he’d misplaced. 

And John soon notices a curious thing. He doesn’t mind. This is where he belongs. 

❤️ Thanks for reading/reblogging! I'm collecting all my ficlets here on AO3: Trifles3




This roe deer/rådjur is very pregnant, and if you look at her belly, you can clearly see her babies kicking! She is most likely expecting two fawns, one male and one female. Värmland, Sweden (April 27, 2024).


Ok so today I was on the bus with another trans guy and we were talking about how hard it is to get testosterone. The waiting lists, the price, all the doctors you have to go to, that kind of stuff. Except, we were calling it ’T’, like you do when you’re both closeted and in public.

Then suddenly the elderly lady sitting behind us was like ‘young men, either I’m going crazy or you both have never heard of supermarkets, they have shelves full of tea there! Do you need directions to one?’

To which my buddy starts to explain, because why not. ‘Well you see, we’re both trans, and… ’

The lady didn’t wait for him to finish his sentence. ‘Oh no, I don’t mind that at all! Now do you want to know how to get to a place that sells tea? I’m actually heading there right now!’

We let her take us to the supermarket. We let her show us, excitedly, where the tea was. We both bought loads.

This is beautiful


It has been literal years but every time I see Martin’s tweets posted somewhere and his word is shared as truth while her post is not shared it sort of reiterates the fact that we trust men to speak about feminism more than we believe women who experience it. 

Reading her account of how their boss treated her blows me away. Men are so emboldened that they will literally admit to illegal discrimination casually and face no consequences.

In all the years of seeing this post I’ve never seen a link to her side. Didn’t even know she’d written one.


Adding screenshots of her post. His whole post is there without needing a link. Hers should be, too.

Also, she posted this is 2017! It’s fucking 2020 and I’ve seen his side of this for years, but it took 3 years for her side to make its way to my dash…

I’ve reblogged his story at least twice; it’s time for Nicole’s.

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